The Jewish People are known as the chosen people of God. This, because they were picked to be the ancestors of Jesus from among the twelve sons of Jacob, whom God renamed "Israel". The Israelites are not Jews, but the Jews are Israelites. Judah was the fourth son of Jacob/Israel and represents the fourth tribe of Israel. (The number 4 is representative of the earth and the name Judah means: "The Praise of The Lord") His mother was Jacob's beloved Leah. Gen.46:12
The Old Testament was written in the Hebrew language by Moses, the poets and the prophets, Genesis through Malachi. It was the language Adam spoke. In my writings, I will make frequent reference to the Hebrew language for translations in the Old Testament. The same goes for the Greek of the New Testament.
FYI: the Hebrew language reads right to left, has 22 letters in the alphabet and uses those letters for numbers. It is a bit complicated when you grow up with English but highly descriptive and beautiful in meaning. Hebrew goes much deeper in meaning than English, rendering more to the meaning. A typical example is the word "Shalom" which is translated "peace". BUT indeed, is much more. To understand it in Hebrew, you have to translate it as "perfect peace" with a meaning of health, calm assurance, great peace and prosperity; the perfect peace of God. Heb.4:12
Letters represent numbers; there is no actual number system in Hebrew outside of the alphabet. This gives greater significance to numbers. Each number/letter has a meaning. ie: 7 is the number of completion, 5 represents God's grace, 10 is the number representing law and 12 the number to represent government. Every number in the Bible has deeper meaning than just a count. We can go deeper into this in another writing.
Another interesting word is "hesed". I have seen this word translated as "faith" which does not go near the description of all of the positive aspects of God: faithfulness, peace, love, truth, honor, eternal, steadfast, gentleness, shelter, and on and on, encompassing every adjective that describes this magnificent being.
"Hesed" - a beautiful Hebrew word that cannot be defined by one English word. This word encompasses all the positive assets of God: faithfulness, honesty, love, wisdom, compassion, generosity, grace, devotion, joy, loyalty, etc, etc, etc. This amazing word can only define God because any human beings are incapable of possessing all of these qualities.
There are no swear words in Hebrew. Of course, it is God's language. To curse or swear, the Hebrew people must borrow a swear word from another language.
I find that Jewish people have a reverence for God that I have never witnessed. They will not write His name; instead you may see "G_d" or the term "Hashem" which means "The Name", referring to "Yahweh".
When studying any culture, it is important to know the language in order to truly understand. In studying the Old Testament, it is an enormous help to understand the basics of Hebrew.
Jesus was Jewish of the Hebrew people. He spoke Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and probably Roman. What the heck, He was God in flesh so He could speak any language at any time with anyone. I am sure He could speak in one language to a crowd and the Holy Spirit would translate in any tongue to a listener who spoke a different language - just like on the first Pentacost.
The Bible will make you wise. As Jesus often said, "It is written."
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Salt & Light
Are you finding yourself with an empty nest? Has your husband passed on? Have your children moved away? Are you retired? Do people treat you as though you don't exist? Do younger people think you are old fashioned? Do you feel worthless? Alone? Getting depressed?
As women, it is in our make up to serve and care for others. You have given, sacrificed, experienced, learned, cooked, cleaned, washed diapers, mopped up puke, worried, waited, taxied, kept records, made appointments, organized and done for others all your life. They are gone and what do you have? You have time, wisdom, experience and confidence. Let it out! God's children are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
You are children - daughters - of the almighty God, sisters to His first born, Jesus Christ. You are princesses of the King of Kings, Ambassadors of Heaven itself. Part of a royal priesthood.
Salt enhances taste. Make life taste better for yourself by doing for yourself and enjoying things you never had time for. Make a list of all the things you have always wished you had time for. Then, prioritize and begin making them happen. Attend a community play performance, take a class at the local vocational college, take a course on line, read a novel, attend an opera, play piano, join yoga class, get a pedicure, or a massage. Call a friend for lunch. Organize a book club. Start a group to share memories and photos of your grandkids. The list is endless.
Be the light of the world. Where can you best show your inner light from the spirit of God within? Through a smile. People are friendlier and drawn to a smile. A smile and a kind word or thoughtful gesture can make someone else's day. The world is darker than ever so it is easier for us to shine. Sometimes the smallest gesture can help someone else. Doing something nice for someone else (even a stranger) gets your thoughts off of your own problems.
I have a friend who has volunteered to care for her son's first baby while the baby's mother is at work. She has given up her private time, exercise in the morning, errands and much of her socializing to speak "goo goo" talk. I try to visit for a cup of coffee a couple times a week. It means so much to her to be able to share an hour with an adult.
When the clerk at the store ask's you how you are doing, don't tell her. She was being coached to ask. Instead, tell her you are great and ask how she is doing. I am amazed every time I do this how surprised they are. I am sure not too many people ask her how her day is going. A friend of mine had a great idea: If the checker at the store seems to be having a bad day, buy her one of the candy bars that are always near by. That could soften the crabiest of crabs and make you a new friend.
Small efforts are often the biggest gestures. Salt your life a little and you could light up the world - or, at least, your corner.
Are you finding yourself with an empty nest? Has your husband passed on? Have your children moved away? Are you retired? Do people treat you as though you don't exist? Do younger people think you are old fashioned? Do you feel worthless? Alone? Getting depressed?
As women, it is in our make up to serve and care for others. You have given, sacrificed, experienced, learned, cooked, cleaned, washed diapers, mopped up puke, worried, waited, taxied, kept records, made appointments, organized and done for others all your life. They are gone and what do you have? You have time, wisdom, experience and confidence. Let it out! God's children are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world.
You are children - daughters - of the almighty God, sisters to His first born, Jesus Christ. You are princesses of the King of Kings, Ambassadors of Heaven itself. Part of a royal priesthood.

Be the light of the world. Where can you best show your inner light from the spirit of God within? Through a smile. People are friendlier and drawn to a smile. A smile and a kind word or thoughtful gesture can make someone else's day. The world is darker than ever so it is easier for us to shine. Sometimes the smallest gesture can help someone else. Doing something nice for someone else (even a stranger) gets your thoughts off of your own problems.
I have a friend who has volunteered to care for her son's first baby while the baby's mother is at work. She has given up her private time, exercise in the morning, errands and much of her socializing to speak "goo goo" talk. I try to visit for a cup of coffee a couple times a week. It means so much to her to be able to share an hour with an adult.
When the clerk at the store ask's you how you are doing, don't tell her. She was being coached to ask. Instead, tell her you are great and ask how she is doing. I am amazed every time I do this how surprised they are. I am sure not too many people ask her how her day is going. A friend of mine had a great idea: If the checker at the store seems to be having a bad day, buy her one of the candy bars that are always near by. That could soften the crabiest of crabs and make you a new friend.
Small efforts are often the biggest gestures. Salt your life a little and you could light up the world - or, at least, your corner.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Hidden Message
Hidden messages in the Bible are numerous. To find and understand them all you need to be Jewish. The Jewish people do not accept the Christian Bible and few Christians study the Hebrew language or customs. This gives us a mystery - actually many mysteries. I can only imagine the understanding and increase in faith if Christians spoke Hebrew and Jewish people accepted the Bible.
Numbers reveal vast amounts of knowledge throughout old and new testaments. Names, are another way of reading more meaning. Let's take just one example: the "Begats" in Genesis 5. There is a significance to any statement the first time it appears in the Bible. The first listing of Begats is no exception.
First, let us interpret the names in order they appear:
Adam - Man
Seth - appointed
Enosh - mortal
Cainan - sorrow
Mahalalel - blessed God
Jared - descending
Enoch - teacher
Methuselah - death will bring
Lamech - despairing
Noah - rest
Put it together:
Man was appointed mortal sorrow. The blessed God descended as teacher. His death will bring despairing rest.
Man sinned and was punished. Jesus came down as teacher. His death will bring sorrowful rest.
I cannot say that I understand the "sorrowful" rest unless it refers to the disappointment of many people who did not understand His returning. Or maybe it is sad, what has happened to the world that He is going to return.
However, there is a definite message here and it is about "the blessed God" who "came down". That is Jesus! Do you see the significance here? It is a prophecy. Jesus is coded into a message in the fifth chapter of the first book of the Bible. (By the way, the number five represents the grace of God; which Jesus brought to man kind.) Jesus is not born as a man for another 5,000 years.
How many other "hidden" meanings are there? I would guess thousands. What an amazing journey to find them ! What an amazing God to code His word for those who will seek and find. This is the "Divine Order" of God's language in the Bible.

First, let us interpret the names in order they appear:
Adam - Man
Seth - appointed
Enosh - mortal
Cainan - sorrow
Mahalalel - blessed God
Jared - descending
Enoch - teacher
Methuselah - death will bring
Lamech - despairing
Noah - rest
Put it together:
Man was appointed mortal sorrow. The blessed God descended as teacher. His death will bring despairing rest.
Man sinned and was punished. Jesus came down as teacher. His death will bring sorrowful rest.
I cannot say that I understand the "sorrowful" rest unless it refers to the disappointment of many people who did not understand His returning. Or maybe it is sad, what has happened to the world that He is going to return.
However, there is a definite message here and it is about "the blessed God" who "came down". That is Jesus! Do you see the significance here? It is a prophecy. Jesus is coded into a message in the fifth chapter of the first book of the Bible. (By the way, the number five represents the grace of God; which Jesus brought to man kind.) Jesus is not born as a man for another 5,000 years.
How many other "hidden" meanings are there? I would guess thousands. What an amazing journey to find them ! What an amazing God to code His word for those who will seek and find. This is the "Divine Order" of God's language in the Bible.
Monday, August 20, 2018
Friends: Closer Than Relatives
A couple of my closest friends and I have fallen into kidnapping.
On one of our birthdays, the other two plan the day and pay all expenses to something special. (Any shopping, is at our own expense.) Lunch and fees are paid by the other two. If we take the "kidnappee" to a museum or movie, we pay for her part of the expense. We also split the expense of her lunch. We pick out the restaurant(s) and activities so it is all a big surprise to her. It happens three times a year so it does not get boring or become too routine. Since we live in a small rural town, we always go to the city or a larger town.
We have great fun: shop, eat, antique stores, museums, historical places, tourist attractions, specialty stores and movies. We always chose restaurants and activities that the birthday girl would like.
We dress up, do our hair, buy silly birthday cards and look forward to these outings.
I have come to see how important friends are. I did not make many friends when in school. I was from the wrong side of the tracks and Kennedy was "busing" us into a "higher class" neighbor to force integration. As a young adult, I was betrayed by a good friend in a way that changed the course of my life. It took 15 years before I met someone that I could trust to be a friend. I have been half way across the country from her for the past 26 years and 40 years later, we can still pick up the phone and talk as though we live next door.
After high school, I "hit the ground running", as I chased after my career. For 60 years I traveled across this country for work. Sometimes I came home just long enough to unpack, do a little new work and repack for the next show. I never knew my neighbors or made friends. My friends were casual and in various states across this country.
Since I "retired" from all my traveling, I have gradually made friends and learned to value the connection that women have. I can still count friends on one hand. You know, the ones that you trust with a secret; the ones that know the most about you and still like you.
In the later part of our lives, we need this connection. We especially need it when family takes on lives apart from ours and/or we lose a spouse. Downsizing or moving into assisted living has got to be a huge transition and makes us face the end of our story in this life.
GOOD NEWS: It ain't over 'til it's over. And, good friends can help each other weather all the transitions. We can share our stories, pictures of our grandkids, a cup of tea, our childhood, Bible study or a cool breeze on the patio in the evening. We have company to the doctor appointment, a trip to the grocery or someone to call when we need an emotional hug.
Make sure you have a friend to relate to and share time. Friendship is a precious thing that I ignored for many years.

The Bible says:
Lk 7:6 A friend will do you a service
Acts 10:24 Peter had many friends
Acts 19:31 Paul had friends who warned him
Acts 27:3 A friend can provide for you in time of need
Pro 17:17 Solomon tells us a friend can be more reliable than family
Pro 27:6 A friend will always tell you the truth
Pro 27: 9 A friend give sincere advice
Pro 27:17 Friends benefit each other
Jesus' disciples were His "inner circle", close friends. They shared food, wine, experiences, stories, difficult times and He loved them and prayed for them.
Prov 18:24 This friend is the Holy Spirit and is a great source of comfort
Lk 12:14 Jesus calls us "friend"; you cannot have a better friend
Since my husband and I will be relocating from this area we presently live in it is going to be a major adjustment to leave my friends. This has never been an issue before and it will be a major life change. Of course, we say we will visit and call but the truth is that Facebook will most likely be the main contact. My friends will find other friends and spend time with grandkids and life will take them ahead on their journey. I will find other friends, hopefully. It's just the way life is.
An old saying comes to mine: "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." This can apply to friends. The friends will be distant but the memories will loom closer than ever. And every time I remember how we laughed when we realized I had kept one footie on after leaving a shoe store and didn't discover it for hours later, I will smile to myself and say a prayer for everyone of the friends I have made on my journey.
Amen !

We dress up, do our hair, buy silly birthday cards and look forward to these outings.

After high school, I "hit the ground running", as I chased after my career. For 60 years I traveled across this country for work. Sometimes I came home just long enough to unpack, do a little new work and repack for the next show. I never knew my neighbors or made friends. My friends were casual and in various states across this country.

In the later part of our lives, we need this connection. We especially need it when family takes on lives apart from ours and/or we lose a spouse. Downsizing or moving into assisted living has got to be a huge transition and makes us face the end of our story in this life.

Make sure you have a friend to relate to and share time. Friendship is a precious thing that I ignored for many years.

The Bible says:
Lk 7:6 A friend will do you a service
Acts 10:24 Peter had many friends
Acts 19:31 Paul had friends who warned him
Acts 27:3 A friend can provide for you in time of need
Pro 17:17 Solomon tells us a friend can be more reliable than family
Pro 27:6 A friend will always tell you the truth
Pro 27: 9 A friend give sincere advice
Pro 27:17 Friends benefit each other
Jesus' disciples were His "inner circle", close friends. They shared food, wine, experiences, stories, difficult times and He loved them and prayed for them.

Lk 12:14 Jesus calls us "friend"; you cannot have a better friend
Since my husband and I will be relocating from this area we presently live in it is going to be a major adjustment to leave my friends. This has never been an issue before and it will be a major life change. Of course, we say we will visit and call but the truth is that Facebook will most likely be the main contact. My friends will find other friends and spend time with grandkids and life will take them ahead on their journey. I will find other friends, hopefully. It's just the way life is.
An old saying comes to mine: "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." This can apply to friends. The friends will be distant but the memories will loom closer than ever. And every time I remember how we laughed when we realized I had kept one footie on after leaving a shoe store and didn't discover it for hours later, I will smile to myself and say a prayer for everyone of the friends I have made on my journey.
Amen !
Saturday, August 18, 2018
The Gospel Truth, Pt 3
Ro 11:4 - 6 In this passage, the word "works" is more correctly translated (from original Greek) to "law".
Ro 13:10 Paul tells us love fulfills the law. Love God, love your neighbor. And, the love of Jesus through His sacrifice.
The Ten Commandments are referred to as, "The law written on stone. IICor 3:7 (Ex 24:12) This has to be the law that Paul referred to. Sacrificial laws were done away with because of the blood of Jesus, yes. But, they were not written on stone.
Gal 3:10 This verse explains everyone relying on the law is cursed.
Gal 4:22 - 27 In this passage, we are told that the slave woman gave birth to the son of flesh and the free woman, Sarah, gave birth to a son born of spirit. Sarah's son, Isaac, was an ancestor of Jesus. This references the law vs grace, which was a constant question in the early church. Church leaders were preaching law and Christ had died to bring the grace of God allowing us to live according to the will of God and not to His law. His will is our wellfare.
Eph 2:20 Christ is the living stone (of grace) - replacing the law on cold, dead stone.
Col 2:13 - 15 Our indebtedness, canceled and nailed to the cross. This is grace over law.
Heb 10:8 Here, Paul explains the animal sacrifices offered with the law; not the law itself.
Heb 11, called "The Faith Chapter": All these people named here, lived BEFORE the law (Ten Commandments) were given on Mt. Sanai. They lived by their faith. They were counted righteous - by faith, NOT by their own works through the law written on stone, or sacrificial laws.
Heb 12:15 is a statement of grace (over law).
Heb 12:18 - 24 Paul compares a mountain of fear, Mt. Sinai, to a mountain of joy, Zion. The law of the Ten Commandments was given on Sinai and Jesus died on Zion. He calls Mt Sinai to be feared because the people could not bear what was commanded. He refers to Jesus as mediator of a new covenant (one without laws).
* Since the resurrection, God no longer tells us "Do this", "Don't do that"; which results in our own efforts. He gives us freedom to choose to follow the examples and teaching of Jesus and live through His efforts.
Titus 3:9 & 10 Paul instructs Titus to try twice to help people understand the gospel. If they will not open their minds and listen, avoid them. He called them warped, sinful and self-condemned. Jesus, Himself, instructed His disciples to wipe their feet at the house of those who would not listen and move on to those who wanted to hear. This resulted in Christ taking the gospel to Gentiles, opening up the doors of salvation to everyone.
Laodicea church: In Revelation 3, God tells this church they are neither hot or cold, meaning they do not teach one or the other, just grace or just the law. They were trying to live with both. He goes on to describe His feelings toward this attitude. It's not good.
Quote: WHAT a glorious covenant the second covenant (New Covenant) is! Well might it be called a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. Heb 8:6
It is so glorious that the very thought of it is enough to overwhelm the soul, when it discerns the amazing condescension and infinite love of God, in having framed a covenant for such unworthy creatures, for such glorious purposes, with such disinterested motives.
It is better than the other covenant, the "covenant of works", which was made with Adam; or that covenant which is said to have been made with Israel, on the day when they came out of Egypt. It is better, for it is founded upon a better principle. The Old Covenant was founded on the principle of merit; it was serve God and you shall be rewarded for it. If you walk perfectly in the fear of the Lord, God will walk well towards you, and all the blessing of Mount Gerizim shall come upon thee, and you shall be exceedingly blessed in this world, and the world which is to come.
But the covenant fell to the ground, because, although it was just that man should be rewarded for his good works, or punished for his evil ones, yet man being sure to sin, and since the fall infallibly tending towards iniquity, the covenant was not suitable for his happiness, nor could it promote his eternal welfare.
C H Spurgeon
Ro 13:10 Paul tells us love fulfills the law. Love God, love your neighbor. And, the love of Jesus through His sacrifice.
The Ten Commandments are referred to as, "The law written on stone. IICor 3:7 (Ex 24:12) This has to be the law that Paul referred to. Sacrificial laws were done away with because of the blood of Jesus, yes. But, they were not written on stone.
Gal 3:10 This verse explains everyone relying on the law is cursed.

Eph 2:20 Christ is the living stone (of grace) - replacing the law on cold, dead stone.
Col 2:13 - 15 Our indebtedness, canceled and nailed to the cross. This is grace over law.
Heb 10:8 Here, Paul explains the animal sacrifices offered with the law; not the law itself.
Heb 11, called "The Faith Chapter": All these people named here, lived BEFORE the law (Ten Commandments) were given on Mt. Sanai. They lived by their faith. They were counted righteous - by faith, NOT by their own works through the law written on stone, or sacrificial laws.
Heb 12:15 is a statement of grace (over law).
Heb 12:18 - 24 Paul compares a mountain of fear, Mt. Sinai, to a mountain of joy, Zion. The law of the Ten Commandments was given on Sinai and Jesus died on Zion. He calls Mt Sinai to be feared because the people could not bear what was commanded. He refers to Jesus as mediator of a new covenant (one without laws).

* Since the resurrection, God no longer tells us "Do this", "Don't do that"; which results in our own efforts. He gives us freedom to choose to follow the examples and teaching of Jesus and live through His efforts.
Titus 3:9 & 10 Paul instructs Titus to try twice to help people understand the gospel. If they will not open their minds and listen, avoid them. He called them warped, sinful and self-condemned. Jesus, Himself, instructed His disciples to wipe their feet at the house of those who would not listen and move on to those who wanted to hear. This resulted in Christ taking the gospel to Gentiles, opening up the doors of salvation to everyone.
Laodicea church: In Revelation 3, God tells this church they are neither hot or cold, meaning they do not teach one or the other, just grace or just the law. They were trying to live with both. He goes on to describe His feelings toward this attitude. It's not good.
Quote: WHAT a glorious covenant the second covenant (New Covenant) is! Well might it be called a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. Heb 8:6
It is so glorious that the very thought of it is enough to overwhelm the soul, when it discerns the amazing condescension and infinite love of God, in having framed a covenant for such unworthy creatures, for such glorious purposes, with such disinterested motives.
It is better than the other covenant, the "covenant of works", which was made with Adam; or that covenant which is said to have been made with Israel, on the day when they came out of Egypt. It is better, for it is founded upon a better principle. The Old Covenant was founded on the principle of merit; it was serve God and you shall be rewarded for it. If you walk perfectly in the fear of the Lord, God will walk well towards you, and all the blessing of Mount Gerizim shall come upon thee, and you shall be exceedingly blessed in this world, and the world which is to come.
But the covenant fell to the ground, because, although it was just that man should be rewarded for his good works, or punished for his evil ones, yet man being sure to sin, and since the fall infallibly tending towards iniquity, the covenant was not suitable for his happiness, nor could it promote his eternal welfare.
C H Spurgeon
The Gospel Truth, Pt 2
Mt 22:36 - 40 This is where Jesus tells us to love God and love our neighbor. He ends by saying the law and the prophets hang on these two commands. He cannot be talking of the sacrificial laws; they have nothing to do with loving God and neighbor or the writings of the prophets.
Mk 3:5 This is the only place where "Jesus was angry" is recorded. Why was Jesus "angry"? Because Pharisees were hung up on Sabbath/legalism/law (written on stone).
Jn 1:17 The law came through Moses (a servant). Grace & truth came through Jesus Christ (the son). Grace trumps law. This passage would not refer to sacrificial laws.
Paul turned from being a Pharisee. The Pharisees were devout in the law; all the laws of the Pentateuck, sacrificial and the Ten Commandments. They lived and condemned through the law. They used the law to be superior to others and keep the people in fear and bondage in order to control them. Paul turned from the law after his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. If he were turning from the laws of sacrifice, why would he do it after his encounter with Jesus, who struck him temporarily blind?
"The law" Paul spoke of cannot be laws of animal sacrifice; they were not written on stone. And, if Paul were arguing against animal sacrifice alone, he would have said so. He specifically named circumcision when he discussed it.
When does Paul teach the Ten Commands? He doesn't! Over and over Paul calls them the "Law of death".
Ro 5:20 & 21 This passage tells us God gave the law so people would know what NOT to do. If you don't have dark, how can you understand light?
Ro 6:1 & 2 This is Paul's answer to whoever asked: if the law is dead, is it now okay to sin? "By no means!" was his answer. God's perfect law gives us example only.
We are righteous in God's eyes. Because the ultimate blood sacrifice was made by Jesus through His scourging and death. Our lamb has sacrificed once and for all. Ro 6:10 Once and for all. Once for all believers, for all time. He cannot climb back up on the cross for another cruecifiction every time we commit a sin.
Ro 7:4 - 12 Paul states we have died to the law through the sacrifice of Christ and ends with a statement of the new way of the Spirit (the grace of God) and not the old way of the "written code".
We are not bound by the law: Ro 7:6 - 13 Here, Paul explains the law as God's perfect law. It was given so we might know what we should strive for - not be governed by. Jesus has written the law of grace on our hearts.
Ro 9:33 In this passage, Paul refers to the stone in Zion which is our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the rock that makes people fall, which is the law (the one written on stone). It's all about Jesus NOT about us "doing" anything.
Ro 10:3 Paul is talking of the Israellites seeking to establish their own righteousness through obeying laws. Because they insisted, God gave them perfect law which they (as flawed human beings) could not keep. All any believer has to do is submit to their righteousness freely given to us through Jesus' sacrifice. We are perfect in God's eyes because of Jesus blood covering over us and our bad deeds. Someone paid our debt for sin. Now, we (ideally) want to follow the standards set by Christ. With His blood covering us, we need only keep trying. We are free of law and free of sin and judgement.
To be continued . . . . .
Mk 3:5 This is the only place where "Jesus was angry" is recorded. Why was Jesus "angry"? Because Pharisees were hung up on Sabbath/legalism/law (written on stone).

Paul turned from being a Pharisee. The Pharisees were devout in the law; all the laws of the Pentateuck, sacrificial and the Ten Commandments. They lived and condemned through the law. They used the law to be superior to others and keep the people in fear and bondage in order to control them. Paul turned from the law after his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus. If he were turning from the laws of sacrifice, why would he do it after his encounter with Jesus, who struck him temporarily blind?
"The law" Paul spoke of cannot be laws of animal sacrifice; they were not written on stone. And, if Paul were arguing against animal sacrifice alone, he would have said so. He specifically named circumcision when he discussed it.
When does Paul teach the Ten Commands? He doesn't! Over and over Paul calls them the "Law of death".
Ro 5:20 & 21 This passage tells us God gave the law so people would know what NOT to do. If you don't have dark, how can you understand light?
Ro 6:1 & 2 This is Paul's answer to whoever asked: if the law is dead, is it now okay to sin? "By no means!" was his answer. God's perfect law gives us example only.
We are righteous in God's eyes. Because the ultimate blood sacrifice was made by Jesus through His scourging and death. Our lamb has sacrificed once and for all. Ro 6:10 Once and for all. Once for all believers, for all time. He cannot climb back up on the cross for another cruecifiction every time we commit a sin.
Ro 7:4 - 12 Paul states we have died to the law through the sacrifice of Christ and ends with a statement of the new way of the Spirit (the grace of God) and not the old way of the "written code".
We are not bound by the law: Ro 7:6 - 13 Here, Paul explains the law as God's perfect law. It was given so we might know what we should strive for - not be governed by. Jesus has written the law of grace on our hearts.
Ro 9:33 In this passage, Paul refers to the stone in Zion which is our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the rock that makes people fall, which is the law (the one written on stone). It's all about Jesus NOT about us "doing" anything.
Ro 10:3 Paul is talking of the Israellites seeking to establish their own righteousness through obeying laws. Because they insisted, God gave them perfect law which they (as flawed human beings) could not keep. All any believer has to do is submit to their righteousness freely given to us through Jesus' sacrifice. We are perfect in God's eyes because of Jesus blood covering over us and our bad deeds. Someone paid our debt for sin. Now, we (ideally) want to follow the standards set by Christ. With His blood covering us, we need only keep trying. We are free of law and free of sin and judgement.
To be continued . . . . .
The Gospel Truth, Pt 1
Col 1:26 states the “mystery that has been kept hidden” referring to God’s plan of redemption. This plan replaces God’s perfect law of the Ten Commandments with the sacrifice of Jesus.
Are we led by spirit or a written code of law? Christians who belong to Christ are led by the spirit we receive when we accept Jesus as our Savior.
Spirit did not dwell in men in the Old Testament. It fell on men. It came and went as men and women of the Bible needed it. God supplied when there was a need for strength through Him. Today, we receive the Holy Spirit to dwell IN us when we accept Jesus as our Savior. Once given and received, He does not leave.
The Arc: God commanded a piece of manna, Aaron’s rod and the Ten Commandments to be placed inside the arc. They are signs of the rebellion of the Israellites. The people broke the first commandment even before Moses came down from Mt. Sinai. The arc is made of wood covered with gold. Wood is a symbol of man. The cover, the Mercy Seat, is solid gold, representing diety. The Mercy Seat is where sacrifices were made - replaced by the sacrifice of Jesus - diety. The lid, Jesus/grace, covers the law inside; the Ten Commandments.
What about Sabbath? Jesus broke Sabbath time and again - one of the Ten Commandments. He was confronted by the Pharisees about breaking the Sabbath. Jesus said if you break one law, you are guilty of breaking all. Christ showed us, by example, that the commandments were erased, when He came to fulfill the law, by taking all our guilt and shame, on Himself and nailed our sins, under the law, to the cross.
Early church did not keep Sabbath. We do not keep the Sabbath today. The Sabbath is Saturday - ask any Jew. Christians keep Sunday. Sunday was the day Christ rose from death to new life.
If Pharisees were so good at keeping the law, why didn’t Christ get along with them?
Jer 31:33 & 34 Here God tells Jeremiah of a second covenant. The first with Adam and the second through Jesus. He tells him the law will be written on their hearts. People will no longer need a written code of law they have to obey because true believers will want to follow the will of God. Also IICor 3:3
For the Jews who rejected Jesus as their Messiah, animal sacrifices done in obedience to the Old Testament covenant were stopped in A.D. 70, at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple by the armies of Rome. Jesus warned of this in the Gospels.
The ten commandments are done away with - Mt 5:17 Jesus fulfilled the law (10 Commandments) and the prophets. The law is God’s perfect law. Man is carnal and cannot keep a perfect law - that is why Jesus had to fulfill it and prophecy. Prophecy cannot be done away with. It is the will of God. Jesus fulfilled the prophets by fulfilling the law. He did it for us. Once and for all.
Christ teaching: Mt 5:18 & 19 In verse 18, Jesus explains that He has not yet fulfilled the law because He has not yet died for us. Christ tells us anyone who sets aside even the least of the laws and teaches it will be called least in heaven.
He goes on to give an example by explaining murder, adultery and a couple other issues like divorce and oaths. He begins his explanation by stating the law and then corrects it by saying, “But I tell you”. Here He is explaining that to even think the wrong is the same as doing the wrong. What human being (other than Himself) can keep such law? No one. He knows that. That is why He was sent - the perfect man to take the perfect law.
To be continued . . . . .
Friday, August 17, 2018
Worthless Old Lady ?

STOP IT ! ! ! !
This is a wonderful time of your life. You are no longer on someone else's time schedule. You do not have to spend all your time thinking of others. Your children do not need driven to school, ball games and piano lessons. You don’t have mountains of laundry and piles of dishes. You don’t have to put supper on the table for a full family by six at night. You don’t have to get up in the middle of the night with sick children puking on the way to the bathroom. You don’t have to get up at 5:00 am to pack a lunch. You don’t have deadlines and a boss to answer to. You don’t have errands to the vet, a double batch of cupcakes for the PTA and a long grocery list. You have spare time. You have wisdom, knowledge and experience. You have paid your dues. You are free!
You have time to do so many of the things you used to wish you could do for years: Bible study, read a good book, call a friend for lunch, embroider, paint, take a pottery class, mentor at a school, learn to play an instrument, primp in front of the mirror, paint your toenails. Can’t reach them? Paint your nails - an outrageous color. Join a group playing cards, board games, cards or a pool game. How about a Yoga class? Great exercise to limber you up and release new energy. All classes allow for beginners and mature women. How about your mending? Hem a dress and feel daring. Hem for someone who can’t.
I like plants. They freshen the air. They grow. I talk to them. They require time to prune, water, clean and feed. It is rewarding to make something grow.

For those over 55, our local Vo Tech offers classes for free. Take up art, painting, learn to operate your computer or smart phone, cooking class, first aide, stain glass, upholstery - even welding or carpentry. Check into a local drama club. You can always volunteer to help if you have that need: church, schools, library or hospital.

Cooking: Single? Live alone? You can freeze in small containers for easy use later - when you have a class to go to. You can also freeze cupcakes and cookies for personal use or that Bunko game you are going to. I tell you, you can make new friends if you have a pie. Make a pot of soup, or a casserole, and freeze for winter suppers. Exchange meals with a friend. Don’t use “just me” or “only the two of us” to keep you from healthy eating.
Idea: Make a practical Bucket List and set out to fulfill it. My Bucket List includes running a zip line.
Here’s a great idea: SMILE ! It releases endorphins that are healing and stimulates pleasure sensations. Stand in front of a mirror and make faces - just for laughs. You will also find out that more people want to be around you and visit with you. You can become a one woman ambassador for Christ. Just be positive, get out, smile, go somewhere. No one likes a sour puss and a smile works wonders, especially on an older face. You are pretty when you smile.

Look up U-Tube and search “funny”. Funny: videos, animals, children, cats, and more. There are U-Tube videos for learning how to do almost anything. When I can’t get out for bad weather or have a cold or just get the “blahs”, I love to pull up some funny videos. Another good time is when hubby has a ball game on the television.
Shut in? Use the phone. Call other shut ins and encourage them - tell a joke. Learn how to operate your computer. Learn almost anything on U-Tube. Put in a patio garden in pots. Keep up with friends and family on Facebook, BUT . . . don’t make it your life.
Afraid to go out? Stop that, too. God is with you. He has taken care of you all your life. He is not going to stop now. Believing you can go and do is half the battle. Pack your pills and take your phone for an emergency. Ask a friend to join you for a movie or a picnic. Start with short trips alone and expand your distance along with your confidence. Book a cabin at a lake to sit on the porch, watch all the people and take a walk in nature. Share expenses with a friend. You might even meet some nice people.
Do silly things - just for fun. Wear a hat, or a turban. Put some funny pins on it. Dress different: bright colors, shorter hem, pants under the dress. Wear a T-shirt with jeans, red lipstick and big ear rings. Dye your hair with Jello. It is a fad with the younger kids right now. You have a large choice of colors and it gradually washes out. (My hair has purple high lights right now.) You can buy a temporary tattoo from the dollar store - just for fun. I have a couple in my vanity drawer as I write. They wash off.
Gather a couple friends for an evening of old fashion pajama party. So what if you all fall asleep by nine. Watch a funny movie and eat junk food. Have a make up party. Bring hand mirrors and make up with eye shadows, bright colored nail polish and lots of jewelry. Style each others hair. You might just find a new look that you like. Blow bubbles. The liquid kind in a bottle like the kids use or bubble gum - if your dentures are secure. Have a photo session and take pictures of each other being silly - makes a great album to laugh at. Tell funny stories about growing up.
Flirt! I love this one. For the first time in my life, I can flirt with young good looking guys and they think I am cute. Wives are not jealous and everyone takes it in stride. I love to tell them how good looking they are. Then, I add, “If I were 50 years younger, I would chase you until you caught me.” Then, smile.
Warning! Your stick-in-the-mud friends and family will think you have lost it. Your family might want you to come visit so they can check you out first hand. Your sour friends will be jealous of the fun you are having. But, you will be having fun, looking forward to getting out of bed in the morning, have more energy and your blood pressure just might drop a point or two.
Wisdom: What you believe, is what is. If you believe your life is over, it’s is. Personally, as long as I am breathing, I have life in some form.
“It’s too late” will kill you. It's never too late. God has blessed you with life.
The Bible calls life a blessing and death a curse. Appreciate it. Use it. God Himself wants to see you happy.
Sweetheart, it ain’t over ‘til it’s over.
Every Day Miracles
We live with miracles every day. God, our Father, wants us safe, healthy and prosperous.
Think: how many times and how many ways have you been saved from near tragedy? Sometimes you have to be away from the situation in order to see it. God is always close to us. I mean, He is as close as living inside of us.
Once we accept Jesus, He never leaves. He comes and makes His home within us. Jn 14:23
Let me share a story from my misspent youth: I had been out late one evening, by myself. (I preferred to go by myself because there always seemed to be a "situation" if I went with a friend. I had some wild and crazy friends.) Anyway, I was out drinking in the bar of a bowling alley that I frequented because there was a young crowd, the music I liked, a friendly bartender and I knew a few of the clientele. It was clean and fairly up scale in a nicer part of town. You never know. Good and bad looms everywhere together. Personally, I believe the more good that is present, the more evil is lurking.
That particular night, the crowd was rowdy. There was a young woman in the crowd that had too much to drink and she was making a physical spectacle of herself and taunting male clientele by removing parts of her clothing while standing on a table. The bartender had a couple of her friends remove her and take her home. I decided it was a good idea for me to call it a night and left for my car in the well lit, parking lot.
I had just put the key in my car's door lock and opened the door when I was pushed inside. I landed, face up, on the seat with my legs dangling outside. A stranger was looming over me and coming in on top of me. The only thing I can remember is thinking to my self, "Oh God".
Funny how a short simple prayer can be all you need. The fact that you just think of God when you need Him shows faith. I had been dedicated to God as an infant, been baptized and went to church regular until the age of 18. I knew of God's existence. God knew me even though I had become a wayward "prodigal". This simple prayer was all that was needed.
I have no idea what happened in the next few moments of time. The next thing after seeing this man looming over me, I was behind the wheel with my car door shut, and locked. The man was outside my window knocking on the glass and yelling. I was anxiously trying to put my car key in the ignition, which I did and drove off. Surely, you can understand how upset I was and I have never forgotten that simple prayer that has worked for me several times since.
When you belong to God (by belief in His Son), He never lets you go. You are never alone again. He loves you and only wants you to believe in Him; just accept Him as our Creator and Savior. He makes it so easy for us.
Every miracle is not always so dramatic. More often, they are small miracles throughout the day. Many times, we do not even recognize them as miracles. Many times we are not aware of them at all. We can be delayed in traffic in order to save us from a wreck. He can remove something harmful from our path that we will never know about.
It is an amazing thing to be a child of God.
Think: how many times and how many ways have you been saved from near tragedy? Sometimes you have to be away from the situation in order to see it. God is always close to us. I mean, He is as close as living inside of us.
Once we accept Jesus, He never leaves. He comes and makes His home within us. Jn 14:23
Let me share a story from my misspent youth: I had been out late one evening, by myself. (I preferred to go by myself because there always seemed to be a "situation" if I went with a friend. I had some wild and crazy friends.) Anyway, I was out drinking in the bar of a bowling alley that I frequented because there was a young crowd, the music I liked, a friendly bartender and I knew a few of the clientele. It was clean and fairly up scale in a nicer part of town. You never know. Good and bad looms everywhere together. Personally, I believe the more good that is present, the more evil is lurking.
That particular night, the crowd was rowdy. There was a young woman in the crowd that had too much to drink and she was making a physical spectacle of herself and taunting male clientele by removing parts of her clothing while standing on a table. The bartender had a couple of her friends remove her and take her home. I decided it was a good idea for me to call it a night and left for my car in the well lit, parking lot.
I had just put the key in my car's door lock and opened the door when I was pushed inside. I landed, face up, on the seat with my legs dangling outside. A stranger was looming over me and coming in on top of me. The only thing I can remember is thinking to my self, "Oh God".
Funny how a short simple prayer can be all you need. The fact that you just think of God when you need Him shows faith. I had been dedicated to God as an infant, been baptized and went to church regular until the age of 18. I knew of God's existence. God knew me even though I had become a wayward "prodigal". This simple prayer was all that was needed.
I have no idea what happened in the next few moments of time. The next thing after seeing this man looming over me, I was behind the wheel with my car door shut, and locked. The man was outside my window knocking on the glass and yelling. I was anxiously trying to put my car key in the ignition, which I did and drove off. Surely, you can understand how upset I was and I have never forgotten that simple prayer that has worked for me several times since.
When you belong to God (by belief in His Son), He never lets you go. You are never alone again. He loves you and only wants you to believe in Him; just accept Him as our Creator and Savior. He makes it so easy for us.
Every miracle is not always so dramatic. More often, they are small miracles throughout the day. Many times, we do not even recognize them as miracles. Many times we are not aware of them at all. We can be delayed in traffic in order to save us from a wreck. He can remove something harmful from our path that we will never know about.
It is an amazing thing to be a child of God.
A Funny Thing Happened On Our Way To The ER
You know, for the past few days, I have been dealing with medication issues. At 71, I have been so blessed to be on only one prescription drug - blood pressure. It runs rampant in my family. Recently, my prescription no longer works. I hate drugs and for other health reasons need to stay away from as many as I possibly can. I take lots of herbs and vitamins for prevention, exercise, drink lots of water and try to be cautious of what I eat.
I refuse to be that old lady who sits with friends and discusses her doctor appointments, prescription drugs and side effects while waiting for my next meal. Had to make an emergency run to the hospital when my blood pressure went over 200; elevated 30 points in just half an hour.
We decided to make an emergency run to an Emergency Room about 10:00 pm. My husband was concerned about some road construction so we took and alternate route. Just minutes after using our detour, there was a single head light looming on the horizon. As we got closer, Steven slowed down realizing the light was stationary.
In my travels, I have had the opportunity to drive through some harrowing situations and this brought one to mind. A time when going through the Appalacian's, I had to pass through an area where people were putting things in the road (fires, trees, effigy figures) to stop cars for the purpose of robbery. This came to my mind. I was uncomfortable with him stopping and slowing down was giving me concern - just from a past memory. We are in a rural area that has never had such an issue. Funny how our minds work.
As we approached the light, it became obvious that it was one working headlight on a car that was stopped with the entire front looking like a wadded piece of tin foil. There was a young couple in the road behind the car, pacing with a flashlight. We stopped to inquire of the situation. They had no phone, the young woman was in early stages of pregnancy and had blood on her. She was in shock and ranting about a rented car, hitting a cow and what they would do about the car. The young man was pacing with her, scanning her with the flashlight for cuts and she kept saying she was pregnant but that she was "okay". It is only providence of God that I had my phone with me.
My husband's phone is for work use only and he left it on his desk at home. I only turn mine on when away from home so he can reach me. Seldom do I carry it if I am with Steven. I called 911 emergency and reached a town 45 miles away. It took awhile to get reconnected to the correct county, decide what county road we were on, what was the closest EMT, exactly where we were and establish the fact that we were not the victims but rather on our way to the ER for help ourselves. Can you believe this? My husband was getting stressed but I found it to be quite amusing. All I could think was, "Something strange happened on our way to the ER". Soon, other vehicles approached with phones, willingness to help and more knowledge of the area than we had. We were soon back to our personal objective.
Long story short, we spent several hours at the ER with a wonderful nurse and an amazing D.O. who was 75 years old. I love old family doctors. They are the real knowledge - Too few and far between. I am adjusting to new medication while being monitored and feel there was a reason we were on that road at that time on that night. Prayers are sent up for that couple - who did not show up at the hospital we went to.
What was God up to? Others were on that same road with phones. We were the first to arrive - on our own emergency mission. Why did that couple not have a phone? I thought everyone but Steven and I had phones. That exact place and time came together. We will never know their names or see them again. I wonder about the young woman and her unborn baby. My heart goes out; she was in obvious shock. Was it a test for us to stop? Was it a test for someone else on that road that night? We could have been minutes earlier and hit the cow ourselves. We never know but God is always aware and close. He shields and protects His children.
I am confused about His reasoning but God is good.
P.S. It was a cow - a large one and she was dead.
I refuse to be that old lady who sits with friends and discusses her doctor appointments, prescription drugs and side effects while waiting for my next meal. Had to make an emergency run to the hospital when my blood pressure went over 200; elevated 30 points in just half an hour.
We decided to make an emergency run to an Emergency Room about 10:00 pm. My husband was concerned about some road construction so we took and alternate route. Just minutes after using our detour, there was a single head light looming on the horizon. As we got closer, Steven slowed down realizing the light was stationary.
In my travels, I have had the opportunity to drive through some harrowing situations and this brought one to mind. A time when going through the Appalacian's, I had to pass through an area where people were putting things in the road (fires, trees, effigy figures) to stop cars for the purpose of robbery. This came to my mind. I was uncomfortable with him stopping and slowing down was giving me concern - just from a past memory. We are in a rural area that has never had such an issue. Funny how our minds work.
As we approached the light, it became obvious that it was one working headlight on a car that was stopped with the entire front looking like a wadded piece of tin foil. There was a young couple in the road behind the car, pacing with a flashlight. We stopped to inquire of the situation. They had no phone, the young woman was in early stages of pregnancy and had blood on her. She was in shock and ranting about a rented car, hitting a cow and what they would do about the car. The young man was pacing with her, scanning her with the flashlight for cuts and she kept saying she was pregnant but that she was "okay". It is only providence of God that I had my phone with me.
My husband's phone is for work use only and he left it on his desk at home. I only turn mine on when away from home so he can reach me. Seldom do I carry it if I am with Steven. I called 911 emergency and reached a town 45 miles away. It took awhile to get reconnected to the correct county, decide what county road we were on, what was the closest EMT, exactly where we were and establish the fact that we were not the victims but rather on our way to the ER for help ourselves. Can you believe this? My husband was getting stressed but I found it to be quite amusing. All I could think was, "Something strange happened on our way to the ER". Soon, other vehicles approached with phones, willingness to help and more knowledge of the area than we had. We were soon back to our personal objective.
Long story short, we spent several hours at the ER with a wonderful nurse and an amazing D.O. who was 75 years old. I love old family doctors. They are the real knowledge - Too few and far between. I am adjusting to new medication while being monitored and feel there was a reason we were on that road at that time on that night. Prayers are sent up for that couple - who did not show up at the hospital we went to.
What was God up to? Others were on that same road with phones. We were the first to arrive - on our own emergency mission. Why did that couple not have a phone? I thought everyone but Steven and I had phones. That exact place and time came together. We will never know their names or see them again. I wonder about the young woman and her unborn baby. My heart goes out; she was in obvious shock. Was it a test for us to stop? Was it a test for someone else on that road that night? We could have been minutes earlier and hit the cow ourselves. We never know but God is always aware and close. He shields and protects His children.
I am confused about His reasoning but God is good.
P.S. It was a cow - a large one and she was dead.
Friday, August 10, 2018
My Personal God
"My God" has made Himself personal to me:
I called on Him when I prayed "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" during my parents divorce. I was seven years old and He made His presence known to me.
He put His wings around me during the abuse I endured at the hands of a stepfather, and sent me a savior; my grandfather.
He advised me when I was molested by three teen boys at a bus stop. I was 16.
When there was disappointment over missing high school graduation, due to minor surgery, He was there holding my hand.
I held fast to Him through the loss of two children at birth.
During marriage to an alcoholic, He advised me through His spirit.
He was there to console me after the death of Grandfather, the only earthly father I have known.
An angel, in the form of a police officer, was sent when my brakes failed early one morning on busy city streets.
I prayed "Our Father" in an ambulance after a car accident. It left me with 44 stitches to my face, a broken foot and crushed vertebra, but He chose to spare my life.
Late one evening, in New York, He sent an angel to perform a miracle and save me from an assault in a public parking lot.
Again, He held my hand during surgery for malignant tumors, consoled me when I learned that I would never have children and held my hand during the hysterectomy ten years later.
I had traveled across this country for forty-five years to sell my art work. I remember dangerous driving conditions, storms in the mountains, icey roads and being lost - a lot. My God was sitting next to me in the passenger seat every inch of the way.
In Alabama, He sent an angel with yet another miracle to keep me from an auto accident with two little girls in my car.
During a time of great depression, from many wrong choices through the years, He spoke and saved me from suicide.
He has loved me from my conception, with a plan for my life. Thirty-five years ago, my God placed me in His church, changed my life and my way of thinking and, twenty-six years ago gave me my greatest earthy treasure, a husband who truly loves me.
My God bandaged emotional wounds and started the healing. He has always made Himself personal to my needs.
He sent me a healer and holds my hand every time I take a treatment for liver failure.
He stepped in to fill a huge void when my mother died and consoles a great loss, again, when my brother died young.
A compound fracture in my ankle was set without anesthetic by a strange doctor in a strange hospital in a city far from home. I was alone for surgery - except for my God.
Throughout my life, and even now, my God has been with me every minute to make sure I did not suffer more than I could bare. He has been there watching, teaching, protecting; keeping my heart, my body and my soul in His ever gentle arms.
My God took hate, fear and guilt and replaced them with joy, compassion and peace.
My God is the magnificent "I Am" who made time and space and lives on the sides of the north in the third heaven. Every existence exists in His thought. He knows every inch of every star in the universe, every grain of sand on every beach and cares enough about me to know how many hairs are on my head - He is the keeper of my soul.
My God loves, protects, blesses, teaches, comforts, heals and answers my prayers. Getting to know Him is a lifetime of joy and amazement.
The Christian life is not easy but the rewards are great.
I called on Him when I prayed "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" during my parents divorce. I was seven years old and He made His presence known to me.
He put His wings around me during the abuse I endured at the hands of a stepfather, and sent me a savior; my grandfather.
He advised me when I was molested by three teen boys at a bus stop. I was 16.
When there was disappointment over missing high school graduation, due to minor surgery, He was there holding my hand.
I held fast to Him through the loss of two children at birth.
During marriage to an alcoholic, He advised me through His spirit.
He was there to console me after the death of Grandfather, the only earthly father I have known.
An angel, in the form of a police officer, was sent when my brakes failed early one morning on busy city streets.
I prayed "Our Father" in an ambulance after a car accident. It left me with 44 stitches to my face, a broken foot and crushed vertebra, but He chose to spare my life.

Again, He held my hand during surgery for malignant tumors, consoled me when I learned that I would never have children and held my hand during the hysterectomy ten years later.
I had traveled across this country for forty-five years to sell my art work. I remember dangerous driving conditions, storms in the mountains, icey roads and being lost - a lot. My God was sitting next to me in the passenger seat every inch of the way.
In Alabama, He sent an angel with yet another miracle to keep me from an auto accident with two little girls in my car.
During a time of great depression, from many wrong choices through the years, He spoke and saved me from suicide.
He has loved me from my conception, with a plan for my life. Thirty-five years ago, my God placed me in His church, changed my life and my way of thinking and, twenty-six years ago gave me my greatest earthy treasure, a husband who truly loves me.
My God bandaged emotional wounds and started the healing. He has always made Himself personal to my needs.
He sent me a healer and holds my hand every time I take a treatment for liver failure.
He stepped in to fill a huge void when my mother died and consoles a great loss, again, when my brother died young.
A compound fracture in my ankle was set without anesthetic by a strange doctor in a strange hospital in a city far from home. I was alone for surgery - except for my God.
Throughout my life, and even now, my God has been with me every minute to make sure I did not suffer more than I could bare. He has been there watching, teaching, protecting; keeping my heart, my body and my soul in His ever gentle arms.
My God took hate, fear and guilt and replaced them with joy, compassion and peace.
My God is the magnificent "I Am" who made time and space and lives on the sides of the north in the third heaven. Every existence exists in His thought. He knows every inch of every star in the universe, every grain of sand on every beach and cares enough about me to know how many hairs are on my head - He is the keeper of my soul.
My God loves, protects, blesses, teaches, comforts, heals and answers my prayers. Getting to know Him is a lifetime of joy and amazement.
The Christian life is not easy but the rewards are great.
Christian life,
daily living,
God's grace,
God's love,
heavenly Father,
personal life,
Monday, August 6, 2018
A Thought For Today
The next time you feel like God can't use you, just remember:
Noah got drunk
Abraham was too old
Isaac was a daydreamer
Jacob was a liar
Leah was cross eyed
Joseph was abused
Moses had a speech impediment
Gideon was afraid
Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer
Rahab was a prostitute
Jeremiah and Timothy were young
David had an affair and planned a murder
Elijah was suicidal
Isaiah preached naked
Jonah ran from God
Naomi was a widow
Job went bankrupt
John the Baptist ate bugs
The apostles were under the age of 20
Peter denied Christ
The Disciples fell asleep while on watch
Martha worried about everything
The Samaritan woman was divorced, 5 times
Zaccheus was too short
Paul was a Pharisee
Timothy had an ulcer
Lazarus was dead
No more excuses! God can use you to your full potential. Matter of fact, He uses the weak. Everyone knows that you have a flaw. If you let God use you, the world will know it was not you doing this great work - you are not capable. Only God could have done it. This is how He shows Himself - through the common sinful man.
Stop making excuses and let God use you to do miracles. Be a miracle worker.
Noah got drunk
Abraham was too old
Isaac was a daydreamer
Jacob was a liar
Leah was cross eyed
Joseph was abused
Moses had a speech impediment
Gideon was afraid
Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer
Rahab was a prostitute
Jeremiah and Timothy were young
David had an affair and planned a murder
Elijah was suicidal
Isaiah preached naked
Jonah ran from God
Naomi was a widow
Job went bankrupt
John the Baptist ate bugs
The apostles were under the age of 20
Peter denied Christ
The Disciples fell asleep while on watch
Martha worried about everything
The Samaritan woman was divorced, 5 times
Zaccheus was too short
Paul was a Pharisee
Timothy had an ulcer
Lazarus was dead
No more excuses! God can use you to your full potential. Matter of fact, He uses the weak. Everyone knows that you have a flaw. If you let God use you, the world will know it was not you doing this great work - you are not capable. Only God could have done it. This is how He shows Himself - through the common sinful man.
Stop making excuses and let God use you to do miracles. Be a miracle worker.
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