Jesus healed; He did not make people sick. There is not one instance where he gave someone an illness. He never refused to grant forgiveness to anyone who asked for it. Jesus actually gave forgiveness a few times that people didn't even have to ask. He never told anyone He didn't have time right now; come back later. There is evidence that He actually felt better after giving healing or forgiveness.
Abraham willing gave tithe to Melchizedek in the very first book of the Bible, after Melchizedek took communion with him. Abraham received Isaac, the son of his old age, of his dreams, who fathered the nation of Israel, from whom came the Savior. Abraham became a very wealthy man - because God was pleased with him. His descendants number the stars. He lived a long, prosperous and healthy life.
Because Jesus borrowed Peter's boat, He gave Peter a net load of fish that could have sunk Peter's boat. That meant a lot of money.
The New Testament is full of parables of healing and prospering. The good Samaritan went beyond the call of decency to provide for the stranger on side of the road. There is no parable that references sickness or poverty given to a believer. You can even find God's grace given to non believers.
Jesus healed. In the gospel of Luke, the physician, there is one healing after another listed starting with driving out an impure spirit in chapter four. I can cite 17 events of healing in this chapter without searching. Jesus even raised Lazarus, a widow's son and Jarus' daughter from the dead, not to mention Himself. As a matter of fact, Luke 13:16 tells us Satan is the one who gives disease when Jesus helas a crippled woman.
When He fed 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 fish, He was giving, providing. All four gospels tell this story. Matthew and Mark tell of feeding another crowd with 7 loaves and a few fish. In the first case, there were 12 baskets left over. I am sure the left overs were given to the boy who generously gave of his lunch; who else? The one who freely gave, received more in return.
What did Jesus give His disciples? The Holy Spirit, joy of serving, gifts and a place in heaven for eternity.
What does He give you? Are you a believer? Do you give freely? Are you sorry when you are wrong? What is your physical problem? Do you pray? Do you ask God to heal or to give to you? Why not? Can you not see how willing He is to do this for you?
There is no "Health and Wealth Gospel". There is only the truth about the never ending love, generosity and grace of your Heavenly Father.
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