Thursday, May 30, 2019

Letter to New Christians


The angels in heaven are rejoicing over your decision.
Lk 15:7&10

If you answered an alter call, made a public confession or a private repentance, get Baptized!  When you are baptized, the Holy Spirit is imparted to you.  Even Jesus (full of the spirit from birth) did this as an example for us.  Mt 3:13-15  (Studies have proven that baptized Christians have a different DNA after baptism as opposed to before.  You will TRULY be a new person.)  Mt 28:19, Lk 11:13, Acts 11:16

The Holy Spirit is a piece of God's Spirit that will live in you from now on.  This will give you strength and conviction to help you live a Christian life and make contact with him easier.  Mk 12:36, Lk 12:12, Jn 14:26   You will receive the "gifts of the spirit" so you can begin to use and develop them in the name of Jesus, your savior.

It is a sad situation today that most Christians get very excited over new converts but churches have few programs set in place to help you understand what comes next and what it is to be Christian, let alone if you are new to the concept.

First, BRACE YOURSELF !  Satan is mad.  If you haven't already, you will be facing some pretty heavy trial/temptation.  This is why you need the Holy Spirit to draw from strength that is imparted from God.  The Enemy does not want followers of Jesus.  His time is coming, he knows it and he is getting very desperate.  You can count on him coming at you.  Get ready to fight the good fight and get as close to Jesus as you can. 
I Tim 6:12, Heb 10:32

It is not easy to be a Christian - especially today.  In many countries, Christians are put to death for their belief.  America today, is becoming more and more conflicted over Christianity.  Indeed, there are fewer converts in America and a growing number in third world countries.

With the Holy Spirit to guide you, you will be turning your life around.  You will be feeling the tug of right vs wrong in many facets of life:  entertainment, fashion, prayer, Bible study, substance abuse, tithing, holiday celebrations, literature, media and maybe even your diet.  This will all depend on your situation and how fast you mature as a Christian.  Big or small, changes are coming.  If urged by the spirit, you will be happier for the changes.

Cheer up!  There is lots of good news.
You are now a child of the Most High God, an inheritor of everything that Jesus (our brother) inherits.  Stand up straight, have some pride in how you present yourself; be confident.  A changed attitude will take you farther.  You are a child of the supreme being, an Ambassador of Heaven itself.  You are the light in the dark of this world and the salt of the earth.
Mt. 5:13  You are God's righteousness.  God will send His angels to give charge over you. Ps 91:11
If you find yourself getting low and being tempted by pity, get out and do something for someone else; any small thing.

Yes, times are tough, but you now have God, your new spiritual Father, on your side.  A father that loves like no other, never leaves you, provides for you, wants you healthy, prosperous and happy.  He is as close as a conversation, a prayer, hymn of praise, the Bible.  He wants you to converse with Him, dump your problems (no matter how small) and ask Him for whatever you need.  Jesus was refreshed after He gave of Himself to the Samaritan woman at the well.  God is a giver.

Don't go crazy and start throwing out the baby with the bath water.  God wants your happiness and He is not unreasonable.  Don't get too hard on yourself.  Don't worry about being formal with God; just talk to Him.  The Spirit will show you what to do.  Be sure to listen for His prompting.  Relax, God's got your back.

Find a Bible based church that teaches Jesus.  It is commanded to be part of "the body" (the church) and tithing is a great blessing.  Take communion regularly, to thank God for healing and covering our sins with the blood of His precious son.  Give of yourself and your finances to help others and you will be replenished.  No one can give like your new Father.  I truly believe that everything we give and share is given back to us with interest.  Your Father will not let you go without because you help another.

You don't have to go off to "Timbucktoo", stand on a street corner and predict the end of the world or start preaching to your family and friends.  Just relax and live your life as you think God wants you to.  Do no harm.  A time may come when the Spirit will kick you softly in the butt and urge you to do something.  Be the light in the dark and teach by example of right living.  You will develop a constant smile and a glow from within that will draw the world to you - just like Jesus.

If you don't know where to start reading the Bible, the book of John is always a great choice.  You can read the Psalms (a personal favorite of mine is Ps 91).  David was a song writer, shepherd, king, warrior and prophet.  Proverbs is good to learn how to live a Christian life.  Romans will teach you the grace of God. 
You can always read this blog. 

Perhaps the best promise to a new Christian is "Fear Not"; a constant reminder from God that a believer can rest his cares in the loving grace of God and sleep through the storms.

May God's amazing complete peace be with you.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019


>  In the Hebrew language, the word "manna" translates "What is it?"  /  
The Pharises saw Jesus and said, "Who is He?"
>  Well, it came from heaven.  /  Jesus came from heaven. 
>  It was needed to survive in the dessert  /  We need Jesus to survive in the dessert of life.
>  It was described as "the bread of heaven"  /  Jesus is our bread of life. 
Jn 6:32
>  Eat of manna and die  /  eat of the bread of life (Jesus) and live forever
Jn 6:58
>  The Hebrew people complained about (rejected) the manna that God had provided.   /  The Jewish people rejected Jesus.

It is described in the Bible as being wafer thin, in flakes like snow and tasting like coriander with honey.

The Hebrews were told not to save it over night, it would rot.

Psalm 78:24-25: “[24] And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven. [25] Man did eat angels’ food: he sent them meat to the full.” “Manna,” “the corn of heaven,” “angels’ food,”

What manna must have look like.

First mention of manna is in Ex 16:4 (4th verse).  The number 4 represents the earth.  What came from the earth?  Man was made from the earth.   This bread (what is it/who is he) was made for man.  Heaven's bread was made for man to survive the wilderness (stress/Egypt).

Ex 16: 25 shows manna being used to establish the Sabbath BEFORE the Ten Commandments were given.

It was one of three items, representing the rebellion of man, that was put into the Ark of the Covenant and - it did not rot, in the ark. 

The manna was used to test the Hebrews in the dessert.  Jesus was used to test the Jewish people to see if they would follow Him.   Deut. 8:16



Tuesday, May 21, 2019

I'm Back

Just couldn't stay away.  My husband and I have relocated to another part of the state.  After months of packing, house hunting and moving, we are settling in.  Not "settled" but settling.  I am sure it will take a matter of years to really set up our permanent location the way we want it.

I am very excited to have finished my book.  It only took about 3 years and was a very emotional ride.  If you are a long standing reader, you will remember a few passages that were posted on this blog.  Just contacted my first publisher and waiting to hear back.  If you are up to it, a short prayer on my behalf would be appreciated. 

Writing is very enjoyable to me.  We are constantly told to use the gift(s) God has given us to serve His work in this life.  From junior high school, I have always enjoyed writing.  I am getting such a late start because I had a pushy English teacher.  Mother always said, "If you want Linda to do something, tell her not to".  When teacher pushed, I rebelled.  Some of us are so bullheaded that we spend half our lives searching for something that we already posses. 

Anyway, I have missed my blog.  Who knew?  The few readers I had were from around the world; few but scattered.  I certainly can't reach such an audience any other way.  Maybe, just maybe, someone can learn something from me or be inspired by one of my many mistakes to forge ahead without the same blunder(s).

In spite of not posting for almost a year, I have managed to continue studying and I am very anxious to share so much.

For my first post, I have a repeat of an earlier post that is updated: 

Interesting: The country of China was in existence during the time Jesus walked the earth. In the ancient history of China, there is recorded a world wide eclipse at mid day the day Jesus was crucified.  They also have the earth quake on record.

The sign on the cross over the head of Jesus read "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" in three languages: Hebrew, Greek and Latin. The common representation of the sign today; the famous "INRI" is an acronym for this title taken from the Latin translation.

In Hebrew, "Bethlehem" translates "House of bread". How interesting that; the "Bread of Life" was born in the "House of Bread".

Interesting: On the night Jesus was born, night was turned to day by the brightness of angels filling the sky with their presence. On the day Jesus died, noon was turned to dark by God.

Day 1 of creation, God called forth the light. Wait a minute, wait a minute! He didn't create the sun until day 4. What light did He call forth? Jesus! the light of the world was called forth on the first day to create everything.  
