Monday, July 22, 2019

Samaritan Jesus

Jesus is our Good Samaritan.  The parable in Luke 10 tells of a man in need after being set upon by robbers.  They stripped him, beat him and left him half dead.  In this story, I see people of the world, beaten down by life, with little or no hope after they have all their needs and finding they are not happy.  Life has a way of beating us down with trials, disappointments and sorrow.  The enemy sets upon those who have nothing to hold on to beyond physical possessions.  We get beaten down to where there seems to be no way out of our troublesome situations.

Then, along comes Jesus, our Good Samaritan.  The Samaritans were not liked among the Jewish people just as they did not accept Jesus.  Read the story to see how much He cares for us.  He is ready, very willing and very able to help anyone.  There was the untold risk of robbers returning to finish their job or the risk of other robbers stealing from and beating the Samaritan - just as Jesus was beaten and robbed of everything in order to mount the cross for us.

The Samaritan poured oil and wine on the wounds of the beaten man just as Jesus can spiritually anoint and heal us of our physical and emotional hurts.  He took him to shelter and cared for him over night like Jesus cares to bring us close to Him.  Could this be the grace of Jesus calling us to a life of peace in Him?  

The next day this Samaritan paid an innkeeper to continue caring for the man.  Do you see how Jesus, after calling us to a life in Him, turns us over to the church for baptism an receipt of the Holy Spirit for guidance, teaching and safety?  There is also a promise to return, just as the promise we have that Jesus will return to claim us to His eternal care and protection.  The extra  expense mentioned in this parable, refers to that extra mile we are to go for those in need.  Complete the task.  Take care of every unexpected need.

The Samaritan gave the innkeeper two denarii for the man's care.  That was the equivalent of two days wage.  If a day is as a thousand years to God, could this represent the 2,000 years, from then until now, before Jesus' return?  What a wonderful thought that we will live and reign with the Savior who wants to tend all our needs.

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