Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Divine Order of 3

This is NOT numerology, it is Divine order:

 3 is the number of the God Head; God's personal number of completeness

There are 3 parts of a man: spirit, body and soul

God allowed Gideon 300 men to fight the Midianite army

Jesus was 3 days in the grave

There were 3 hours of darkness when He hung on the cross - Lk 23:44

Three virgins in Jesus life: mother Mary, virgin donkey He rode into Jerusalem and the virgin tomb where He was laid.

3 women came to the tomb

Peter denied Christ 3 times

3 times Jesus told Peter to feed His flock

There were 3 disciples at the Mt. of Configuration: Peter, James, John

There were 3 figures  on the Mt. of Configuration: Moses, Jesus, Elijah

There were 3 crosses

When Jesus was arrested, He answered "I Am" 3 times

Jesus took 3 disciples from the group near to His place of prayer in Gethsemane - Mt 26:37

There was a daily temple sacrifice at 3 pm every day

There are 3 woes to Babylon in Rev. 18

There are 3 "hallelujahs over Babylon's fall - Rev 19

There are 3 angels in Rev 14

There are 3 parts of the earth: sea, earth and sky

Noah had 3 sons

There were 3 wise men

There were 3 shepherds

There were 3 in the Holy family in Bethlehem

Christ had 3 temptations

He raised 3 people from the dead

He had 3 friends: Mary, Martha and Lazarus

He was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver

Jesus ministry lasted 3 years

There were 3 men thrown into the fiery furnace

Jonah was 3 days in the belly of the fish

Jesus had 3 nail holes

Jesus gave up the ghost at 3 pm

In a dream, Peter saw unclean food 3 times

There were 3 beings sent to Abraham before the fall of Sodom

There were 3 items placed in the arc of the covenant

Abraham's journey to Mt Moriah, with Isaac, was 3 days

3 sacraments:  wine, bread, oil

Sarah prepared 3 measures of meal for Abraham

3 patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob

3 categories of Jews: Kohen, Levi, Yisrael

Woman at the well called Jesus 3 different titles (Jew, Sir, Prophet) before He proclaimed He was the "I Am"

The number 3 appears 457 times in the Bible
The precision with which the Bible numbers all fall into their places cannot be accounted for except by the supernatural power and wisdom of a God Who is infinite. 


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