Don't be fooled. God is as real as ever. He is a living entity. His guidelines set forth in the Bible on how to live your life will only bring you peace, health and blessings.
Well, I am about to sound off about a couple things that are not popular
to sound off about these days. However. . . . some churches,
Christians and pastors today are tiptoeing around the truth of the
Bible, God's word. Too many are concerned about offending someone or
driving people from church with the truth. If they take offense or
leave because of the truth, let them go. They will only pollute the
body. The truth will strengthen the church and true Christians. The
Bible is our manual for living yesterday, today and tomorrow. God never
changes. Since He created man, the manual on how to live is important
for keeping us in the best lifestyle that blesses us. We have to
return to the truth especially in this day of "political correctness"
which threatens the very foundation of our society.
Here are a
couple verses to remind us of the importance of truth: I John 4:6, II
Timothy 2:15 and Ephesians 6:14 which tells us, "Stand firm then, with
the belt of truth buckled around your waist. . .". God's truth, as
stated in His word, the Bible, is that abortion is premeditated murder,
sex before marriage is wrong, a gay lifestyle is an abomination and
tithing to the church is ordained. There are other truths that are
being swept under the carpet these days but these four are some major
Abortion: Ex. 10:13 tells us not to murder. (Original text uses the word "murder", not "kill") God knows the unborn child, Ps. 139:13,15. We are created in the image of God; that makes life special. We are told to be fruitful and multiply - the opposite of killing an unborn child. Gen.1:28 Also see Gen.9:6 & 7.
Sex before marriage: In Song of Songs 2:7, 3:5 and 8:4, there is a strong warning against premarital sex when it says, "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires" - three times. In other words, save sex for marriage! There are special blessings for the married couple that come from obedience to this rule. I have known many who regretted sex before marriage but have yet to meet a couple that were sorry they waited.
Gay lifestyle: Lev.18:22, 20:13; these verses are very plain. There is also the story in Sodom where a crowd of the town wanted Lot to turn over the two male visitors in his house so they could have sexual relations with them. There is no indication that the townsmen were aware the visitors were angels.
Tithing: The is the foundation of giving appreciation to God for everything. Genesis 14:20 is the first instance of tithing and it was done by Abraham to God's representative, Melchizedek, right after they partook of the first communion 14:18. Tithing has been ordered ever since. The Bible is full of blessings listed that come to those who tithe. The tithe is returned to God through His representative on earth, the church.
How many ills of society can you name that have their roots in these issues? Disease, heartbreak, broken homes, broken hearts, mental and emotional breakdowns, suicide, adoption, abandonment, alcoholism, and the list goes on.
Anyone who knows me will tell you, I get along with
everyone and I am not about to condemn the individual for the action.
Heaven knows I have done my share of wrong living. This is one reason I
feel I can spout off. I have lived a lifestyle without God and
presently try to live according to God's instruction as stated in the
Bible. It is amazing what a difference it really makes in my life to
follow the guidelines my maker put into force at the time of creation.
You actually have to walk the walk before you can see the results. Your
first step has to be through faith; the rest will come. When we can
understand His absolute love and find the faith to follow through with
right choices, our lives improve immeasurably. THIS IS TRUTH.
set all of His instructions in place for our benefit physically,
emotionally, spiritually and looking to the future. We are rebellious
children and when we disobey, punishment comes through our physical,
emotional and spiritual well being. This explains so much unhappiness
in the world today. Our choices need to mature. We need to give up our
selfish lifestyle and live the rich blessings of right choice.
reading: John 4:24, 8:34, Psalms 119:160, 145:18 and I John 3:18
which says, "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but
with actions and in truth."
*Title for this writing is a quote from my mother that she was fond of.
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