If you have been reading my blogs, you know I am big on saying grace over a meal in public places. It is one way of shining our light, as Christians, to the world and letting everyone know we are here and follow the teachings of Jesus.
Just this week, I joined in a group of Christian women, from the local church I attend, to have a luncheon in a nice restaurant. Grace was said during the prayer of protection spoken before our bus left the church parking lot. (I'm still of a mind, that it would have been nice to say it separately over the meal.)
I want to write a short disclaimer here: The ladies I had lunch with are wonderful Christian women who serve without expecting rewards, they do it without bragging and pray for everyone and everything. There is no fowl language, no vicious gossip and all comments to each other are encouraging. This writing is not targeting these ladies I share Bible study and Sunday school with. Having lunch with them in public just reminded me of the conversation of Christians in general.
Herein lies my issue. We discuss family, the holidays, jobs, new babies, church functions and generally share our lives. However: could we not share what we learn and experience in our daily devotions with each other a bit more? Could we not share what we experience with our Lord? How about our blessings for the day? All of my friends and church family take daily time for private devotions sometime during the day or week.
It is my belief that we would grow more and support each other more (Heb 13:1) by sharing what we are learning daily. If you don't have a regular time to spend in God's word, surely you have things you are thankful for. If we each think about it, we can find something to be grateful for every day. This could be shared. I would love to hear everyone else's thoughts about God and Jesus along with what they are learning and experiencing in their Christian walk.
My point is that we should be talking of our spiritual Father and Jesus (and the Holy Spirit) more often. As creator, provider, savior and guiding force, shouldn't they take up more of our conversation time; especially with other believers? After all, we will be spending eternity in their presence. We could be training ourselves to better understanding and appreciation just by our relating the main thing we all have in common - God's grace.
Even at church social functions, the conversation almost never goes to the one in who's house we have come to be together.
I am not criticizing my Christian brothers and sister - surely, I have a lot of room to improve in this area. (Don't pick at the splinter in your brother's eye when you have a log in your own.) There are other types of verbal sharing that we want to relate. It's just that I seldom witness ANY sharing about our provider Father or our older brother that freely gave up His life that we might also have it everlasting in His presence.
We can let our light shine even more if the world hears our conversation and identifies us as Christian. This sets an example for our children who are discussing way too much about phones and social media. We would be inclined to think of God more often and perhaps even grow a little closer to Him.
Can we give a bit more thought to this ? I wonder how much God would appreciate the effort, privately and publicly?
Sisters, will you join and help us? Moses’ sister aided him;
Will you help the trembling mourners who are struggling hard with sin?
Tell them all about the Savior, tell them that He will be found;
Christ will gird Himself and serve us with sweet manna all around.
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