Monday, October 8, 2018

The Red Thread

Hebrew color for royalty is the color red.

In Hebrew the name "Adam", meaning man, is directly related to the Hebrew word "adama", meaning earth, and "dam" meaning blood - which is red.  The three words (Adam, adama and dam) sound almost identical except for the addition of the "ah" sound at the end of the word "adama" and the omission of the "ah" at the beginning of "dam".  

The color red lends to the story of the creation and it's key word "adam" comes by the word "adom", meaning red.  The close connection between the physical elements becomes closer: red, (adom), is the color of dam (blood).

The Hebrew language tells us that tears are the "blood of the eyes".  The emission of blood and tears from the body is referred to "shedding".  While shedding blood usually indicates an injury of the body, shedding tears depicts injury of the soul.

Adam comes by the name "Edom" - (Edom).  The connection is the color red (adom), that connects to blood (dam), which connects to "adam" (man or mankind).

In Gen 25:30, we find Esau asking his brother to feed him with red pottage; thus his name was called "Edom".  Thus, Esau is the father of Edom.  Also see reference to his birth in Gen 25:25, relating red to his name, Esau.  Esau was a hunter, associating his life style to blood by killing.  And, his father, Isaac, blessed him with blood when he said, "by your sword shall you live".  

On the priests' breastplate the ruby (red gem) stood for the tribe of Reuben, sixth born son of Israel.  The number six represents man.  Adam (man) was created on the sixth day.   Refer to first paragraph of this writing.

Hebrew word "chakliyl" literally means "dark" or a person stimulated by wine (suph) which means "a reed" and is used to refer to the Red Sea.  

The Greek word "purrhos" (used to write the original text of the New Testament) references to the color of fire or flame (red).

Symbolically, in scripture, the color refers to sin & suffering in Isa 1:18; Godly vengeance against sinners in Ps 75:18 and Isa 63:2; bloodshed and war in 2Kings 3:22, Nahum 2:3, Zech 1:8, 6:2, Rev 6:4, 12:3; and temptation to sin in Pro 23:31.

Wine, which is red, is frequently mentioned in Old and New Testaments:  Wine for communion.  Jesus turned water to wine, wine for drink, wine for medicinal use in Proverbs.  

The Israelites built the temple in the desert using scarlet, blue and purple fabric.

Every mention of a birth is a reference to blood; blood of the mother is shed to give life. 

The first plague of Moses in Exodus was turning water to blood (red).  The first miracle of Jesus was turning water to wine (red).  The first trumpet in Revelation will bring hail mixed and fire mixed with blood (red).  

Rubies (red gems) are also used on the priests' breastplate, in the temple in the desert and the foundations of the New Jerusalem.

The Greek word "Petra" refers to a red rock city in Jordan, 120 miles south of Jerusalem that is invisible from the air and impenetrable from the ground.  (More on this later).

God made the first kill; shedding red blood - Gen 3:21
Nile river turned to blood - Ex 7:17
scarlet was used to weave the breastplate of the priests - Ex 28:15 

red heifer offering - Nu 19:3 - 6
sin is scarlet (red) - Isa 1:18
red horses       - Zech 1:8 

Christ sweat blood in Gethsemane - Lk 22:44  
blood of Jesus - 1 Jn 1:7
red horse    - Rev. 6

red dragon   -  Rev 12 
wine of God's wrath - Rev 14:10 

Between the words red and scarlet, can you see the red thread that runs from Genesis through Revelation?  What does it mean?  Many things.  It certainly is a special color that shows us more of God's divine order.

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