I sulked, would not talk to anyone, hid away, did not bathe or get dressed, took a long nap and sighed, "Oh God". Any of you ever have a party like this?
Things were not going the way I wanted, as fast as I wanted. I did not sleep well the night before and blamed everyone in the house for it, including the cat. When you are sleep deprived, everything seems worse. It was a cloudy day, cold, windy and snowing - that did not help. I had thought I would get out to run errands but just did not want to in that messy weather. You notice the smallest issue: the dog is barking at the dog that is barking 4 blocks away, the house is a mess, the doctor did not return my phone call and my husband didn't wring out the dishrag - again. No matter he is busy hanging wallpaper for me, he never wrings out the dishrag.
A few doors were slammed, conversation was ignored and I had a good cry in the bathroom - which all went unnoticed. Which made it worse: nobody cares! I took my car keys and left without a word to anyone about where I was going or when I would be back. I didn't even dress; went out in my "jammy jeans" and house slippers (in the cold snow). When I left the house, I told myself I would go to my friends and cheer her up. The best thing for self pity is to do something for someone else and take your mind off yourself. That is what I told myself I was going to do. That's what I told myself. I knew she was also in the middle of some personal issues and misery loves company. In my subconscious, I was dying to tell her how the universe was being so unfair to me. Boo hoo! I drove to her house and the two of us had an intimate pity party. We discussed everything wrong in our lives at that moment and ended up laughing about it all. Ain't friends great !?
Today the sun is out, I had a good nights sleep and got in some exercise. Today, it is clear to me that yesterday was a pity party for myself and I even shared it with a friend. Today, I am reminded of Jonah who had a pity party after God made him go to Nineveh to warn people he did not think deserved a second chance. He sat down under a tree, by himself and whined to God who was exercising his graceful mercy to these people. Jonah 4:11

I am also reminded of Elijah (who's name actually means, "Yahweh is Grace"), as he fled the threats of Jezebel in IKings 19. He had a great pity party. Elijah had just killed all the false prophets and torn down idols (a great story in IKings 18). How soon Elijah forgot this all happened by the hand of God. Elijah knew God did this great work through him, but did not consider that God could save him from Jezebel.
A pity party can serve us as a lesson from God. We need to find more faith in the one who created time and space. We have to get going when the going is tough. The sun comes out tomorrow. There is always sun behind the clouds. God is in His heaven and loves us as individuals.

Let Job be this lesson: when we accept our circumstances, God gets involved. Nothing is accomplished as long as we are partying on our own and whining about our situation. Let's face it, having God involved is much better than not.
A pity party is a total waste of time and effort. It is absolute self absorption and accomplishes nothing. No one wants to come to our party.
It does give the enemy reason to celebrate. He is happy to see us unhappy with, and doubting God. Score one for the enemy of heaven when I have a pity party.
In my defense, I will say it is the first in a long time. Once I shake it off, I usually come back like a warrior; ready to do whatever it takes to be right with God. I have apologized to my Heavenly Father and I can always hope that is the last one - just like the last time I hosted one. We are all a work in progress and God is waiting to forgive us - again. Thanks to God, we get a little better each time.
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