My Child,

I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me. (Jn 8:41-44) I am very near and the complete expression of love toward you. (1Jn 4:16) I want to lavish my love on you (1Jn 3:1), just because you are my child and I am you Father. (1Jn 3:1) I offer you more than any earthly father ever could. (Mt 7:11) I am the perfect Father. (Mt 5:48) Every good gift that you receive, comes from me. (Jms 1:17) I provide for you all your needs. (Mt 6:31-33)
I have great hope for your future (Jer 29:11), because my love for you is forever. (Jer 31:3) I am constantly thinking of you. (Ps 139:17-18) You make me want to sing. (Zeph 3:17) I will never stop doing good for you. (Jer 32:40) You are my treasured possession. (Ex 19:5) With all my heart and soul, I want to see you secure. (Jer 32:41) I want to show you miracles. (Jer 33:3)
I am the Father who comforts you when you are in trouble. (2Cor 1:3-4) When your heart is broken, I am close. (Ps 34:18) I carry you close to my heart, like a shepherd with a lamb. (Isa 40:11) I will wipe away all your tears and you will never know sorrow again. (Rev 21:3-4) I will not let you remember any of the pain you suffered in this life. (Rev 21:4)
I am your Father and I love you as mush as my first born son, Jesus. (Jn 17:23) I showed my love for you through Jesus. (Jn 17:26) He is just like me. (Heb 1:3) He came to show I am always for you and never against you (Ro 8:31), and to tell you that I do not know anything you do wrong. (2Cor 5:18-19) Jesus died so that you and I could come to understanding. (2Cor 5:18-19) I sent Him to die for you as my ultimate expression of love for you. (1Jn 4:10) I gave what I loved so I might gain your love. (Ro 8:32)
To find me, just look for me. (Deut 4:29) Be happy with me and I will give you everything you want. (Ps 37:4) I gave you those desires. (Phpns 2:13) I am capable of doing more for you than you can imagine. (Eph 3:20) I encourage you more than anyone else. (2Thes 2:16-17)
If you receive the gift of Jesus, you receive me (!Jn 2:23), and nothing will ever separate you from my love again. (Ro 8:38-39)
Come home and I will throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen. (Lk 15:7) I have always been Father and will always be Father. (Eph 3:14-15)
I am waiting for you. (Lk 15:11-32)
Your Dad
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