Does the world see you as a Christian? A follower of Christ?
Are you selfish, thoughtless, impatient, rude, confrontational? Do you wear a cross around your neck and grumble at the sales clerk? Do you have a fish decal on your car and honk your horn at every little offense? do you say grace at home but not in restaurants? Do you gossip and cuss?
If you are going to wear the cross, display "I am a Christian" decal, hang images on the walls of your home or carry your Bible for everyone to see, you had better be walking the walk; not just talking the talk. The world is watching us.

Awhile back, I wrote in this blog about saying grace in public and got lots of praise for speaking out on this subject. I wonder how many of the people who praised me for that actually do it themselves. I seldom see people saying grace in public - even after I published that writing.
I live in a very small, rural town with a church on every corner. We have an annual day of prayer at the flag poll in the park. We have an annual prayer breakfast sponsored by our Ministerial Alliance. We pray at every Bible Study and church meal. There is prayer before and closing every Sunday school class. Our churches have prayer weeks that open their doors for people to commit to an hour of prayer. Our churches preach prayer from the pulpit. Why do I not see more public personal prayer/grace over meals? Is it just reserved for church? If we pray in church and at home, why won't we pray in public?
Are you hung up on the parable of the man who prayed openly, bragging to God with pretty words? This was an example of self righteousness - not an example of how we are to live our lives as a light to the world.
Even if you are in a place or a situation that might put you in physical jeopardy, you can always think a silent prayer of thanks to your Lord and Savior. No one can take your thoughts from you. There is no mechanical detector for mind reading. How many of you, right now, are cheering what I am saying and will go out to lunch, in a public place, and NOT say grace?
You do not have to stand up and impose it on everyone in the place. You do not have to speak it out loud. You do not have to use glorious, poetic words. Even a group of you can bow your heads in silent prayer as an example - let the world know there are Christians among them. You are not expected to make a spectacle of yourself. God will make your actions known to those whom He wants to notice. You speak volumes with quiet humility. Christians are non aggressive warriors. Our actions, appearance and public behavior are our weapons.
Beyond grace in public, what else are you doing for the world to see you as set apart? Take a test: Stand in front of a mirror. Are you clean or unkempt? Do your cheeks show under your hem line? Does your neckline expose your naval? Is your tee shirt dirty and full of holes or satanic images? Are your clothes so tight that your cellulite is visible underneath? For goodness sake! A Christian is supposed to stand out - not blend into the world. The Bible tells us we are set apart. Everywhere you go, you are a representative of heaven and the glorious world to come.
Now, don't get your panties in a wad. I am not against tattoos, piercings or jeans in church. Jesus accepts you as you are. Everyone is growing at a different pace. The Spirit deals with each of us as we are ready. There are many churches and individuals out there doing great work reaching those people who are uncomfortable in the traditional church setting. Jesus went into places to commune with people that society and the pharisees looked down on. People will never be reached if we look at the book by it's cover. In church, we are preaching to the choir. The need is outside the church and you have to reach people on their own turf.
I am saying: m o d e s t y. Most of us come to the point of our spiritual growth where we want to present ourselves as clean and neat in appearance. We represent the kingdom of God. We are the bride of Jesus Christ Himself. What sort of example do we set when we smoke, drink and wear short shorts? When I went into the Native American community, I dressed down so as not to offend BUT I maintained a certain standard as an example. Paul said: "I am all things to all people".
Story: Years ago, I was at a Christian celebration for the day. We were in skirts and heels with the men in suits. We broke for lunch and a group of us went to a fast food restaurant. It was noon and it was busy. There was a long line waiting to place their order. When we walked in, all eyes turned to us. We did look a little out of place among the tee shirts and sandals. We took our place at the end of the lines and the waters parted. I promise you, people stood aside to let us order ahead of them. I have never witnessed anything like it. I have never forgotten that. People in that restaurant assumed, from our appearance, that we were special in some way.
We cannot be respected unless we first show respect to ourselves. Plain and simple, our appearance is a matter of self respect. There looks to be so little today. A lot of people do not look like they respect themselves so it is easy to discount them. This should not be. I truly believe that Jesus did not go around in sack cloth. He was given expensive gifts when he was an infant (gold, frankincense and myrrh). Many believe he owned his own house in Cappernaum. Why would the Roman soldiers, at the cross, gamble for his robe if it was not of quality? There is a verse that says it was made of one unbroken thread. He was a Hebrew teacher who wore his prayer shawl - what the woman with the issue of blood touched. Jesus was not a slob.
Do you offer everyone a smile or a scowl? This earth is a battle ground. Satan goes to and fro seeking who he may devour. He is the enemy. What are we doing to fight him and his tyranny? I am not talking about taking a gun and making a public statement. Violence is not of our Lord Jesus. I am talking about the quiet personal strength that God supplies when we do His work. Being a helpful, joyful, determined ambassador for heaven is doing the work of your Lord.

God wants others to want what He has given us. How can they if we show how rude, grouchy and unhappy we are with all our complaining?
The end of the age is closer all the time. We are Christian soldiers in this world today; the salt of the earth that makes life taste better. More of us should be quietly and humbly fighting this battle. Let's show the world the good side of Christianity. Let's show others our joy so they will want what we have. Bring your inner peace out of you as a testament to the world. Let's be fishers of men in our own little corner of life. Let's show others that we have a life they need and make them want it by being the "nice people".
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