I called on Him when I prayed "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" during my parents divorce. I was seven years old and He made His presence known to me.
He put His wings around me during the abuse I endured at the hands of a stepfather, and sent me a savior; my grandfather.
He advised me when I was molested by three teen boys at a bus stop. I was 16.
When there was disappointment over missing high school graduation, due to minor surgery, He was there holding my hand.
I held fast to Him through the loss of two children at birth.
During marriage to an alcoholic, He advised me through His spirit.
He was there to console me after the death of Grandfather, the only earthly father I have known.
An angel, in the form of a police officer, was sent when my brakes failed early one morning on busy city streets.
I prayed "Our Father" in an ambulance after a car accident. It left me with 44 stitches to my face, a broken foot and crushed vertebra, but He chose to spare my life.

Again, He held my hand during surgery for malignant tumors, consoled me when I learned that I would never have children and held my hand during the hysterectomy ten years later.
I had traveled across this country for forty-five years to sell my art work. I remember dangerous driving conditions, storms in the mountains, icey roads and being lost - a lot. My God was sitting next to me in the passenger seat every inch of the way.
In Alabama, He sent an angel with yet another miracle to keep me from an auto accident with two little girls in my car.
During a time of great depression, from many wrong choices through the years, He spoke and saved me from suicide.
He has loved me from my conception, with a plan for my life. Thirty-five years ago, my God placed me in His church, changed my life and my way of thinking and, twenty-six years ago gave me my greatest earthy treasure, a husband who truly loves me.
My God bandaged emotional wounds and started the healing. He has always made Himself personal to my needs.
He sent me a healer and holds my hand every time I take a treatment for liver failure.
He stepped in to fill a huge void when my mother died and consoles a great loss, again, when my brother died young.
A compound fracture in my ankle was set without anesthetic by a strange doctor in a strange hospital in a city far from home. I was alone for surgery - except for my God.
Throughout my life, and even now, my God has been with me every minute to make sure I did not suffer more than I could bare. He has been there watching, teaching, protecting; keeping my heart, my body and my soul in His ever gentle arms.
My God took hate, fear and guilt and replaced them with joy, compassion and peace.
My God is the magnificent "I Am" who made time and space and lives on the sides of the north in the third heaven. Every existence exists in His thought. He knows every inch of every star in the universe, every grain of sand on every beach and cares enough about me to know how many hairs are on my head - He is the keeper of my soul.
My God loves, protects, blesses, teaches, comforts, heals and answers my prayers. Getting to know Him is a lifetime of joy and amazement.
The Christian life is not easy but the rewards are great.
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