Monday, December 24, 2018

Redemption Covenant

This plan of redemption, this great mystery is the grace of God through the sacrifice of Jesus that covers us with the blood of the perfect sacrifice to be seen as pure in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.  We have been redeemed from all our past, present and future wrong doings.   Bible says, "Once and for all."

Here's how it works:  
We do our best to live according to Jesus example and don't worry about anything else.  We are pure in the sight of God.  We do not have to work for our salvation; God gave it to us through Jesus.  When God the  Father, looks at us He only sees righteous beings.  He cannot see past Jesus pure blood of His son that covers us.

The blood sacrifice was installed when God killed animals to clothe Adam & Eve after they sinned.  Then, God was angry with Cain because he gave an offering of vegetables from the ground that God had cursed.  Abel followed what he was taught and gave a blood offering.  Nothing is cleansed without blood.  We don't need animals because we are redeemed to God by Jesus blood.

We don't have to stop and repent of every wrong thought throughout our day.  Recognize you did did it and know you have been forgiven - 2,000 years ago.  It is done for us for all time.  Jesus cannot crawl back up on the cross to be another sacrifice every time someone sins.   The plan is magnificent in it's simplicity! ! !  What a clever God we have.  What a loving Jesus.

We are the righteousness of God through what Jesus has sacrificed.  God is righteous because of His loving grace to us.  We are righteous in His sight.

As God's perfect law, the 10 Commands make a great guide line.  Just don't expect to keep them or judge yourself when you fail.  You do not have to follow the letter of the law for your salvation.   You cannot get into  heaven on your own efforts.  YOU NEED THE BLOOD OF JESUS.  He already shed it.  You are going.  You have your ticket.  Stop trying to make your salvation all about you.  It's all about Jesus.  Only He is perfect enough to atone for us.  

Believe.  Faith.  Love God above all else and love your neighbor as much as yourself.      -      Easy- peasy!

God made it easy for us because man failed time after time.  God knew we could not save ourselves.  Accept it.  Be free.  Claim Jesus.  The great "I Am".

Monday, December 17, 2018

Merry Christ Mass

What does Christmas mean to you?  Does it mean hurry to get the lights up right after Thanksgiving to out do your neighbor?  Making a list and rushing around to spend money and fill that list?  Does it mean arguing over where to spend the holiday?  Is it rushing for a flight?  Is Christmas debt, stress and a lot of effort that goes unappreciated?  I have heard the statistics for the amount of debt this time of year.  It takes some people all year to pay off Christmas - at least.  There is no evidence in the Bible of Christ (or anyone else) every celebrating His birth.  This is something that man has created and, look what we have done to it.  God, who knows all from the beginning said through the prophet in Amos 5:21-23 what He thinks of man made holidays.  (Amos was a prophet and spoke of end times.  What are we living in now?  He was also speaking to the Israelites.  Through Christ, all have been given the promises of Abraham.  This warning is for all of us.)

When I was a kid, it was explained to me that "Christmas" means. "A Mass for Christ".  A mass means to "assemble", "mobilize" or "rally".  Is this what we do at Christmas today?  How does Santa Clause, pine trees, bills, elves, arguing, crime and gastric distress relate to a mobilization for Christ? 

I have always taken issue with all the donating this time of year.  On top of the pressure to "out do" last year with feasting and giving, we have every organization in the country advertising their need for assistance.  Great organizations that do a lot of good and help a lot of people/children.  My thought:  why don't we spread out our giving more throughout the year.  People have need all year.  If we did that, it wouldn't all "come due" when we can afford it the least.

Before you try to stone me, let me ask a few questions; just as food for thought:  Do you argue with family this time of year?  How could that be remedied?  Are you stressed and spending money you can't spare?  How would you really like to spend the season?  Are you tired of seeing your children disappointed and sulking because they did not get that item you just could not fit in the budget, or the store ran out of?  What could you do better to teach your children the true meaning of this time of the year - giving?  What do you think Jesus thinks of how we honor His birth?

Christmas has become such a huge tradition in this country and many people get caught up in getting as the reason for giving.  I know what a daring opinion I have.  (When I speak my mind on the subject, I feel people looking around for stones they can hurl at me.)  Why?  "Oh, You can't disappoint the children !"  I want to know, what is wrong with teaching truth to our children?  The Bible speaks of truth setting us free.  How much do you think this man made holiday would change if we spoke truth and got rid of the commercialism?  Take a look at Colo. 2:8.  Aren't we called to be Christian soldiers? ?

Bottom line:  It comes down to personal decision for each of us.  I don't mean to TELL anyone what to do; just presenting some food for thought.

Here's an Idea:  Just one year, don't give any gifts and see how that works out for you - just one year.  Just one year, remove everything commercial from your celebration.

We just might have a quieter, less stressful and more fulfilling Mass for Christ.


Friday, December 14, 2018


If you have been reading my blogs, you know I am big on saying grace over a meal in public places.  It is one way of shining our light, as Christians, to the world and letting everyone know we are here and follow the teachings of Jesus.

Just this week, I joined in a group of Christian women, from the local church I attend, to have a luncheon in a nice restaurant.  Grace was said during the prayer of protection spoken before our bus left the church parking lot.  (I'm still of a mind, that it would have been nice to say it separately over the meal.)

I want to write a short disclaimer here:  The ladies I had lunch with are wonderful Christian women who serve without expecting rewards, they do it without bragging and pray for everyone and everything.  There is no fowl language, no vicious gossip and all comments to each other are encouraging.     This writing is not targeting these ladies I share Bible study and Sunday school with.  Having lunch with them in public just reminded me of  the conversation of Christians in general.

Herein lies my issue.    We discuss family, the holidays, jobs, new babies, church functions and generally share our lives.   However:  could we not share what we learn and experience in our daily devotions with each other a bit more?  Could we not share what we experience with our Lord?  How about our blessings for the day?  All of my friends and church family take daily time for private devotions sometime during the day or week.  

It is my belief that we would grow more and support each other more (Heb 13:1) by sharing what we are learning daily.   If you don't have a regular time to spend in God's word, surely you have things you are thankful for.  If we each think about it, we can find something to be grateful for every day.  This could be shared.  I would love to hear everyone else's thoughts about God and Jesus along with what they are learning and experiencing in their Christian walk.

My point is that we should be talking of our spiritual Father and Jesus (and the Holy Spirit) more often.  As creator, provider, savior and guiding force, shouldn't they take up more of our conversation time; especially with other believers?  After all, we will be spending eternity in their presence.  We could be training ourselves to better understanding and appreciation just by our relating the main thing we all have in common - God's grace.

Even at church social functions, the conversation almost never goes to the one in who's house we have come to be together.

I am not criticizing my Christian brothers and sister - surely, I have a lot of room to improve in this area.  (Don't pick at the splinter in your brother's eye when you have a log in your own.)  There are other types of verbal sharing that we want to relate.  It's just that I seldom witness ANY sharing about our provider Father or our older brother that freely gave up His life that we might also have it everlasting in His presence.  

We can let our light shine even more if the world hears our conversation and identifies us as Christian.  This sets an example for our children who are discussing way too much about phones and social media.   We would be inclined to think of God more often and perhaps even grow a little closer to Him.

Can we give a bit more thought to this ?  I wonder how much God would appreciate the effort, privately and publicly?

Sisters, will you join and help us? Moses’ sister aided him;
Will you help the trembling mourners who are struggling hard with sin?
Tell them all about the Savior, tell them that He will be found;

Christ will gird Himself and serve us with sweet manna all around.


Ask - Then, Shut up

Make requests to your Heavenly Father who wants to give you the desires of your heart.  (As long as they are in line with His loving grace.)  

Then, shut up!  He heard you.  He is God.  

Oh how we can forget how huge, magnificent, eternal, powerful, infinite He is.  As humans, we tend to put everything into a box, with a tag on it to describe the contents.  We do this so we can relate, understand and control.  We need to feel control because we are so insecure and fearful.  God is so much more than anything we can ever understand.  Let us learn to accept.  We are physical beings in a physical world and find it difficult to relate to the spiritual.  God understands.

After you make request, it is time to thank Him for working to give you the desire of your heart.  He heard your request.  Isn't it wonderful that we don't have to keep reminding Him of our needs and desires?  We don't  have to beg.  Yes, we are to ask; He wants us to depend on Him.  He heard you!  

I am reminded of my dog:  I tell him, "Sit!"  (He doesn't want to. We have a very defiant dog.)   He looks at me like he is deaf.  I know he heard me - he is a dog.  Dogs have the most amazing hearing AND . . I am standing right in front of him.  He is looking into my face.  My husband (bless his heart) tells the dog over and over, "Sit - sit! - Sit - SIT !!"  I want to scream.  When I tell the dog to sit and he doesn't, I just wait.  I stare at him and he stares at me.  He always relents and sits.  I know he heard me.  He knows I know he heard me.  It is just a matter of time before he answers my request.  

Why would we think that God can't hear as well as a dog - a creature He created?

God wants thanks.  A form of thanks is praise.  He created angels to surround His throne and sing praises constantly.  It's not that He is insecure or vain.  Rather, He must be given what He deserves.

People in the Bible who thanked God:
Miriam         Ex 15:20-21
Hannah        I Sam 2:1-10
David           II Sam 22:1-51,   Ps 3
Solomon      I Kings 8:14-21
Elizabeth      Lk 1:24-25
Mary            Lk 1:46-55
Jesus            Jn 6:11
Leper            Lk 17:11-19
Paul             Phil 1:3-11 

How pleased were your parents when you thanked them (without being told to)?  How much faster were they to answer because they felt you appreciated what you received?  How much more your Heavenly Father ?

Monday, December 10, 2018

God Said "Please"

So excited, just have to share - A fact from study of the original Hebrew text of the Bible (called the Tenach):

In the Old Testament, the word "please" has been omitted over the centuries by translators, to the tune of 410 times in the Old Testament - 176 times in Hebrew version of the New Testament.

Example: Gen 22:2 Read it for yourself in your Bible. The Hebrew Bible reads: "Please take your son . . ." This portrays God in a different light than harsh and merciless.... He always allows us a choice. 

"Please" demonstrates compassion. It has a reassuring affect while asking someone to do something very difficult. In the NT, the thief on the cross said (In Heb. NT), "Lord, remember me please . . ." 
Lk 23:42

Again: Ps 118:25 and Jn 12:13 says "Save us we beseech you . . ." original Hebrew: "Save us, please, O Lord! O Lord, please, send us prosperity."

Whatever could be the reason that this significant gesture should be omitted so many times by translations ?  Perhaps the earliest of them wanted a contrast between the God of the Old Testament and Jesus of the New Testament.  Isn't it wonderful to have such a precious God. 

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Christ' (s) Mass

Merry Christ Mass !

I love caroles in church, candle light service, lighting Advent candles, children's programs, family gatherings around a meal, fireplaces ablaze, hot chocolate, snow flakes, shepherds, choirs singing, nativity sets, hearing from far off friends and family, socializing, sharing and church bells ringing.

I detest Santa Claus, the crime, spoiled children, gimme gimme, rush rush, hurry hurry, got to get, drunken parties, debt, loneliness, presents, families arguing, wasted money, crime, stress, worry, credit, jealousy, trying to outdo last year, trying to out do your neighbor, ungratefulness, lay away, payments, travel delays, got to go, got to give, got to do and right now!

What have we done to Christmas?  If you take Christ out of Christmas, you have Mass.  What are we having a mass for?  Santa?   Heaven, save us!

I have to admit, there are a few things on my hate list that I can get caught up in.  It is all around us.  You don't dare attack Santa or "Christmas" openly.  You could get eggs thrown at you.  Yet, so many will admit they hate to see it come.  


Let's step back and take a good look at how we have come to "celebrate" the birth of the perfect man who sacrificed himself to a horrific death so we would be saved to eternal life through the grace of God.  

 What does any of this have to do with that precious man?

What are we doing to our children?

If we are going to continue to celebrate with such selfish disregard for our Savior, let's at least take His name out of it.

A little food for thought:
Amos 5:21-23, Hosea 2:11, Mt. 15:3, Colos. 2:8

Let us make an effort to remember Jesus on His birthday. 


Saturday, November 24, 2018

Let's Have A Party

I  had a party yesterday.

I sulked, would not talk to anyone, hid away, did not bathe or get dressed, took a long nap and sighed, "Oh God".  Any of you ever have a party like this?

Things were not going the way I wanted, as fast as I wanted.  I did not sleep well the night before and blamed everyone in the house for it, including the cat.  When you are sleep deprived, everything seems worse.  It was a cloudy day, cold, windy and snowing - that did not help.  I had thought I would get out to run errands but just did not want to in that messy weather.  You notice the smallest issue: the dog is barking at the dog that is barking 4 blocks away, the house is a mess, the doctor did not return my phone call and my husband didn't wring out the dishrag - again.  No matter he is busy hanging wallpaper for me, he never wrings out the dishrag.

A few doors were slammed, conversation was ignored and I had a good cry in the bathroom - which all went unnoticed.   Which made it worse: nobody cares!  I took my car keys and left without a word to anyone about where I was going or when I would be back.  I didn't even dress; went out in my "jammy jeans" and house slippers (in the cold snow).   When I left the house, I told myself I would go to my friends and cheer her up.   The best thing for self pity is to do something for someone else and take your mind off yourself.  That is what I told myself I was going to do.  That's what I told myself.     I knew she was also in the middle of some personal issues and misery loves company.   In my subconscious, I was dying to tell her how the universe was being so unfair to me.  Boo hoo!   I drove to her house and the two of us had an intimate pity party.  We discussed everything wrong in our lives at that moment and ended up laughing about it all.  Ain't friends great !?      

Today the sun is out, I had a good nights sleep and got in some exercise.  Today, it is clear to me that yesterday was a pity party for myself and I even shared it with a friend.  Today, I am reminded of Jonah who had a pity party after God made him go to Nineveh to warn people he did not think deserved a second chance.  He sat down under a tree, by himself and whined to God who was exercising his graceful mercy to these people.  Jonah 4:11

I am also reminded of Elijah (who's name actually means, "Yahweh is Grace"), as he fled the threats of Jezebel in IKings 19.  He had a great pity party.  Elijah had just killed all the false prophets and  torn down idols (a great story in IKings 18).  How soon Elijah forgot this all happened by the hand of God.  Elijah knew God did this great work through him, but did not consider that God could save him from Jezebel.

A pity party can serve us as a lesson from God.  We need to find more faith in the one who created time and space.  We have to get going when the going is tough.  The sun comes out tomorrow.  There is always sun behind the clouds.  God is in His heaven and loves us as individuals. 

Let us not forget the amazing story of Job.  After he got over his pity party, God restored everything to him PLUS.

Let Job be this lesson: when we accept our circumstances, God gets involved.  Nothing is accomplished as long as we are partying on our own and whining about our situation.  Let's face it, having God involved is much better than not.

A pity party is a total waste of time and effort.  It is absolute self absorption and accomplishes nothing.   No one wants to come to our party.   

 It does give the enemy reason to celebrate.  He is happy to see us unhappy with, and doubting God.  Score one for the enemy of heaven when I have a pity party.

In my defense, I will say it is the first in a long time.  Once I shake it off, I usually come back like a warrior; ready to do whatever it takes to be right with God.  I have apologized to my Heavenly Father and I can always hope that is the last one - just like the last time I hosted one.  We are all a work in progress and God is waiting to forgive us - again.  Thanks to God, we get a little better each time. 


Thursday, November 22, 2018


This year, my husband and I decide (actually I decided) we would stay home for our meal.  My husband's huge family is hours away and since his parents are both gone, his siblings have their own children and grandchildren to feast with.  My remaining family is hundreds  of miles away.  I always miss my grandmothers' recipes and wanted some leftovers on my favorite holiday of the year.

For the past ten years Steven and I have attended the community buffet meal provided by a large church in our small rural town.  It is always nice to see town folk that you know and don't know.  We sit at a large table with friends and neighbors who didn't cook for one reason or another.  Some are elderly and not well, some bring their family, some live alone and various other reasons that make a community meal so inviting.  Desserts, turkey and salads are always donated by the community and a jar is available for donations to help pay for the side dishes.  Volunteers from church and community start early to prep everything in the large kitchen and make deliveries to shut ins.  Sometime after the first or second shift, Santa shows up with small gifts donated by fire and police personnel.  It is an amazing community effort.

When I got up this morning, my thoughts went to friends and how they would be spending the day.  

I have one friend that has already had one holiday meal.  She is part of a family and extended family that can never decided when and who will host the meal.  Parents want one, in-laws want one and children want a meal with their parents and kids.   I envy her all the food but not all the fussing and hurt feelings that hang over this holiday.  All in all, my friend makes a great effort to appease everyone and look for the bright side.

Another friend will host a meal at her dining room table with family and be exhausted for days.  She prays all the grandchildren make it  home and anxiously accommodates  great grandchildren.   She loves her family.  Her house is decorated for Christmas and there is a parade on the television as prelude to the football game.  Lots of food from her kitchen and her children's.  They will have time to catch up on what each other has been doing lately and how they are contending with health and family issues.  Lots of talk across the table, coffee with the dessert buffet and sleepy heads afterwards.  

A neighbor friend is surely sad this year.  She is not able to cook and serve her family in the tradition she has created.  She has been fighting terrible infections for a couple months now, due to an injury that is not healing.  She has created a family that depends on her.  However, this is their chance to shine and take care of things for her, as I am sure they will.  This is the kind of woman who is always busy serving others and it will not be easy for her to sit and be waited on but well deserved.  It is important to be on the receiving end of the giving once in awhile.  We seldom stop to think of the great pleasure we derive from doing the serving.

I am concerned about another friend having health issues; seems like one after another for several years now.  She and her husband will be going to family for their meal and socializing.  Grandchildren will be visiting from the city with a new beau or news of a job promotion.  Some even bring pets with them, which are always accepted.  I am sure she will come home exhausted but oh so happy not to have clean up in her home this year.  It is so great to have family to share with.  

One friend I am particularly happy for this year.  She and her husband have been invited to the house of her daughter in the city for her meal.    It seems that for a reason, unknown to her, that the relationship between the two of them has been distant for several years.  This meal was her daughter's idea and my friend is elated.  It will  be a wonderfully special day for her.

Do you see yourself in any of these situations?  Steven and I do not have children, family is unaccessible and friends are preoccupied.  We are looking forward to our meal together with hearts full of gratitude for all of God's blessings which includes our marriage.  We always miss family but are making our own tradition.

I know that grace of great gratitude will be said at each table I have mentioned.  

May the Lord bless you and your family today with loving conversation, fellowship, great food and safe travels.


Monday, November 5, 2018

God Is Love

We hear it all the time:  "God loves you", "Jesus loves you".

What does this really mean? 
It has been used until we don't think about the meaning.  We don't connect the words to their meaning.  There are those who would use this to control where you attend church, your finances, your opinions.  You are told God loves you, then subject to a sermon of wrath, hell fire or eye for an eye. 

Let's just explore these issues.

Wrath:  Yes, God had wrath alright, especially in the Old Testament.  But, if we actually search it out, His wrath was directed at non believers, evil doers, idol worshipers and enemies of His people.  Yes, He did punish various of His people but only as a loving father must discipline a child who misbehaves for the good of the child.  His people were always restored after the discipline.  You ask, "What about the times when Israelites were order to wipe out a people - even their children - even their flocks - and take no plunder?"  I answer: Those to be wiped out were idol worshiping enemies of God's people.  I did a study of the idol Baal and the Ashera poll.  The Ashera poll was a carving of the goddess Ashera and it was not modest (to say the least).  What they did to babies and children was an absolute abomination to God.  Mass graves have been uncovered with hundreds, even thousands of children's skeletons.  They practiced horrific mockery of God with priests and priestesses involved in public intercourse followed by orgies.  God is a just God to wipe them from the face of the earth.

Hell fire:  It is doctrine.  There is hell fire.  But, only for non believers.  Those who actually believe in Jesus as the Son of God sent for the atonement of human sin, have nothing to fear of a hell fire.  Isn't that great?  Those of us who believe are already saved through our belief in Jesus Christ.  Once you have accepted His sacrifice as your saving grace, you cannot lose it.   The rapture will lift all believers from this world before God's wrath comes in the final days.  The "Lamb's Book of Life" (Rev.21:27) will be read later; after the New Jerusalem comes down from heaven - after Jesus defeats Satan Rev.19:11 - 21.  We will already be with Him, bringing down the new Jerusalem, when the Book of Life is read.  If we follow a sequence of events: the rapture of believers, three and one half years of the reign of an anti Christ, his defeat, the New Jerusalem, reading the Book of Life, we see that Christian believers will actually be with Jesus before all this.  Jesus cannot re-judge believers He has already taken up into the clouds to be with Him.  Is He going to read the Book of Life and say, "Oooops!  I didn't know that about you; get out!"  I don't think so.  Christian believers do not face a judgement.  We will be taken up to meet Him in the clouds.  God is faithful to His faithful.

Eye for an eye:  In Ex.21:24 this first appears as God gives Moses instructions for governing the Israelites.  This is the Old Testament - the Old Covenant with the Israelite people.  Jesus brought a New Testament and taught in Mt.5:38 & 39 that you are now to turn the other cheek.  The old covenant of law has been replaced with the new covenant of grace through Jesus.  God's amazing grace.

To be loved by God is to be safe, provided for, at peace, confident, worry free and happy.  No one can love like the Creator of time and space, stars and suns, wind and the very atoms that comprise all things.

Story:  There was a scientist who came to God and declared, "We can now create life in the laboratory.  I am like you."  God replies, "Is that so?  Let's just prove your claim."  The scientist agreed they would each create a human being.  When the scientist reached down to gather the dirt to begin his creation, God stopped him and said, "Oh no you don't.  Go get your own dirt."

Challenge:  I dare you to disprove God or Jesus.  Throughout history, every time someone sets out to disprove His existence, they either come to believe in Him or give up in frustration.  Go ahead; I dare you - actual proof.

You ask me for proof of His existence?  I point you to the Bible - a perfect puzzle where all the pieces fit and the old reveals the new and the new proves the old.  I point you to the man of Jesus; perfect, without sin (Heb.9:14, IPe.1:19).  It was very important in the Old Covenant that all sacrifices be "without blemish".  He began a movement that has lasted 2,000 years and survived wars and persecution all that time just to flourish stronger than ever.  No other movement or religion in the world has with stood such opposition.

I fear I have strayed from the subject of love. 
See God as the perfect father.  He loves you so much that He wants to give you everything that is good for you.  Being a good father, who knows you from your beginning, He knows what is best for you.  He knows if you touch the hot stove, you will get burned.  That's why He has rules; just like you give your kids - because you LOVE them.  If you did not grow up with a concerned father, surrender to God and find out what the perfect father can be: never leave you, protect you, guide, discipline, provide every need, teach, listen and care.  Experience His perfect love.

Then, consider the ultimate.  Having a son that you adore.  This perfect being is your absolute joy but to save all of His bad siblings, this child must be punished severely and tortured to death.  Oh, how He loves you and me.

Deut.5:10, Jdgs.5:31, Ps.119:132, Jn.14:23

Time demands I move on with my day.  Think on these things and come back.  We'll share some more.


Friday, November 2, 2018

The Precious Book of Psalms

The Psalms were written as independent pieces, by many authors, for different purposes over many centuries.  David is the best known author but not the only one.  Despite this, they are listed in a sort of "Divine Order".  There is a divine order to everything in the Bible.  Psalm 72 is accepted as written by Solomon while Psalm 90 is accepted as being written by Moses.

In II Sam 22 and I Chr 16 you can find two more Psalms of David. In Psalms 18 and 105 you can find lines from these two Psalms.  Note: we are told in I Chronicles that the Psalm is by David.  Therefore, Ps 105 cannot be an "orphaned" Psalm, as stated below.

David was favored by God because he offered so much praise.  We should recognize God through praise much more than we do.  I believe His favor would be greater, if we did.

The words "Psalm" and "Psalter" come from the Greek translation of the Old Testament where they originally referred to stringed instruments such as harp, lyre and lute, then to songs sung with their accompaniment.  Some are written as prayer to God and others written as praise of God;  prayer and praise as professions of faith and trust.

There are 150 Psalms: 34 lack super scriptions; they were written above or outside something else.

Psalms: 1 & 2 are known as "The Introductory" Psalms

Songs of the Sons of Korah: 42 - 49, 84 & 85, 87 & 88

Songs of Asaph: 50, 73 - 83

Songs of Ascents:  120 - 134

Psalms 93 through 100 carry a theme of "The Lord Reigns".

Psalms 113 through 118 are known as "The Hallel" (Hallel means praise) and are recited by Observant Jews on Jewish Holy Days as an act of praise and thanksgiving. 

Psalms 120 through 136 are referred to as "The Great Hallel".  Hallel is a Jewish prayer, a verbatim recitation of praise.

Psalms 146 - 150 are recognized as "The Conclusion" Psalms.  They proclaim praise to the Lord more than others.
There are further compilations.  These writings are separated into five books, each of which was provided with an appropriate concluding doxology. 

Book 1:  In Psalms 1 - 41 "Yahweh" is used and are pre exile from the period of the monarchy.  This name (Yahweh) is the greatest reverence for God.

Book 2:  In Psalms 42 - 72 "Elohim" is used and are also pre exile and from the period of the monarchy.  "Elohim" is a plural word referring to God and Jesus (if not also the Holy Spirit).

Book 3: 73 - 89

Book 4: 90 - 106

Book 5:  107 - 150
* In Psalm 110, David is proclaimed as "a priest forever" along with being a king, composer, warrior and prophet.

It has been speculated, these books may have been divided to make five because Moses wrote five books.

Psalms that are not credited to an author are sometimes called "orphaned".  They are: 1, 2, 10, 33, 43, 71, 91, 93 through 97, 99, 104 through 107, 111 through 119, 135 through 137 and 146 through 150.

Psalms 10 and 43 are believed, by some, to be continuations of their previous psalm.  This would exempt them from "orphan" status.

Psalm 117 = shortest chapter
Psalm 119 = longest chapter
Psalm 118 = middle chapter of the Bible
   594 chapter before Psalm 118
 +594 chapters after Psalm 118
 1188 = Ps. 118:8  Read this verse !
*(This has to be divine order)

The book of Psalms is called "heart of the Bible"
David, the author, is called "A man after God's heart"
The Psalms are written as songs to God
The word Psalm means "Song/hymn"

The Psalms are poetic, prophetic, encouraging, instructional, exalt God, hopeful and conversational.

Fearful?  Read Psalms 56, 91, 23
discouraged:  42
lonely:  62, 71
sinful:  32, 51
worried: 37,73
angry:  13, 58
resentful:  77, 94
forsaken:  88
doubting:  119 

The word "Selah" appears in 39 Psalms and the book of Habakkuk.  The meaning of this word has been discussed a lot.  I, personally, believe it to have three meanings depending on where it is placed.  It could mean to take a pause for reflection.  It can mean a pause to listen for God to convey a message to you.  In certain psalms that refer to the end time, a place of refuge or safety, it can refer to the place known as Petra.  In this instance, Selah/Petra relates to a place next to The Valley of Moses.  The Hebrew word "Selah" translates into the Greek word "Petra".  This place has a fascinating history.  (I will be writing on this topic at a later date.)

I want to end with the Introduction to the Book of Psalms from the Hebrew Old Testament (The Tenach):

For nearly three thousand years, every situation in a Jew's life has been reflected in King David's Book of Psalms.  Referring to this Book, God said to David, "One day of your songs and praises is more precious to Me than the thousands of offerings that will be brought by your son Solomon."  In illness and in strife, in triumph and in success, the Jew opens his Book of Psalms and lets David become the harp upon which his own emotions sing or weep.  Who can assess the worth of the little Book that has been the chariot bearing countless tears to the Heavenly Throne?

Upon reading of King David's many ordeals, one can begin to understand how he could compose the psalms that capture every person's joy and grief, thanksgiving and remorse, cries from the heart and songs of happiness.  He was the Sweet Singer of Israel; more than that however, he experienced the travail of every person, and that is why everyone can see himself mirrored in David's psalms. 

Many of the psalms were composed to be sung by the Levites in the Temple, with musical accompaniment, and such psalms generally begin by naming the instrument upon which they would be played.  Many of the psalms are attributed to authors other than David, but according to one view in the Talmud, he was the author of them all, presumably drawing upon ideas or texts and weaving them into his own compositions.

Whatever  the authorship of the psalms, one thing is certain:  Since the day it was composed, the Book of Psalms has become interwoven with the souls of countless Jews.  The psalms are part of the daily prayers.  They are recited at moments of illness and crisis.  They are changed joyously in times of good fortune and when heartfelt prayers have been answered.  The last verse of the Book proclaims: "Let all souls praise God, Hallelujah!"  The Sages expounded homiletically that the verse also means to teach:  "Praise God for every breath that you are privileged to take."  This degree of gratitude that sees everything - even as automatic an act as drawing breath - as a Divine gift is one of the countless teachings of David.  It is the soul that permeates the entire Book of Psalms.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Onward Christian Soldiers

This message is not directed to any reader in a country that oppresses Christianity.  God does not condone putting your life at risk.  You are created for life and life more abundantly.

Does the world see you as a Christian?  A follower of Christ?

Are you selfish, thoughtless, impatient, rude, confrontational?  Do you wear a cross around your neck and grumble at the sales clerk?  Do you have a fish decal on your car and honk your horn at every little offense?  do you say grace at home but not in restaurants?  Do you gossip and cuss?

If you are going to wear the cross, display "I am a Christian" decal, hang images on the walls of your home or carry your Bible for everyone to see, you had better be walking the walk; not just talking the talk.  The world is watching us. 

Awhile back, I wrote in this blog about saying grace in public and got lots of praise for speaking out on this subject.  I wonder how many of the people who praised me for that actually do it themselves.  I seldom see people saying grace in public - even after I published that writing.
  I live in a very small, rural town with a church on every corner.  We have an annual day of prayer at the flag poll in the park.  We have an annual prayer breakfast sponsored by our Ministerial Alliance.  We pray at every Bible Study and church meal.  There is prayer before and closing every Sunday school class.  Our churches have prayer weeks that open their doors for people to commit to an hour of prayer.  Our churches preach prayer from the pulpit.  Why do I not see more public personal prayer/grace over meals?  Is it just reserved for church?  If we pray in church and at home, why won't we pray in public?

Are you hung up on the parable of the man who prayed openly, bragging to God with pretty words?  This was an example of self righteousness - not an example of how we are to live our lives as a light to the world.

Even if you are in a place or a situation that might put you in physical jeopardy, you can always think a silent prayer of thanks to your Lord and Savior.  No one can take your thoughts from you.  There is no mechanical detector for mind reading.  How many of you, right now, are cheering what I am saying and will go out to lunch, in a public place, and NOT say grace?

You do not have to stand up and impose it on everyone in the place.  You do not have to speak it out loud.  You do not have to use glorious, poetic words.  Even a group of you can bow your heads in silent prayer as an example - let the world know there are Christians among them.  You are not expected to make a spectacle of yourself.  God will make your actions known to those whom He wants to notice.  You speak volumes with quiet humility.  Christians are non aggressive warriors.  Our actions, appearance and public behavior are our weapons.

Beyond grace in public, what else are you doing for the world to see you as set apart?  Take a test:  Stand in front of a mirror.  Are you clean or unkempt?  Do your cheeks show under your hem line?  Does your neckline expose your naval?  Is your tee shirt dirty and full of holes or satanic images?  Are your clothes so tight that your cellulite is visible underneath?  For goodness sake!  A Christian is supposed to stand out - not blend into the world.  The Bible tells us we are set apart.  Everywhere you go, you are a representative of heaven and the glorious world to come.

Now, don't get your panties in a wad.  I am not against tattoos, piercings or jeans in church.  Jesus accepts you as you are.   Everyone is growing at a different pace.  The Spirit deals with each of us as we are ready.  There are many churches and individuals out there doing great work reaching those people who are uncomfortable in the traditional church setting.  Jesus went into places to commune with people that society and the pharisees looked down on.  People will never be reached if we look at the book by it's cover.  In church, we are preaching to the choir.  The need is outside the church and you have to reach people on their own turf.

I am saying:  m o d e s t y.   Most of us come to the point of our spiritual growth where we want to present ourselves as clean and neat in appearance.  We represent the kingdom of God.  We are the bride of Jesus Christ Himself.  What sort of example do we set when we smoke, drink and wear short shorts?  When I went into the Native American community, I dressed down so as not to offend BUT I maintained a certain standard as an example. Paul said: "I am all things to all people".
Story:  Years ago, I was at a Christian celebration for the day.  We were in skirts and heels with the men in suits.  We broke for lunch and a group of us went to a fast food restaurant.  It was noon and it was busy.  There was a long line waiting to place their order.  When we walked in, all eyes turned to us.  We did look a little out of place among the tee shirts and sandals.  We took our place at the end of the lines and the waters parted.  I promise you, people stood aside to let us order ahead of them.  I have never witnessed anything like it.  I have never forgotten that.  People in that restaurant assumed, from our appearance, that we were special in some way.  

We cannot be respected unless we first show respect to ourselves.  Plain and simple, our appearance is a matter of self respect.  There looks to be so little today.  A lot of people do not look like they respect themselves so it is easy to discount them.  This should not be.  I truly believe that Jesus did not go around in sack cloth.  He was given expensive gifts when he was an infant (gold, frankincense and myrrh).  Many believe he owned his own house in Cappernaum.  Why would the Roman soldiers, at the cross, gamble for his robe if it was not of quality?  There is a verse that says it was made of one unbroken thread.  He was a Hebrew teacher who wore his prayer shawl - what the woman with the issue of blood touched.  Jesus was not a slob.

Do you offer everyone a smile or a scowl?  This earth is a battle ground.  Satan goes to and fro seeking who he may devour.  He is the enemy.  What are we doing to fight him and his tyranny?  I am not talking about taking a gun and making a public statement.  Violence is not of our Lord Jesus.  I am talking about the quiet personal strength that God supplies when we do His work.  Being a helpful, joyful, determined ambassador for heaven is doing the work of your Lord.

Are you aware of your surroundings?  Are you open to helping a stranger?: the woman struggling with loading groceries, returning a shopping cart for someone, moving a cart away from the path of traffic, picking up a piece of trash or hundreds of other little gestures.  Are you patient waiting in line?  Are you a patient listener?  Do you encourage where there is negativity?  Are you actively seeking opportunities to show yourself to the world as an example of something (or some place) better?

God wants others to want what He has given us.  How can they if we show how rude, grouchy and unhappy we are with all our complaining?

The end of the age is closer all the time.  We are Christian soldiers in this world today; the salt of the earth that makes life taste better.  More of us should be quietly and humbly fighting this battle.  Let's show the world the good side of Christianity.  Let's show others our joy so they will want what we have.  Bring your inner peace out of you as a testament to the world.  Let's be fishers of men in our own little corner of life.  Let's show others that we have a life they need and make them want it by being the "nice people".

Monday, October 22, 2018

The Book, Part 2

The Bible is broken down into books, penned by ghost writer authors.  Each book is broken into chapter and each of those is further broken down into verses. 

Names and numbers in the Bible have meaning.  Most often, these meanings explain a deeper understanding of the writing.  As mentioned in the first part of this writing in an the previous blog, it all points to Jesus.

The number "1" relates to God/unity
No. 5: represents the grace of God
No. 10: represents law/ordinance
No. 12: government
No. 40: testing, trial, the end of bondage

Sarai = Domineering   /   Sarah = Princess
Abram = Father of Altitude   /   Abraham = Father of Multitudes

Interesting facts:
The book of Esther does not mention God
Longest book = Psalms
Shortest book = II John
Longest chapter = Ps.119
Shortest chapter = Ps.117
Longest verse = Esther 8:9
Shortest verse = Jn.11:35
Oldest man = Methuselah - 969 years
Two men never died - Enoch & Elijah

Psalm 22 (from the Old Testament) refers to the death of Jesus.  Written hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, this is further proof of inspiration through the Holy Spirit.

The God's Eye constellation

The word "gospel" in Greek means "Good News".  There are four synoptic (agreeing) gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  They document the life, teaching, healing and death of Jesus life. 

The Old Testament is about the "law" (commonly referred to as the 10 Commandments) where man is required to do, do, do.  The New Testament is about the grace that Jesus brought through grace where we rest emotionally and spiritually and God does all the work.

An unnamed "servant" usually refers to the Holy Spirit.
People who are named are Christian believers.  Those mentioned and their name not given are usually unbelievers (or Gentiles). 

The phrase "fear not/don't fear" appears 365 times and is the most often stated phrase uttered by the God head.  The second most stated phrase, "Oh ye of little faith".

Psalm 117 = shortest chapter
Psalm 119 = longest chapter
Psalm 118 = middle chapter of the Bible
   594 chapter before Psalm 118
 +594 chapters after Psalm 118
 1188 = Ps. 118:8  Read this verse !
*(This has to be divine order)

The book of Psalms is called "heart of the Bible"
David, the author, is called "A man after God's heart"
The Psalms are written as songs to God
The word Psalm means "Song/hymn"
