When I was a kid, it was explained to me that "Christmas" means. "A Mass for Christ". A mass means to "assemble", "mobilize" or "rally". Is this what we do at Christmas today? How does Santa Clause, pine trees, bills, elves, arguing, crime and gastric distress relate to a mobilization for Christ?

I have always taken issue with all the donating this time of year. On top of the pressure to "out do" last year with feasting and giving, we have every organization in the country advertising their need for assistance. Great organizations that do a lot of good and help a lot of people/children. My thought: why don't we spread out our giving more throughout the year. People have need all year. If we did that, it wouldn't all "come due" when we can afford it the least.
Before you try to stone me, let me ask a few questions; just as food for thought: Do you argue with family this time of year? How could that be remedied? Are you stressed and spending money you can't spare? How would you really like to spend the season? Are you tired of seeing your children disappointed and sulking because they did not get that item you just could not fit in the budget, or the store ran out of? What could you do better to teach your children the true meaning of this time of the year - giving? What do you think Jesus thinks of how we honor His birth?
Bottom line: It comes down to personal decision for each of us. I don't mean to TELL anyone what to do; just presenting some food for thought.
Here's an Idea: Just one year, don't give any gifts and see how that works out for you - just one year. Just one year, remove everything commercial from your celebration.
We just might have a quieter, less stressful and more fulfilling Mass for Christ.
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