I love caroles in church, candle light service, lighting Advent candles, children's programs, family gatherings around a meal, fireplaces ablaze, hot chocolate, snow flakes, shepherds, choirs singing, nativity sets, hearing from far off friends and family, socializing, sharing and church bells ringing.
I detest Santa Claus, the crime, spoiled children, gimme gimme, rush rush, hurry hurry, got to get, drunken parties, debt, loneliness, presents, families arguing, wasted money, crime, stress, worry, credit, jealousy, trying to outdo last year, trying to out do your neighbor, ungratefulness, lay away, payments, travel delays, got to go, got to give, got to do and right now!
What have we done to Christmas? If you take Christ out of Christmas, you have Mass. What are we having a mass for? Santa? Heaven, save us!
I have to admit, there are a few things on my hate list that I can get caught up in. It is all around us. You don't dare attack Santa or "Christmas" openly. You could get eggs thrown at you. Yet, so many will admit they hate to see it come.

Let's step back and take a good look at how we have come to "celebrate" the birth of the perfect man who sacrificed himself to a horrific death so we would be saved to eternal life through the grace of God.
What does any of this have to do with that precious man?
What are we doing to our children?
If we are going to continue to celebrate with such selfish disregard for our Savior, let's at least take His name out of it.
A little food for thought:
Amos 5:21-23, Hosea 2:11, Mt. 15:3, Colos. 2:8
Let us make an effort to remember Jesus on His birthday.
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