Today, let's look at Daniel 3:16 - 18
We find "some astrologers"
coming to the king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, to denounce the Jews. In
all likely-hood, because they were not able to get these teenagers to do
as they were told. After all, these Jews were servants in the king's house
and were not complying to the rules. They were refusing to worship the
idol set up by the king. These "tattletails" were crying to the king
like a child who could not make a baby brother do what they told him.
want to interject some interesting notes: These were Jewish teenagers,
from the tribe of Judah, being faithful to the God that brought their
ancestors out of Egypt, the land of stressful slavery. Their Hebrew
names were Hananiah (meaning: God Has Been Gracious), renamed Shadrach,
meaning Command of Aku (Babylonian god of the moon). Mishael (meaning:
Who Is Like Unto God), renamed Meshach, meaning Who Is What Aku Is.
And Azariah (meaning: Helped Of God) renamed Abednego, meaning Servant
of Nebo (Babylonian god of wisdom). Further, these young men were from
royal families of nobility among the Jews noted to be highly
educated with aptitude and intellect. Beautiful Hebrew names changed to
names of idols. What a terrible change of names for them. From their view
point probably very demeaning. I think I would be a bit angry over the
name change.
Moving on, verse 16 gives us the reply of these
three young men. In front of the mighty king who held their lives in
his hands, they refuse to defend themselves. What beautiful pride in
their faith. They tell the king their god is mighty enough to save them
from fire and this king and furthermore, if their God does not save
them from certain death, they refuse to serve or worship false gods or
the image the king set up. WOW !!! They lived in the palace, clothed
in finery and had food available to them from the king's kitchen. Young men ready to die for devotion to God.
Do you know a
teenager today who would stand like this in front of Napoleon, Hitler,
Stalin or Hussein? No wonder God chose to save them from the burning
furnace. They did not even smell of smoke. The king praised God and
gave a command to anyone who spoke against the God they worshiped. He
even promoted them. What an amazing testimony from God. What would you
do in such a situation?
There is a message in verse 3:26 &
27 which talks about the king calling them out of the fire and noting
their clothes were not even singed by the fire that had burned others
who even approached it. God calls us to come out of death; come out of
your fire - your trial. Come out of a world that is often times anti God. Come out of a past of death unto life with
Him. Life more abundant today and life eternal tomorrow. This is our
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
Monday, August 26, 2019
Man Is Born Wicked
The nature of man is wicked. We are born into sin. It seems worse
today because of media that makes news immediate and more population
makes for higher statistics. Those who teach man is basically good,
make excuses for choices that people make. No one is being held
accountable. This is a destructive idea and shows how God's word is
being abandoned.
The Bible does not say that people are basically good. We are born bad so we will need God. He's good for us. We were given free will to make choices between good or bad behavior. Example: Children need to be taught character and morals, they are not born with a sense of anything other than self. Manners, morals and integrity have to be ingrained in them. It surely was not a good thing that people watched Christians be torn apart by lions. What about war, torture and rape? What about slavery and human trafficking? Man is inherently evil and needs God for His mercy.
People have turned from belief in God to belief in themselves. Everything is self, lack of responsibility and greed. These are not Biblical teachings. People are turning from the wisdom of the Bible. America seems to be doing better than most countries because it was founded on the Bible and Christian values to start with. But, time marches on and the focus is turning from God's values to self and it's escalating.
Schools are teaching "self" to our children with the "everyone is a winner" theology. Indeed everyone is not a winner. Giving a prize to everyone when one has shown their self to excel, is ridiculous. The child who made the extra effort to advance is being punished. All others are receiving the message that
they do not have to try.
Universities campuses are sending new adults into the world with little knowledge of true history, morals or compassion for others while killing Christian values.
Bring prayer back into schools, teach our children moral values and return to Bible based rule. People need God. We need God for something extraordinary to believe in. We need God for strength, wisdom, protection, health, safety and something worthy of worship. God makes us over 3,000 promises in the Bible, if we follow Him. World history proves we need Him. Remember saying grace over a meal? What happened to closing major shopping on Sunday, common politeness, manners and respect? When did we stop seeing our fellow man the same as us, with feelings and struggles? When did we begin to let minority rule? When did we stop caring? Can people not see that as we get away from Bible teachings so many human values are disappearing? Common sense is dying an agonizing death. God, my friends, God is the answer to everything wrong in our society today.
The Bible does not say that people are basically good. We are born bad so we will need God. He's good for us. We were given free will to make choices between good or bad behavior. Example: Children need to be taught character and morals, they are not born with a sense of anything other than self. Manners, morals and integrity have to be ingrained in them. It surely was not a good thing that people watched Christians be torn apart by lions. What about war, torture and rape? What about slavery and human trafficking? Man is inherently evil and needs God for His mercy.
People have turned from belief in God to belief in themselves. Everything is self, lack of responsibility and greed. These are not Biblical teachings. People are turning from the wisdom of the Bible. America seems to be doing better than most countries because it was founded on the Bible and Christian values to start with. But, time marches on and the focus is turning from God's values to self and it's escalating.
Schools are teaching "self" to our children with the "everyone is a winner" theology. Indeed everyone is not a winner. Giving a prize to everyone when one has shown their self to excel, is ridiculous. The child who made the extra effort to advance is being punished. All others are receiving the message that
they do not have to try.
Universities campuses are sending new adults into the world with little knowledge of true history, morals or compassion for others while killing Christian values.
Bring prayer back into schools, teach our children moral values and return to Bible based rule. People need God. We need God for something extraordinary to believe in. We need God for strength, wisdom, protection, health, safety and something worthy of worship. God makes us over 3,000 promises in the Bible, if we follow Him. World history proves we need Him. Remember saying grace over a meal? What happened to closing major shopping on Sunday, common politeness, manners and respect? When did we stop seeing our fellow man the same as us, with feelings and struggles? When did we begin to let minority rule? When did we stop caring? Can people not see that as we get away from Bible teachings so many human values are disappearing? Common sense is dying an agonizing death. God, my friends, God is the answer to everything wrong in our society today.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Genesis 5
Very few people like to read the "begats" in any chapter. Names are
difficult to pronounce and few are interested in tracing family trees in
the Bible from thousands of years ago. It can be interesting, though.
Nothing from God is by accident or without reason. The bible is like
an onion that can be pealed layer after layer.
In the fascinating Hebrew language (The language God gave Adam; the language that Moses and all the profits used to write original manuscripts of the Old Testament), names have meaning that relates to the person or the story being told.
ALSO, any time anything appears in the Bible for the first time, it is significant. This is no different with the first "begats" of the Bible found in Genesis 5.
If we take each name listed, in the order that it appears and translate the meaning, we find a hidden message that is revelation, prophecy and shows the divine order of this Book of God's word. Let's check this out:
Adam, in Hebrew, translates "Man", Seth - "Appointed", Enosh - "Mortal", Kenan - "Sorrow". Mahalalel translates "God's Splendor", Jared - "Descended", Enoch - "Teacher". Methuselah translates "His Death Will Bring", Lamech - "Disparaging", Noah - "Rest".
It is easy to break these down into three sentences:
1. Man (was) appointed mortal sorrow. This refers to the fall of man (Adam) in the garden.
2. God's splendor descended teacher. Who descended from heaven as our great teacher; the splendor of God?
3. His death will bring disparaging rest. Jesus suffered humiliation, degredation before His agonizing death so we might rest through faith in him.
Genesis 5, is not only some boring "begats" but here we see God's plan for the ages in the fifth chapter of the first book that Moses wrote. It is prophetic promise of salvation for mankind through "the splendor of God". I don't know about you, but this helps strengthen my faith. Such a statement gives credibility to Moses knowledge of God, God's perfect order, God's love for man, God in charge and I want to know more of this amazing God of Gods.
One more point: These begats are broken into 3 sentences. Three is the number of perfection - God in three parts. These three sentences reveal to us not only a trinity but inform us that God's plan is perfect. We can trust in our future as Christian believers.
In the fascinating Hebrew language (The language God gave Adam; the language that Moses and all the profits used to write original manuscripts of the Old Testament), names have meaning that relates to the person or the story being told.
ALSO, any time anything appears in the Bible for the first time, it is significant. This is no different with the first "begats" of the Bible found in Genesis 5.
If we take each name listed, in the order that it appears and translate the meaning, we find a hidden message that is revelation, prophecy and shows the divine order of this Book of God's word. Let's check this out:
Adam, in Hebrew, translates "Man", Seth - "Appointed", Enosh - "Mortal", Kenan - "Sorrow". Mahalalel translates "God's Splendor", Jared - "Descended", Enoch - "Teacher". Methuselah translates "His Death Will Bring", Lamech - "Disparaging", Noah - "Rest".
It is easy to break these down into three sentences:
1. Man (was) appointed mortal sorrow. This refers to the fall of man (Adam) in the garden.
2. God's splendor descended teacher. Who descended from heaven as our great teacher; the splendor of God?
3. His death will bring disparaging rest. Jesus suffered humiliation, degredation before His agonizing death so we might rest through faith in him.
Genesis 5, is not only some boring "begats" but here we see God's plan for the ages in the fifth chapter of the first book that Moses wrote. It is prophetic promise of salvation for mankind through "the splendor of God". I don't know about you, but this helps strengthen my faith. Such a statement gives credibility to Moses knowledge of God, God's perfect order, God's love for man, God in charge and I want to know more of this amazing God of Gods.
One more point: These begats are broken into 3 sentences. Three is the number of perfection - God in three parts. These three sentences reveal to us not only a trinity but inform us that God's plan is perfect. We can trust in our future as Christian believers.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Lord, I Want to be Like Jesus in My Heart
is a woman acquaintance of mine that can really get under my skin. She
tells people about me in front of me; you know, she acts like she knows
me intimately while ignoring that I am standing beside her. Ew!
She is loud, rude, interrupts and finishes my sentences when I am talking to others. She tries to inject herself into my life; wants to be my friend. She has no friends because others in our small town find her as irritating as I do. It is difficult for her to take a hint and I have found myself being openly impatient and rude to her. Bad Christian, bad ! !
Excuse: I do not make friends easily. Many years ago, a "friend" turned on me in a way that changed the course of my life and I have been very cautious about friends ever since. It took me many years to even accept a friend after that. I take friendship very seriously and can count close friends from my entire life on one hand. I choose my friends (carefully) - not the other way around.
Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart.
I found myself being rude to her one day (not that she even noticed) and that night prayed about the situation, because I was ashamed. Next morning, I took my coffee in front of one of my favorite TV evangelists just to hear him talking about being nice to people who are irritating. Oooops! Next morning, with coffee in front of another minister, I heard a similar message about patience with people who are difficult and do not have friends.
Yes, He speaks to us in various ways, when we are listening. (I wish I had not been listening.) You know that creepy feeling that convicts you of poor behavior when you are beginning to get smug about yourself ? It's called conviction.
Realize: God will not let me move on with my spiritual growth until I deal with this issue. What to do?
First, realize she is a sheep without a shepherd. She is a sister in Christ. (We should never be openly impatient with a fellow Christian.) She is her own worst enemy. She needs a friend. Granted, we will never be close but I can be more patient with her.
I am vowing to have better conversations with her than just "no", "okay" and "that's nice". I will give her more of my time, rather than making excuses to run away. I should be flattered rather than irritated.
Then, I will pray for her . . . . and me. There is magic in praying for any one you have a problem with. It's a trick of God: When you pray for anyone, you find yourself defending them, asking help for them and generally becoming their advocate. This, in turn, makes you more sensitive and understanding to their situation which softens your feelings and creates more Godly attitude in you (me). Praying for anyone you have an issue with can really improve your own situation.
This lady does not persecute me; actually quite the opposite. So, I should thank God that anyone admires me enough to want to be a friend. (It would just be easier if she would take "no" for an answer. - just kidding! LOL)
Praise God who loves me enough to correct me gently.
P.S. It is now a couple months after I first posted this blog. I want to let you know that I have made the effort to look at her face when I talk to her. I even initiate conversation. She does not "strain" any more to get my attention or go out of her way to push in and interrupt. Things are much more relaxed between us. She is not imposing herself on me. We have casual conversation and move on. That is all this woman wanted; a little recognition - the same recognition that I give anyone else. It was not easy to write this article. I wanted to share just in case this personal experience will help someone else smooth over a similar situation. She did not want to inject herself into my life, merely into the same courtesy I show everyone else; to be counted worthy of the attention from someone she apparently respects. There is now no strain when I run into her AND I like myself much more. The blessing here is coming to see some of her positive traits.
Thank you, Father, for teaching me this special lesson.
She is loud, rude, interrupts and finishes my sentences when I am talking to others. She tries to inject herself into my life; wants to be my friend. She has no friends because others in our small town find her as irritating as I do. It is difficult for her to take a hint and I have found myself being openly impatient and rude to her. Bad Christian, bad ! !
Excuse: I do not make friends easily. Many years ago, a "friend" turned on me in a way that changed the course of my life and I have been very cautious about friends ever since. It took me many years to even accept a friend after that. I take friendship very seriously and can count close friends from my entire life on one hand. I choose my friends (carefully) - not the other way around.
Lord, I want to be like Jesus in my heart.
I found myself being rude to her one day (not that she even noticed) and that night prayed about the situation, because I was ashamed. Next morning, I took my coffee in front of one of my favorite TV evangelists just to hear him talking about being nice to people who are irritating. Oooops! Next morning, with coffee in front of another minister, I heard a similar message about patience with people who are difficult and do not have friends.
Yes, He speaks to us in various ways, when we are listening. (I wish I had not been listening.) You know that creepy feeling that convicts you of poor behavior when you are beginning to get smug about yourself ? It's called conviction.
Realize: God will not let me move on with my spiritual growth until I deal with this issue. What to do?
First, realize she is a sheep without a shepherd. She is a sister in Christ. (We should never be openly impatient with a fellow Christian.) She is her own worst enemy. She needs a friend. Granted, we will never be close but I can be more patient with her.
I am vowing to have better conversations with her than just "no", "okay" and "that's nice". I will give her more of my time, rather than making excuses to run away. I should be flattered rather than irritated.
Then, I will pray for her . . . . and me. There is magic in praying for any one you have a problem with. It's a trick of God: When you pray for anyone, you find yourself defending them, asking help for them and generally becoming their advocate. This, in turn, makes you more sensitive and understanding to their situation which softens your feelings and creates more Godly attitude in you (me). Praying for anyone you have an issue with can really improve your own situation.
This lady does not persecute me; actually quite the opposite. So, I should thank God that anyone admires me enough to want to be a friend. (It would just be easier if she would take "no" for an answer. - just kidding! LOL)
Praise God who loves me enough to correct me gently.
P.S. It is now a couple months after I first posted this blog. I want to let you know that I have made the effort to look at her face when I talk to her. I even initiate conversation. She does not "strain" any more to get my attention or go out of her way to push in and interrupt. Things are much more relaxed between us. She is not imposing herself on me. We have casual conversation and move on. That is all this woman wanted; a little recognition - the same recognition that I give anyone else. It was not easy to write this article. I wanted to share just in case this personal experience will help someone else smooth over a similar situation. She did not want to inject herself into my life, merely into the same courtesy I show everyone else; to be counted worthy of the attention from someone she apparently respects. There is now no strain when I run into her AND I like myself much more. The blessing here is coming to see some of her positive traits.
Thank you, Father, for teaching me this special lesson.
Monday, August 12, 2019
People are always quick with advice that makes everything worse
instead of better; they always repeat the same cliche' . They mean
well. They actually want to help but there is little they can do and
even less they can say that will help. Truth is, despair is a lonesome
valley and you are the only one who can walk through it, by yourself.
About seven years were spent writing down my pitiful youth and all the mistakes I made because I let others have control over my self worth. It took me a long time to be able to look back over all the losses and disappointments and see how it all happened for a reason. There was loss of children, rejection, divorce, loss, grief, failure, drinking, more loss, disease, more divorce, more rejection and more loss. I ran from myself and suppressed feelings and memories until I was numb - without any feeling. I was in that "lonesome valley" all by myself.
At my lowest emotional point, I had a loaded gun in my hand trying to decide the most effective way to use it so I would actually kill myself and not make a mistake that would leave me a cripple the rest of my life. That would have been worse than death: drooling, blind, in a wheel chair and/or wearing a diaper with others wiping my chin, or my "cheeks". Thoughts like this are enough to make you hesitate - at least.
For me, it was God. I did not hear a voice. I did not see a burning bush. There was no lightening or thunder. Just a quiet thought planted in my head. It was the perfect thought to stop me. It was God relating to me, through the Holy Spirit, in a way I could understand. Let me print a few lines from my book, "Evidence of God":
Late one evening, after business hours, sitting in the back room of my shop, I was holding a loaded gun in my lap. I had taken it from John’s dresser when I moved out. Must have sat there for a long time watching light on the wall turn to shadow. I wasn’t thinking, just being numb. When thoughts did return, they were about how to do it: in the mouth, in the ear, my temple? Was the safety off? Was it a tight trigger? Lots of questions.
The thing about happiness: It’s a choice. But, I was a prisoner of the pain. Suicide is desperate, it is hostile, it is tragic. These are the legacies for those left behind after suicide: guilt, anger, doubt, blame, fear, rejection, abandonment and profound grieving. Most people don’t want to talk about it, don’t even want to think about it. It is too raw and it’s way too confusing.
The bottom of my life had come up and smashed me in the face. You don’t get over major life obstacles; you go through them. You never forget; you learn to live with the memories. What seemed like impossible obstacles in my life were a series of great opportunities that I could not see from my pit of depression - that "lonesome valley".
The olive, grape and grain are used through out the Bible as examples in stories and parables. Each one has to be crushed before it can be used for oil, wine and bread. Just as these examples tell us, God has to crush us before He can use us.
As I sat there, a voice came into my head. A small voice way in the back, soft but clear. “You can’t give life, so you can’t take life.”
That’s all I can recall. I’m writing this text today so I must not have pulled the trigger. The pastor’s remark comes back to me about getting baptized quickly because trials were coming. In my heart, I am convinced it was the spirit of God speaking to me that night as evidence of God’s patience, wisdom and love.
No way am I suggesting that you get a loaded gun to get an answer from God or otherwise. Just want to relate a few thoughts I had/have about the subject. I do want to tell you that there is a way out - always. BUT, it isn't an easy one. If it were, there would be no meaning to life. YOU have to find YOUR way. YOU have to learn to live with your issues without revenge or grudges. You have to find the loving way for it to work. God is really the easiest way. Call on Him. Ask for an answer. Dump on Him, tell Him how you feel. I mean, really pour it out. Find professional help if you need it. Call a help line.
Life is an amazing gift from God. The enemy is real and he wants your life. The devil wants you dead. This is something that is hard to see when you are in that valley. He doesn't want to see you alive, happy or prospering the way God does. GOD LOVES YOU! You, Y-O-U were created individual with your unique traits and personality because you are special to Him. He does not want to see you in despair, unhappy, suffering or without any necessity. Take my word for it. I've been there. I found my way out. It wasn't easy but I am stronger, more confident, healthier, happier and more prosperous for going THROUGH it. I didn't have to do it all alone. God took my hand and we walked out of that lonesome valley together. It is worth the fight. It is worth it to be alive.
About seven years were spent writing down my pitiful youth and all the mistakes I made because I let others have control over my self worth. It took me a long time to be able to look back over all the losses and disappointments and see how it all happened for a reason. There was loss of children, rejection, divorce, loss, grief, failure, drinking, more loss, disease, more divorce, more rejection and more loss. I ran from myself and suppressed feelings and memories until I was numb - without any feeling. I was in that "lonesome valley" all by myself.
At my lowest emotional point, I had a loaded gun in my hand trying to decide the most effective way to use it so I would actually kill myself and not make a mistake that would leave me a cripple the rest of my life. That would have been worse than death: drooling, blind, in a wheel chair and/or wearing a diaper with others wiping my chin, or my "cheeks". Thoughts like this are enough to make you hesitate - at least.
For me, it was God. I did not hear a voice. I did not see a burning bush. There was no lightening or thunder. Just a quiet thought planted in my head. It was the perfect thought to stop me. It was God relating to me, through the Holy Spirit, in a way I could understand. Let me print a few lines from my book, "Evidence of God":
Late one evening, after business hours, sitting in the back room of my shop, I was holding a loaded gun in my lap. I had taken it from John’s dresser when I moved out. Must have sat there for a long time watching light on the wall turn to shadow. I wasn’t thinking, just being numb. When thoughts did return, they were about how to do it: in the mouth, in the ear, my temple? Was the safety off? Was it a tight trigger? Lots of questions.
The thing about happiness: It’s a choice. But, I was a prisoner of the pain. Suicide is desperate, it is hostile, it is tragic. These are the legacies for those left behind after suicide: guilt, anger, doubt, blame, fear, rejection, abandonment and profound grieving. Most people don’t want to talk about it, don’t even want to think about it. It is too raw and it’s way too confusing.
The bottom of my life had come up and smashed me in the face. You don’t get over major life obstacles; you go through them. You never forget; you learn to live with the memories. What seemed like impossible obstacles in my life were a series of great opportunities that I could not see from my pit of depression - that "lonesome valley".
The olive, grape and grain are used through out the Bible as examples in stories and parables. Each one has to be crushed before it can be used for oil, wine and bread. Just as these examples tell us, God has to crush us before He can use us.
As I sat there, a voice came into my head. A small voice way in the back, soft but clear. “You can’t give life, so you can’t take life.”
That’s all I can recall. I’m writing this text today so I must not have pulled the trigger. The pastor’s remark comes back to me about getting baptized quickly because trials were coming. In my heart, I am convinced it was the spirit of God speaking to me that night as evidence of God’s patience, wisdom and love.
No way am I suggesting that you get a loaded gun to get an answer from God or otherwise. Just want to relate a few thoughts I had/have about the subject. I do want to tell you that there is a way out - always. BUT, it isn't an easy one. If it were, there would be no meaning to life. YOU have to find YOUR way. YOU have to learn to live with your issues without revenge or grudges. You have to find the loving way for it to work. God is really the easiest way. Call on Him. Ask for an answer. Dump on Him, tell Him how you feel. I mean, really pour it out. Find professional help if you need it. Call a help line.
Life is an amazing gift from God. The enemy is real and he wants your life. The devil wants you dead. This is something that is hard to see when you are in that valley. He doesn't want to see you alive, happy or prospering the way God does. GOD LOVES YOU! You, Y-O-U were created individual with your unique traits and personality because you are special to Him. He does not want to see you in despair, unhappy, suffering or without any necessity. Take my word for it. I've been there. I found my way out. It wasn't easy but I am stronger, more confident, healthier, happier and more prosperous for going THROUGH it. I didn't have to do it all alone. God took my hand and we walked out of that lonesome valley together. It is worth the fight. It is worth it to be alive.
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
Health & Wealth vs Sick & Poor
Jesus healed; He did not make people sick. There is not one instance where he gave someone an illness. He never refused to grant forgiveness to anyone who asked for it. Jesus actually gave forgiveness a few times that people didn't even have to ask. He never told anyone He didn't have time right now; come back later. There is evidence that He actually felt better after giving healing or forgiveness.
Abraham willing gave tithe to Melchizedek in the very first book of the Bible, after Melchizedek took communion with him. Abraham received Isaac, the son of his old age, of his dreams, who fathered the nation of Israel, from whom came the Savior. Abraham became a very wealthy man - because God was pleased with him. His descendants number the stars. He lived a long, prosperous and healthy life.
Because Jesus borrowed Peter's boat, He gave Peter a net load of fish that could have sunk Peter's boat. That meant a lot of money.
The New Testament is full of parables of healing and prospering. The good Samaritan went beyond the call of decency to provide for the stranger on side of the road. There is no parable that references sickness or poverty given to a believer. You can even find God's grace given to non believers.
Jesus healed. In the gospel of Luke, the physician, there is one healing after another listed starting with driving out an impure spirit in chapter four. I can cite 17 events of healing in this chapter without searching. Jesus even raised Lazarus, a widow's son and Jarus' daughter from the dead, not to mention Himself. As a matter of fact, Luke 13:16 tells us Satan is the one who gives disease when Jesus helas a crippled woman.
When He fed 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish, He was giving, providing. All four gospels tell this story. Matthew and Mark tell of feeding another crowd with 7 loaves and a few fish. In the first case, there were 12 baskets left over. I am sure the left overs were given to the boy who generously gave of his lunch; who else? The one who freely gave, received more in return.
What did Jesus give His disciples? The Holy Spirit, joy of serving, gifts and a place in heaven for eternity.
What does He give you? Are you a believer? Do you give freely? Are you sorry when you are wrong? What is your physical problem? Do you pray? Do you ask God to heal or to give to you? Why not? Can you not see how willing He is to do this for you?
There is no "Health and Wealth Gospel". There is only the truth about the never ending love, generosity and grace of your Heavenly Father.
Abraham willing gave tithe to Melchizedek in the very first book of the Bible, after Melchizedek took communion with him. Abraham received Isaac, the son of his old age, of his dreams, who fathered the nation of Israel, from whom came the Savior. Abraham became a very wealthy man - because God was pleased with him. His descendants number the stars. He lived a long, prosperous and healthy life.
Because Jesus borrowed Peter's boat, He gave Peter a net load of fish that could have sunk Peter's boat. That meant a lot of money.
The New Testament is full of parables of healing and prospering. The good Samaritan went beyond the call of decency to provide for the stranger on side of the road. There is no parable that references sickness or poverty given to a believer. You can even find God's grace given to non believers.
Jesus healed. In the gospel of Luke, the physician, there is one healing after another listed starting with driving out an impure spirit in chapter four. I can cite 17 events of healing in this chapter without searching. Jesus even raised Lazarus, a widow's son and Jarus' daughter from the dead, not to mention Himself. As a matter of fact, Luke 13:16 tells us Satan is the one who gives disease when Jesus helas a crippled woman.
When He fed 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish, He was giving, providing. All four gospels tell this story. Matthew and Mark tell of feeding another crowd with 7 loaves and a few fish. In the first case, there were 12 baskets left over. I am sure the left overs were given to the boy who generously gave of his lunch; who else? The one who freely gave, received more in return.
What did Jesus give His disciples? The Holy Spirit, joy of serving, gifts and a place in heaven for eternity.
What does He give you? Are you a believer? Do you give freely? Are you sorry when you are wrong? What is your physical problem? Do you pray? Do you ask God to heal or to give to you? Why not? Can you not see how willing He is to do this for you?
There is no "Health and Wealth Gospel". There is only the truth about the never ending love, generosity and grace of your Heavenly Father.
Monday, August 5, 2019
The Truth Will Be Here When The Earth Is Gone
Don't be fooled. God is as real as ever. He is a living entity. His guidelines set forth in the Bible on how to live your life will only bring you peace, health and blessings.
Well, I am about to sound off about a couple things that are not popular to sound off about these days. However. . . . some churches, Christians and pastors today are tiptoeing around the truth of the Bible, God's word. Too many are concerned about offending someone or driving people from church with the truth. If they take offense or leave because of the truth, let them go. They will only pollute the body. The truth will strengthen the church and true Christians. The Bible is our manual for living yesterday, today and tomorrow. God never changes. Since He created man, the manual on how to live is important for keeping us in the best lifestyle that blesses us. We have to return to the truth especially in this day of "political correctness" which threatens the very foundation of our society.
Here are a couple verses to remind us of the importance of truth: I John 4:6, II Timothy 2:15 and Ephesians 6:14 which tells us, "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist. . .". God's truth, as stated in His word, the Bible, is that abortion is premeditated murder, sex before marriage is wrong, a gay lifestyle is an abomination and tithing to the church is ordained. There are other truths that are being swept under the carpet these days but these four are some major issues.
Abortion: Ex. 10:13 tells us not to murder. (Original text uses the word "murder", not "kill") God knows the unborn child, Ps. 139:13,15. We are created in the image of God; that makes life special. We are told to be fruitful and multiply - the opposite of killing an unborn child. Gen.1:28 Also see Gen.9:6 & 7.
Sex before marriage: In Song of Songs 2:7, 3:5 and 8:4, there is a strong warning against premarital sex when it says, "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires" - three times. In other words, save sex for marriage! There are special blessings for the married couple that come from obedience to this rule. I have known many who regretted sex before marriage but have yet to meet a couple that were sorry they waited.
Gay lifestyle: Lev.18:22, 20:13; these verses are very plain. There is also the story in Sodom where a crowd of the town wanted Lot to turn over the two male visitors in his house so they could have sexual relations with them. There is no indication that the townsmen were aware the visitors were angels.
Tithing: The is the foundation of giving appreciation to God for everything. Genesis 14:20 is the first instance of tithing and it was done by Abraham to God's representative, Melchizedek, right after they partook of the first communion 14:18. Tithing has been ordered ever since. The Bible is full of blessings listed that come to those who tithe. The tithe is returned to God through His representative on earth, the church.
How many ills of society can you name that have their roots in these issues? Disease, heartbreak, broken homes, broken hearts, mental and emotional breakdowns, suicide, adoption, abandonment, alcoholism, and the list goes on.
Anyone who knows me will tell you, I get along with everyone and I am not about to condemn the individual for the action. Heaven knows I have done my share of wrong living. This is one reason I feel I can spout off. I have lived a lifestyle without God and presently try to live according to God's instruction as stated in the Bible. It is amazing what a difference it really makes in my life to follow the guidelines my maker put into force at the time of creation. You actually have to walk the walk before you can see the results. Your first step has to be through faith; the rest will come. When we can understand His absolute love and find the faith to follow through with right choices, our lives improve immeasurably. THIS IS TRUTH.
God set all of His instructions in place for our benefit physically, emotionally, spiritually and looking to the future. We are rebellious children and when we disobey, punishment comes through our physical, emotional and spiritual well being. This explains so much unhappiness in the world today. Our choices need to mature. We need to give up our selfish lifestyle and live the rich blessings of right choice.
Further reading: John 4:24, 8:34, Psalms 119:160, 145:18 and I John 3:18 which says, "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."
*Title for this writing is a quote from my mother that she was fond of.
Well, I am about to sound off about a couple things that are not popular to sound off about these days. However. . . . some churches, Christians and pastors today are tiptoeing around the truth of the Bible, God's word. Too many are concerned about offending someone or driving people from church with the truth. If they take offense or leave because of the truth, let them go. They will only pollute the body. The truth will strengthen the church and true Christians. The Bible is our manual for living yesterday, today and tomorrow. God never changes. Since He created man, the manual on how to live is important for keeping us in the best lifestyle that blesses us. We have to return to the truth especially in this day of "political correctness" which threatens the very foundation of our society.
Here are a couple verses to remind us of the importance of truth: I John 4:6, II Timothy 2:15 and Ephesians 6:14 which tells us, "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist. . .". God's truth, as stated in His word, the Bible, is that abortion is premeditated murder, sex before marriage is wrong, a gay lifestyle is an abomination and tithing to the church is ordained. There are other truths that are being swept under the carpet these days but these four are some major issues.
Abortion: Ex. 10:13 tells us not to murder. (Original text uses the word "murder", not "kill") God knows the unborn child, Ps. 139:13,15. We are created in the image of God; that makes life special. We are told to be fruitful and multiply - the opposite of killing an unborn child. Gen.1:28 Also see Gen.9:6 & 7.
Sex before marriage: In Song of Songs 2:7, 3:5 and 8:4, there is a strong warning against premarital sex when it says, "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires" - three times. In other words, save sex for marriage! There are special blessings for the married couple that come from obedience to this rule. I have known many who regretted sex before marriage but have yet to meet a couple that were sorry they waited.
Gay lifestyle: Lev.18:22, 20:13; these verses are very plain. There is also the story in Sodom where a crowd of the town wanted Lot to turn over the two male visitors in his house so they could have sexual relations with them. There is no indication that the townsmen were aware the visitors were angels.
Tithing: The is the foundation of giving appreciation to God for everything. Genesis 14:20 is the first instance of tithing and it was done by Abraham to God's representative, Melchizedek, right after they partook of the first communion 14:18. Tithing has been ordered ever since. The Bible is full of blessings listed that come to those who tithe. The tithe is returned to God through His representative on earth, the church.
How many ills of society can you name that have their roots in these issues? Disease, heartbreak, broken homes, broken hearts, mental and emotional breakdowns, suicide, adoption, abandonment, alcoholism, and the list goes on.
Anyone who knows me will tell you, I get along with everyone and I am not about to condemn the individual for the action. Heaven knows I have done my share of wrong living. This is one reason I feel I can spout off. I have lived a lifestyle without God and presently try to live according to God's instruction as stated in the Bible. It is amazing what a difference it really makes in my life to follow the guidelines my maker put into force at the time of creation. You actually have to walk the walk before you can see the results. Your first step has to be through faith; the rest will come. When we can understand His absolute love and find the faith to follow through with right choices, our lives improve immeasurably. THIS IS TRUTH.
God set all of His instructions in place for our benefit physically, emotionally, spiritually and looking to the future. We are rebellious children and when we disobey, punishment comes through our physical, emotional and spiritual well being. This explains so much unhappiness in the world today. Our choices need to mature. We need to give up our selfish lifestyle and live the rich blessings of right choice.
Further reading: John 4:24, 8:34, Psalms 119:160, 145:18 and I John 3:18 which says, "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."
*Title for this writing is a quote from my mother that she was fond of.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Reverential Fear
Thus says the LORD, Who gives the sun for light by day And the fixed
order of the moon and the stars for light by night, Who stirs up the sea
so that its waves roar; The LORD of hosts is His name: Jeremiah 31:35
In the verse above and Exodus 15:11, we are reminded of the awesome power and authority of God. When we understand this, we develop what is known as "awe" of God. Awe is a reverential fear. This is not fear that sends us running for a secure place to hide (as if that existed with God). This is the type of fear that recognizes the power and majesty of the All Might; the type of fear that produces respect for the greatest power in the universe that loves us beyond any human understanding. We see and understand the power of our Creator. This can be related to the awe we had of our parents when we were young. We recognized that they had the power to reject, reward, discipline, deny, give and create the atmosphere of our lives.
Once we reach this state of "awe", we want to worship and praise in gratitude - just as we felt about our parents. When young, they controlled our entire world and we stood in awe of the way they went about the business of work and providing everything. In Psalm 68:35, we are told of the power of God that He can give to us. In Isaiah 66:2, we are told of who He favors among His people.
Our parents were proud of us and bragged on us when we were respectful. We were rewarded when we obeyed them and did as we were instructed. I recognized that my mother had all authority and she demanded respect. We feared what she could do if she did not get that respect (awe) through our disobedience. At the same time, we were certain of her love because of the way she commanded right living. I loved my mother, obeyed her and she returned this with love. I respected her for her power over me and she loved me for it.
God bestows good things, blessings, on those who who trust Him. Psalm 31:19. In Luke 1:50, we are told that proper fear of God grants us mercy from Him. We learn in Psalm 103:11 that God loves those who love Him. Love comes from respect, a type of awe. Isaiah 33:6 tells us that through fear/awe of the Lord, we will be given salvation, wisdom and knowledge as treasure.
The Lord listens to and hears those who fear Him. Malachi 3:16-17 Proverbs 14:27 tells us we can receive health and long life through fear of the Lord. Proverbs 19:23 goes further to add that our life will be content and untouched by trouble when we fear Him. Finally, we see in Proverbs 22:4 that even riches and honor are added to our life for fearing the Lord.
How do we stand in awe and fear the Lord? We accept His unconditional love and grace imparted to us as a free gift through the sacrifice of His son on the cross.
We do not have to earn this love from God; His grace is a free gift. Our sins were forgiven on the cross. Hebrews 10:12 Amen
In the verse above and Exodus 15:11, we are reminded of the awesome power and authority of God. When we understand this, we develop what is known as "awe" of God. Awe is a reverential fear. This is not fear that sends us running for a secure place to hide (as if that existed with God). This is the type of fear that recognizes the power and majesty of the All Might; the type of fear that produces respect for the greatest power in the universe that loves us beyond any human understanding. We see and understand the power of our Creator. This can be related to the awe we had of our parents when we were young. We recognized that they had the power to reject, reward, discipline, deny, give and create the atmosphere of our lives.
Once we reach this state of "awe", we want to worship and praise in gratitude - just as we felt about our parents. When young, they controlled our entire world and we stood in awe of the way they went about the business of work and providing everything. In Psalm 68:35, we are told of the power of God that He can give to us. In Isaiah 66:2, we are told of who He favors among His people.
Our parents were proud of us and bragged on us when we were respectful. We were rewarded when we obeyed them and did as we were instructed. I recognized that my mother had all authority and she demanded respect. We feared what she could do if she did not get that respect (awe) through our disobedience. At the same time, we were certain of her love because of the way she commanded right living. I loved my mother, obeyed her and she returned this with love. I respected her for her power over me and she loved me for it.
God bestows good things, blessings, on those who who trust Him. Psalm 31:19. In Luke 1:50, we are told that proper fear of God grants us mercy from Him. We learn in Psalm 103:11 that God loves those who love Him. Love comes from respect, a type of awe. Isaiah 33:6 tells us that through fear/awe of the Lord, we will be given salvation, wisdom and knowledge as treasure.
The Lord listens to and hears those who fear Him. Malachi 3:16-17 Proverbs 14:27 tells us we can receive health and long life through fear of the Lord. Proverbs 19:23 goes further to add that our life will be content and untouched by trouble when we fear Him. Finally, we see in Proverbs 22:4 that even riches and honor are added to our life for fearing the Lord.
How do we stand in awe and fear the Lord? We accept His unconditional love and grace imparted to us as a free gift through the sacrifice of His son on the cross.
We do not have to earn this love from God; His grace is a free gift. Our sins were forgiven on the cross. Hebrews 10:12 Amen
Monday, July 22, 2019
Samaritan Jesus
Jesus is our Good Samaritan. The parable in Luke 10 tells of a man in
need after being set upon by robbers. They stripped him, beat him and
left him half dead. In this story, I see people of the world, beaten
down by life, with little or no hope after they have all their needs and
finding they are not happy. Life has a way of beating us down with
trials, disappointments and sorrow. The enemy sets upon those who have
nothing to hold on to beyond physical possessions. We get beaten down
to where there seems to be no way out of our troublesome situations.
Then, along comes Jesus, our Good Samaritan. The Samaritans were not liked among the Jewish people just as they did not accept Jesus. Read the story to see how much He cares for us. He is ready, very willing and very able to help anyone. There was the untold risk of robbers returning to finish their job or the risk of other robbers stealing from and beating the Samaritan - just as Jesus was beaten and robbed of everything in order to mount the cross for us.
The Samaritan poured oil and wine on the wounds of the beaten man just as Jesus can spiritually anoint and heal us of our physical and emotional hurts. He took him to shelter and cared for him over night like Jesus cares to bring us close to Him. Could this be the grace of Jesus calling us to a life of peace in Him?
The next day this Samaritan paid an innkeeper to continue caring for the man. Do you see how Jesus, after calling us to a life in Him, turns us over to the church for baptism an receipt of the Holy Spirit for guidance, teaching and safety? There is also a promise to return, just as the promise we have that Jesus will return to claim us to His eternal care and protection. The extra expense mentioned in this parable, refers to that extra mile we are to go for those in need. Complete the task. Take care of every unexpected need.
The Samaritan gave the innkeeper two denarii for the man's care. That was the equivalent of two days wage. If a day is as a thousand years to God, could this represent the 2,000 years, from then until now, before Jesus' return? What a wonderful thought that we will live and reign with the Savior who wants to tend all our needs.
Then, along comes Jesus, our Good Samaritan. The Samaritans were not liked among the Jewish people just as they did not accept Jesus. Read the story to see how much He cares for us. He is ready, very willing and very able to help anyone. There was the untold risk of robbers returning to finish their job or the risk of other robbers stealing from and beating the Samaritan - just as Jesus was beaten and robbed of everything in order to mount the cross for us.
The Samaritan poured oil and wine on the wounds of the beaten man just as Jesus can spiritually anoint and heal us of our physical and emotional hurts. He took him to shelter and cared for him over night like Jesus cares to bring us close to Him. Could this be the grace of Jesus calling us to a life of peace in Him?
The next day this Samaritan paid an innkeeper to continue caring for the man. Do you see how Jesus, after calling us to a life in Him, turns us over to the church for baptism an receipt of the Holy Spirit for guidance, teaching and safety? There is also a promise to return, just as the promise we have that Jesus will return to claim us to His eternal care and protection. The extra expense mentioned in this parable, refers to that extra mile we are to go for those in need. Complete the task. Take care of every unexpected need.
The Samaritan gave the innkeeper two denarii for the man's care. That was the equivalent of two days wage. If a day is as a thousand years to God, could this represent the 2,000 years, from then until now, before Jesus' return? What a wonderful thought that we will live and reign with the Savior who wants to tend all our needs.
Tuesday, July 2, 2019
Hebrew As Original Text
Let's establish right away that the Hebrew language is the official
language of the Old Testament Bible. It was the language God gave to
Adam. It was the language Moses used to write the first five books of
the Bible. It was the language all the Old Testament prophets spoke and
wrote. Hebrew was the language taught to all Hebrew and Jewish
children for reading, writing and study of the law and prophets. It was
the language Jesus was taught and used in the temple. We know this.
So, why do we prefer our English translations over the Hebrew?
Arrogance and familiarity. We prefer what we have been taught and are
comfortable with. Get over it! We are missing so many teachings and
deeper meanings of scripture that can bring us into a more personal
relationship with and understanding of our Heavenly Father..
The history of Bible translation began with a necessity: people should be able to read the Bible in their own languages as the gospel was taken into the world. As familiarity with Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek declined, Biblical translation was done in new languages.
The Bible was not translated into English until the fourteenth century. Latin was the dominant language in the western church. The Bible used in the church was Jerome's Vulgate (completed in 405) - in Latin. Sporadic attempts to translate parts of the Bible into Old English (before 1100) gave limited access to the Bible for those who did not know Latin (mainly the uneducated). By now, both Greek and Hebrew (difficult languages to translate), are being interpreted by English speaking Christians.
We have some manuscripts from the ninth and tenth centuries that are "interpretations". The most famous is the Lindisfarne Gospels that are in the British Museum. However, this is not a complete translation/interpretation.
In the years 1100-1550, John Wycliffe, John Purvey, and Nicholas of Hereford got together to produce the first complete Bible in English. There were two editions of the Wycliffe Bible. They were both translations of the Latin text. The first edition was a literal translation from Latin into English. There was a second edition completed in 1396. It circulated more widely, rather than the more literal translation. (?) The focus was on the meaning of sentences, rather than words. Hebrew is a difficult language to translate properly into other languages. Translators were not Hebrew/Jewish so did not always select an English word that properly translated the Hebrew. Then, there were those times when personal understanding did the translating.
As a result of this work, Wycliffe and his followers, "the Lollards" suffered persecution as heretics. Purvey and Nicholas were forced to recant their work. In 1408. The Constitutions of Oxford included a prohibition against Bible translation without approval of church "authorities", who were English speaking Christians. (Let us not forget it was church "authorities" that crucified Christ)
By the sixteenth century, a number of events affected later Bible translations even more. The Renaissance brought on a recovery of classic learning. Greek scholars moved westward as Constantinople fell to the Turks (1453). The invention of the printing press around 1450 was a profound influence on Bible translation. By 1488, there were printed editions of the Hebrew Bible into English . The Protestant Reformation in 1517, called for versions of local dialects. The break with Rome in England also influenced the course of the English Bible that had already been translated several times.
More recently, William Tyndale (1484-1536) was a Greek scholar educated at Oxford with a desire to provide a readable Bible to the average person. He based his English New Testament on a Greek text established by Erasmus in 1516. He printed it in Europe in 1526 and revised it in 1534. Myles Coverdale produced the first complete English Bible of the sixteenth century in 1535. Subsequently, in 1611, King James gave his blessing to a new translation, Authorized Version or the King James Bible.
More recent discoveries of the Codex Sinaiticus (early Greek papyri of New Testament documents), and the Dead Sea scrolls aided (or affected) new translations we use today (New English Bible, New International Version, and the Jerusalem Bible).
So many people are stuck on the King James as the official translation. I present to you that none are 100% correct. The Bible was first translated in part and then patched in pieces to become a complete book to be revised over and over. God states in the Bible itself not to change a jot or tittle. ("Jot" and "tittle" are Hebrew words for exclamation and pronunciation marks around letters.) I further present that our best understanding of God's word is directly from Hebrew text along with understanding of Hebrew and Jewish culture. More and more people deny the Jewish right of translating the Old Testament. I say it is the work of the Enemy to turn Christianity against God's chosen people. Our enemy is subtly turning us from the truth more by the day.
God's word tells us to discern for ourselves. As children of God, we are to "seek" Him through truth found in original writings. It is to the children (of God; us) that wisdom may be imparted. Matt. 11:25
In summary: God's word, in the Hebrew and Greek languages, has been interpreted and translated through the centuries by English speaking Christian scholars and patched together after reformations. How dare we resign ourselves to any one translation and call it "absolute". We need to get back to real in depth study of original texts. In our modern world, God's children should not be poo-pooing teachings from original texts.
The history of Bible translation began with a necessity: people should be able to read the Bible in their own languages as the gospel was taken into the world. As familiarity with Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek declined, Biblical translation was done in new languages.
The Bible was not translated into English until the fourteenth century. Latin was the dominant language in the western church. The Bible used in the church was Jerome's Vulgate (completed in 405) - in Latin. Sporadic attempts to translate parts of the Bible into Old English (before 1100) gave limited access to the Bible for those who did not know Latin (mainly the uneducated). By now, both Greek and Hebrew (difficult languages to translate), are being interpreted by English speaking Christians.
We have some manuscripts from the ninth and tenth centuries that are "interpretations". The most famous is the Lindisfarne Gospels that are in the British Museum. However, this is not a complete translation/interpretation.
In the years 1100-1550, John Wycliffe, John Purvey, and Nicholas of Hereford got together to produce the first complete Bible in English. There were two editions of the Wycliffe Bible. They were both translations of the Latin text. The first edition was a literal translation from Latin into English. There was a second edition completed in 1396. It circulated more widely, rather than the more literal translation. (?) The focus was on the meaning of sentences, rather than words. Hebrew is a difficult language to translate properly into other languages. Translators were not Hebrew/Jewish so did not always select an English word that properly translated the Hebrew. Then, there were those times when personal understanding did the translating.
As a result of this work, Wycliffe and his followers, "the Lollards" suffered persecution as heretics. Purvey and Nicholas were forced to recant their work. In 1408. The Constitutions of Oxford included a prohibition against Bible translation without approval of church "authorities", who were English speaking Christians. (Let us not forget it was church "authorities" that crucified Christ)
By the sixteenth century, a number of events affected later Bible translations even more. The Renaissance brought on a recovery of classic learning. Greek scholars moved westward as Constantinople fell to the Turks (1453). The invention of the printing press around 1450 was a profound influence on Bible translation. By 1488, there were printed editions of the Hebrew Bible into English . The Protestant Reformation in 1517, called for versions of local dialects. The break with Rome in England also influenced the course of the English Bible that had already been translated several times.
More recently, William Tyndale (1484-1536) was a Greek scholar educated at Oxford with a desire to provide a readable Bible to the average person. He based his English New Testament on a Greek text established by Erasmus in 1516. He printed it in Europe in 1526 and revised it in 1534. Myles Coverdale produced the first complete English Bible of the sixteenth century in 1535. Subsequently, in 1611, King James gave his blessing to a new translation, Authorized Version or the King James Bible.
More recent discoveries of the Codex Sinaiticus (early Greek papyri of New Testament documents), and the Dead Sea scrolls aided (or affected) new translations we use today (New English Bible, New International Version, and the Jerusalem Bible).
So many people are stuck on the King James as the official translation. I present to you that none are 100% correct. The Bible was first translated in part and then patched in pieces to become a complete book to be revised over and over. God states in the Bible itself not to change a jot or tittle. ("Jot" and "tittle" are Hebrew words for exclamation and pronunciation marks around letters.) I further present that our best understanding of God's word is directly from Hebrew text along with understanding of Hebrew and Jewish culture. More and more people deny the Jewish right of translating the Old Testament. I say it is the work of the Enemy to turn Christianity against God's chosen people. Our enemy is subtly turning us from the truth more by the day.
God's word tells us to discern for ourselves. As children of God, we are to "seek" Him through truth found in original writings. It is to the children (of God; us) that wisdom may be imparted. Matt. 11:25
In summary: God's word, in the Hebrew and Greek languages, has been interpreted and translated through the centuries by English speaking Christian scholars and patched together after reformations. How dare we resign ourselves to any one translation and call it "absolute". We need to get back to real in depth study of original texts. In our modern world, God's children should not be poo-pooing teachings from original texts.
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Get Out of The Boat
Ever heard the saying, "If you want to walk on water, you have to get out of the boat"? See Mt 14:22-33
In a Sunday message at a church that I was visiting, the pastor commented, "If anyone in here is walking on water, I would like to know. You need to be up here teaching the rest of us."
This sounded like sarcasm to me and demeaning to his congregation. He sounded like he did not believe anyone, today, in this world, could have the faith to follow Jesus and do miracles.
I have done and witnessed miracles in the name of Jesus. This means I did not do the deeds; rather, the deeds were done in His name, by Him, through the Holy Spirit. It does happen. Many believers do, and receive, miracles. Ro 8:28
Just believe He can and will. Heb 11:1
There are testimonies daily from people who witness miracles in their own lives by believing in spiritual healing and/or having the faith to call a work in His name. Pastors and evangelists perform healings and good works by calling on the name of Jesus. God answers millions of prayers around the world on a daily basis.
Sometimes, we loose sight of Jesus and we sink. But, other times, it is easier to keep our eyes on the prize and follow through.
The pastor's comment on Sunday seemed like mockery to me. How dare any one mock the Holy Spirit? These gifts are not limited to prophets and spiritual leaders but given to any believer in Jesus Christ. Acts 1:8

After all, the Holy Spirit resides in all believers. II Cor 5:17 The spirit lives in us. I have called on Him in the name of Jesus to heal. I pray for people and situations. I make effort to serve others. There are many people out there today "walking on water", and much more than me.
Any believer, in faith, can call on the name of Jesus to enable us to perform works of healing, surviving, sharing and giving. I John 2:6
Let's learn to recognize teaching that is not correct when we hear it. Do not see yourself as being less than you are through Christ.
Jesus is alive and well. What are you waiting for? Get out of the boat!
Amen ?
Monday, June 3, 2019
Grace Over Law
The child grew and was weaned. Abraham made a great feast on the day Isaac was weaned. Gen 21:8
In the verse above we see Isaac weaned off of milk so he could consume solid food. Hebrew children were weaned at three to five years of age and their religious training began at that time. In a spiritual way, babes in Christ grow to taking solid food; the word of God. We grow from taking God's word in literal form to reading with understanding as we grow. We learned the 10 Commandments as children. As we mature and grow in the understanding of Jesus, His sacrifice and the grace we have through Him, we are said to be eating the "bread of life" - Jesus. We realize we no longer need the milk (God's perfect law) because we cannot grow healthy on just milk. We now have bread (the grace of Jesus). Through understanding grace over law, we can mature in Jesus. We, as Christians, can grow in understanding and reflect the light of Jesus in this world.
Just a few years ago, I did not understand the bread of Communion for healing. I saw speaking in tongues done in the wrong way and did not accept it. There was a time that I did not believe in anointing for healing. I thought the 10 Commandments were our absolute law for living; that we could loose our salvation if we did not keep them. I was self righteous; I was judgemental.. I did not have joy. I thought the rapture was folklore. I recently realized that I did not grasp the concept of the trinity. Over the past couple, or three, years I have been shown the grace of God and my understanding of all these things has come to light through scripture. I can now read with greater understanding. I was the babe on milk until I was taught the grace of God and found the bread of life; Jesus.
And you shall love the Lord your God out of with your whole heart, and out of with all your soul and out of with your mind - with your faculty of thought and your moral understanding - and out of with all your strength. Mk 12:30 & 31
My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. II Cor 12:9
In the verse above we see Isaac weaned off of milk so he could consume solid food. Hebrew children were weaned at three to five years of age and their religious training began at that time. In a spiritual way, babes in Christ grow to taking solid food; the word of God. We grow from taking God's word in literal form to reading with understanding as we grow. We learned the 10 Commandments as children. As we mature and grow in the understanding of Jesus, His sacrifice and the grace we have through Him, we are said to be eating the "bread of life" - Jesus. We realize we no longer need the milk (God's perfect law) because we cannot grow healthy on just milk. We now have bread (the grace of Jesus). Through understanding grace over law, we can mature in Jesus. We, as Christians, can grow in understanding and reflect the light of Jesus in this world.
Just a few years ago, I did not understand the bread of Communion for healing. I saw speaking in tongues done in the wrong way and did not accept it. There was a time that I did not believe in anointing for healing. I thought the 10 Commandments were our absolute law for living; that we could loose our salvation if we did not keep them. I was self righteous; I was judgemental.. I did not have joy. I thought the rapture was folklore. I recently realized that I did not grasp the concept of the trinity. Over the past couple, or three, years I have been shown the grace of God and my understanding of all these things has come to light through scripture. I can now read with greater understanding. I was the babe on milk until I was taught the grace of God and found the bread of life; Jesus.
And you shall love the Lord your God out of with your whole heart, and out of with all your soul and out of with your mind - with your faculty of thought and your moral understanding - and out of with all your strength. Mk 12:30 & 31
My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness. II Cor 12:9
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Letter to New Christians
The angels in heaven are rejoicing over your decision.
Lk 15:7&10

If you answered an alter call, made a public confession or a private repentance, get Baptized! When you are baptized, the Holy Spirit is imparted to you. Even Jesus (full of the spirit from birth) did this as an example for us. Mt 3:13-15 (Studies have proven that baptized Christians have a different DNA after baptism as opposed to before. You will TRULY be a new person.) Mt 28:19, Lk 11:13, Acts 11:16
The Holy Spirit is a piece of God's Spirit that will live in you from now on. This will give you strength and conviction to help you live a Christian life and make contact with him easier. Mk 12:36, Lk 12:12, Jn 14:26 You will receive the "gifts of the spirit" so you can begin to use and develop them in the name of Jesus, your savior.
It is a sad situation today that most Christians get very excited over new converts but churches have few programs set in place to help you understand what comes next and what it is to be Christian, let alone if you are new to the concept.
First, BRACE YOURSELF ! Satan is mad. If you haven't already, you will be facing some pretty heavy trial/temptation. This is why you need the Holy Spirit to draw from strength that is imparted from God. The Enemy does not want followers of Jesus. His time is coming, he knows it and he is getting very desperate. You can count on him coming at you. Get ready to fight the good fight and get as close to Jesus as you can.
I Tim 6:12, Heb 10:32
It is not easy to be a Christian - especially today. In many countries, Christians are put to death for their belief. America today, is becoming more and more conflicted over Christianity. Indeed, there are fewer converts in America and a growing number in third world countries.
With the Holy Spirit to guide you, you will be turning your life around. You will be feeling the tug of right vs wrong in many facets of life: entertainment, fashion, prayer, Bible study, substance abuse, tithing, holiday celebrations, literature, media and maybe even your diet. This will all depend on your situation and how fast you mature as a Christian. Big or small, changes are coming. If urged by the spirit, you will be happier for the changes.
Cheer up! There is lots of good news.
You are now a child of the Most High God, an inheritor of everything that Jesus (our brother) inherits. Stand up straight, have some pride in how you present yourself; be confident. A changed attitude will take you farther. You are a child of the supreme being, an Ambassador of Heaven itself. You are the light in the dark of this world and the salt of the earth.
Mt. 5:13 You are God's righteousness. God will send His angels to give charge over you. Ps 91:11
If you find yourself getting low and being tempted by pity, get out and do something for someone else; any small thing.
Yes, times are tough, but you now have God, your new spiritual Father, on your side. A father that loves like no other, never leaves you, provides for you, wants you healthy, prosperous and happy. He is as close as a conversation, a prayer, hymn of praise, the Bible. He wants you to converse with Him, dump your problems (no matter how small) and ask Him for whatever you need. Jesus was refreshed after He gave of Himself to the Samaritan woman at the well. God is a giver.
Don't go crazy and start throwing out the baby with the bath water. God wants your happiness and He is not unreasonable. Don't get too hard on yourself. Don't worry about being formal with God; just talk to Him. The Spirit will show you what to do. Be sure to listen for His prompting. Relax, God's got your back.
Find a Bible based church that teaches Jesus. It is commanded to be part of "the body" (the church) and tithing is a great blessing. Take communion regularly, to thank God for healing and covering our sins with the blood of His precious son. Give of yourself and your finances to help others and you will be replenished. No one can give like your new Father. I truly believe that everything we give and share is given back to us with interest. Your Father will not let you go without because you help another.
You don't have to go off to "Timbucktoo", stand on a street corner and predict the end of the world or start preaching to your family and friends. Just relax and live your life as you think God wants you to. Do no harm. A time may come when the Spirit will kick you softly in the butt and urge you to do something. Be the light in the dark and teach by example of right living. You will develop a constant smile and a glow from within that will draw the world to you - just like Jesus.
If you don't know where to start reading the Bible, the book of John is always a great choice. You can read the Psalms (a personal favorite of mine is Ps 91). David was a song writer, shepherd, king, warrior and prophet. Proverbs is good to learn how to live a Christian life. Romans will teach you the grace of God.
You can always read this blog.
Perhaps the best promise to a new Christian is "Fear Not"; a constant reminder from God that a believer can rest his cares in the loving grace of God and sleep through the storms.
May God's amazing complete peace be with you.
The angels in heaven are rejoicing over your decision.
Lk 15:7&10

If you answered an alter call, made a public confession or a private repentance, get Baptized! When you are baptized, the Holy Spirit is imparted to you. Even Jesus (full of the spirit from birth) did this as an example for us. Mt 3:13-15 (Studies have proven that baptized Christians have a different DNA after baptism as opposed to before. You will TRULY be a new person.) Mt 28:19, Lk 11:13, Acts 11:16
The Holy Spirit is a piece of God's Spirit that will live in you from now on. This will give you strength and conviction to help you live a Christian life and make contact with him easier. Mk 12:36, Lk 12:12, Jn 14:26 You will receive the "gifts of the spirit" so you can begin to use and develop them in the name of Jesus, your savior.
It is a sad situation today that most Christians get very excited over new converts but churches have few programs set in place to help you understand what comes next and what it is to be Christian, let alone if you are new to the concept.
First, BRACE YOURSELF ! Satan is mad. If you haven't already, you will be facing some pretty heavy trial/temptation. This is why you need the Holy Spirit to draw from strength that is imparted from God. The Enemy does not want followers of Jesus. His time is coming, he knows it and he is getting very desperate. You can count on him coming at you. Get ready to fight the good fight and get as close to Jesus as you can.
I Tim 6:12, Heb 10:32
It is not easy to be a Christian - especially today. In many countries, Christians are put to death for their belief. America today, is becoming more and more conflicted over Christianity. Indeed, there are fewer converts in America and a growing number in third world countries.
With the Holy Spirit to guide you, you will be turning your life around. You will be feeling the tug of right vs wrong in many facets of life: entertainment, fashion, prayer, Bible study, substance abuse, tithing, holiday celebrations, literature, media and maybe even your diet. This will all depend on your situation and how fast you mature as a Christian. Big or small, changes are coming. If urged by the spirit, you will be happier for the changes.
Cheer up! There is lots of good news.
You are now a child of the Most High God, an inheritor of everything that Jesus (our brother) inherits. Stand up straight, have some pride in how you present yourself; be confident. A changed attitude will take you farther. You are a child of the supreme being, an Ambassador of Heaven itself. You are the light in the dark of this world and the salt of the earth.
Mt. 5:13 You are God's righteousness. God will send His angels to give charge over you. Ps 91:11
If you find yourself getting low and being tempted by pity, get out and do something for someone else; any small thing.
Yes, times are tough, but you now have God, your new spiritual Father, on your side. A father that loves like no other, never leaves you, provides for you, wants you healthy, prosperous and happy. He is as close as a conversation, a prayer, hymn of praise, the Bible. He wants you to converse with Him, dump your problems (no matter how small) and ask Him for whatever you need. Jesus was refreshed after He gave of Himself to the Samaritan woman at the well. God is a giver.
Don't go crazy and start throwing out the baby with the bath water. God wants your happiness and He is not unreasonable. Don't get too hard on yourself. Don't worry about being formal with God; just talk to Him. The Spirit will show you what to do. Be sure to listen for His prompting. Relax, God's got your back.
Find a Bible based church that teaches Jesus. It is commanded to be part of "the body" (the church) and tithing is a great blessing. Take communion regularly, to thank God for healing and covering our sins with the blood of His precious son. Give of yourself and your finances to help others and you will be replenished. No one can give like your new Father. I truly believe that everything we give and share is given back to us with interest. Your Father will not let you go without because you help another.
You don't have to go off to "Timbucktoo", stand on a street corner and predict the end of the world or start preaching to your family and friends. Just relax and live your life as you think God wants you to. Do no harm. A time may come when the Spirit will kick you softly in the butt and urge you to do something. Be the light in the dark and teach by example of right living. You will develop a constant smile and a glow from within that will draw the world to you - just like Jesus.
If you don't know where to start reading the Bible, the book of John is always a great choice. You can read the Psalms (a personal favorite of mine is Ps 91). David was a song writer, shepherd, king, warrior and prophet. Proverbs is good to learn how to live a Christian life. Romans will teach you the grace of God.
You can always read this blog.
Perhaps the best promise to a new Christian is "Fear Not"; a constant reminder from God that a believer can rest his cares in the loving grace of God and sleep through the storms.
May God's amazing complete peace be with you.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
> In the Hebrew language, the word "manna" translates "What is it?" /
The Pharises saw Jesus and said, "Who is He?"
> Well, it came from heaven. / Jesus came from heaven.
> It was needed to survive in the dessert / We need Jesus to survive in the dessert of life.
> It was described as "the bread of heaven" / Jesus is our bread of life.
Jn 6:32
> Eat of manna and die / eat of the bread of life (Jesus) and live forever
Jn 6:58
> The Hebrew people complained about (rejected) the manna that God had provided. / The Jewish people rejected Jesus.
It is described in the Bible as being wafer thin, in flakes like snow and tasting like coriander with honey.
The Hebrews were told not to save it over night, it would rot.
Psalm 78:24-25: “[24] And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven. [25] Man did eat angels’ food: he sent them meat to the full.” “Manna,” “the corn of heaven,” “angels’ food,”
First mention of manna is in Ex 16:4 (4th verse). The number 4 represents the earth. What came from the earth? Man was made from the earth. This bread (what is it/who is he) was made for man. Heaven's bread was made for man to survive the wilderness (stress/Egypt).
Ex 16: 25 shows manna being used to establish the Sabbath BEFORE the Ten Commandments were given.
It was one of three items, representing the rebellion of man, that was put into the Ark of the Covenant and - it did not rot, in the ark.
The manna was used to test the Hebrews in the dessert. Jesus was used to test the Jewish people to see if they would follow Him. Deut. 8:16
The Pharises saw Jesus and said, "Who is He?"
> Well, it came from heaven. / Jesus came from heaven.
> It was needed to survive in the dessert / We need Jesus to survive in the dessert of life.
> It was described as "the bread of heaven" / Jesus is our bread of life.
Jn 6:32
> Eat of manna and die / eat of the bread of life (Jesus) and live forever
Jn 6:58
> The Hebrew people complained about (rejected) the manna that God had provided. / The Jewish people rejected Jesus.
It is described in the Bible as being wafer thin, in flakes like snow and tasting like coriander with honey.
The Hebrews were told not to save it over night, it would rot.
Psalm 78:24-25: “[24] And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven. [25] Man did eat angels’ food: he sent them meat to the full.” “Manna,” “the corn of heaven,” “angels’ food,”
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What manna must have look like. |
First mention of manna is in Ex 16:4 (4th verse). The number 4 represents the earth. What came from the earth? Man was made from the earth. This bread (what is it/who is he) was made for man. Heaven's bread was made for man to survive the wilderness (stress/Egypt).
Ex 16: 25 shows manna being used to establish the Sabbath BEFORE the Ten Commandments were given.
It was one of three items, representing the rebellion of man, that was put into the Ark of the Covenant and - it did not rot, in the ark.
The manna was used to test the Hebrews in the dessert. Jesus was used to test the Jewish people to see if they would follow Him. Deut. 8:16
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
I'm Back
Just couldn't stay away. My husband and I have relocated to another part of the state. After months of packing, house hunting and moving, we are settling in. Not "settled" but settling. I am sure it will take a matter of years to really set up our permanent location the way we want it.
I am very excited to have finished my book. It only took about 3 years and was a very emotional ride. If you are a long standing reader, you will remember a few passages that were posted on this blog. Just contacted my first publisher and waiting to hear back. If you are up to it, a short prayer on my behalf would be appreciated.
Writing is very enjoyable to me. We are constantly told to use the gift(s) God has given us to serve His work in this life. From junior high school, I have always enjoyed writing. I am getting such a late start because I had a pushy English teacher. Mother always said, "If you want Linda to do something, tell her not to". When teacher pushed, I rebelled. Some of us are so bullheaded that we spend half our lives searching for something that we already posses.
Anyway, I have missed my blog. Who knew? The few readers I had were from around the world; few but scattered. I certainly can't reach such an audience any other way. Maybe, just maybe, someone can learn something from me or be inspired by one of my many mistakes to forge ahead without the same blunder(s).
In spite of not posting for almost a year, I have managed to continue studying and I am very anxious to share so much.
For my first post, I have a repeat of an earlier post that is updated:
Interesting: The country of China was in existence during the time Jesus walked the earth. In the ancient history of China, there is recorded a world wide eclipse at mid day the day Jesus was crucified. They also have the earth quake on record.
The sign on the cross over the head of Jesus read "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" in three languages: Hebrew, Greek and Latin. The common representation of the sign today; the famous "INRI" is an acronym for this title taken from the Latin translation.
In Hebrew, "Bethlehem" translates "House of bread". How interesting that; the "Bread of Life" was born in the "House of Bread".
Interesting: On the night Jesus was born, night was turned to day by the brightness of angels filling the sky with their presence. On the day Jesus died, noon was turned to dark by God.
Day 1 of creation, God called forth the light. Wait a minute, wait a minute! He didn't create the sun until day 4. What light did He call forth? Jesus! the light of the world was called forth on the first day to create everything.
Monday, January 14, 2019
The First Communion
Names are so fascinating in the Bible. They help translate events and their meanings.
Interesting chain of events: Gen 14:18 Melchizedek, king of Salem (Salem means "peace"), gave communion to Abram (means "Father of Altitude"), later named Abraham ("Father of Multitude"). He blessed Abram and Abram gave tithe.
is the first mention of communion in the Bible and it lays the
foundation for blessing and tithing. Notice God's blessing comes first
because He is so gracious. Notice also: after the tithe is paid, God
makes a covenant with Abram to give a son (to Abram's barren wife in
their old age) and countless offspring.
Jerusalem is called the foundation of Salem; Jerusalem means "God's Delight". This communion was held in the Valley of Shaveh (means "King's Valley") Melchizedek means "My King is The Lord of Righteousness".
Let's put this together: "My King is The Lord of Righteousness" met in the "King's Valley" for the first communion, a ritual to mark the coming out of Egypt (Egypt translates "stress"), a type of sin (OT) (in the New Testament, the crucified Christ dying to cleanse our sin), with the "Father of Altitude" in Salem ("Peace") where we find Jerusalem, "God's Delight".
Another way: "My King, Lord of Righteousness" went to the "King's Valley" to take out/cleanse of sin the "Father of Altitude" who honored this with giving a tenth of all he had and in return received the desire of his heart. (You can't out give God) This took place in the "Peace" of "God's Delight".
Abram became Abraham and was later asked to offer his beloved son as sacrifice to God. This is a foretelling of the sacrifice our father made with his beloved son, Jesus. P.S: At the last minute, our loving Father provided an animal sacrifice and spared the boy.
Our gracious God wants to bless us with the desires of our hearts in a place of peace - this is His delight.
Interesting chain of events: Gen 14:18 Melchizedek, king of Salem (Salem means "peace"), gave communion to Abram (means "Father of Altitude"), later named Abraham ("Father of Multitude"). He blessed Abram and Abram gave tithe.
Jerusalem is called the foundation of Salem; Jerusalem means "God's Delight". This communion was held in the Valley of Shaveh (means "King's Valley") Melchizedek means "My King is The Lord of Righteousness".
Let's put this together: "My King is The Lord of Righteousness" met in the "King's Valley" for the first communion, a ritual to mark the coming out of Egypt (Egypt translates "stress"), a type of sin (OT) (in the New Testament, the crucified Christ dying to cleanse our sin), with the "Father of Altitude" in Salem ("Peace") where we find Jerusalem, "God's Delight".
Another way: "My King, Lord of Righteousness" went to the "King's Valley" to take out/cleanse of sin the "Father of Altitude" who honored this with giving a tenth of all he had and in return received the desire of his heart. (You can't out give God) This took place in the "Peace" of "God's Delight".
Abram became Abraham and was later asked to offer his beloved son as sacrifice to God. This is a foretelling of the sacrifice our father made with his beloved son, Jesus. P.S: At the last minute, our loving Father provided an animal sacrifice and spared the boy.
Our gracious God wants to bless us with the desires of our hearts in a place of peace - this is His delight.
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