Ro 13:10 Paul tells us love fulfills the law. Love God, love your neighbor. And, the love of Jesus through His sacrifice.
The Ten Commandments are referred to as, "The law written on stone. IICor 3:7 (Ex 24:12) This has to be the law that Paul referred to. Sacrificial laws were done away with because of the blood of Jesus, yes. But, they were not written on stone.
Gal 3:10 This verse explains everyone relying on the law is cursed.

Eph 2:20 Christ is the living stone (of grace) - replacing the law on cold, dead stone.
Col 2:13 - 15 Our indebtedness, canceled and nailed to the cross. This is grace over law.
Heb 10:8 Here, Paul explains the animal sacrifices offered with the law; not the law itself.
Heb 11, called "The Faith Chapter": All these people named here, lived BEFORE the law (Ten Commandments) were given on Mt. Sanai. They lived by their faith. They were counted righteous - by faith, NOT by their own works through the law written on stone, or sacrificial laws.
Heb 12:15 is a statement of grace (over law).
Heb 12:18 - 24 Paul compares a mountain of fear, Mt. Sinai, to a mountain of joy, Zion. The law of the Ten Commandments was given on Sinai and Jesus died on Zion. He calls Mt Sinai to be feared because the people could not bear what was commanded. He refers to Jesus as mediator of a new covenant (one without laws).

* Since the resurrection, God no longer tells us "Do this", "Don't do that"; which results in our own efforts. He gives us freedom to choose to follow the examples and teaching of Jesus and live through His efforts.
Titus 3:9 & 10 Paul instructs Titus to try twice to help people understand the gospel. If they will not open their minds and listen, avoid them. He called them warped, sinful and self-condemned. Jesus, Himself, instructed His disciples to wipe their feet at the house of those who would not listen and move on to those who wanted to hear. This resulted in Christ taking the gospel to Gentiles, opening up the doors of salvation to everyone.
Laodicea church: In Revelation 3, God tells this church they are neither hot or cold, meaning they do not teach one or the other, just grace or just the law. They were trying to live with both. He goes on to describe His feelings toward this attitude. It's not good.
Quote: WHAT a glorious covenant the second covenant (New Covenant) is! Well might it be called a better covenant, which was established upon better promises. Heb 8:6
It is so glorious that the very thought of it is enough to overwhelm the soul, when it discerns the amazing condescension and infinite love of God, in having framed a covenant for such unworthy creatures, for such glorious purposes, with such disinterested motives.
It is better than the other covenant, the "covenant of works", which was made with Adam; or that covenant which is said to have been made with Israel, on the day when they came out of Egypt. It is better, for it is founded upon a better principle. The Old Covenant was founded on the principle of merit; it was serve God and you shall be rewarded for it. If you walk perfectly in the fear of the Lord, God will walk well towards you, and all the blessing of Mount Gerizim shall come upon thee, and you shall be exceedingly blessed in this world, and the world which is to come.
But the covenant fell to the ground, because, although it was just that man should be rewarded for his good works, or punished for his evil ones, yet man being sure to sin, and since the fall infallibly tending towards iniquity, the covenant was not suitable for his happiness, nor could it promote his eternal welfare.
C H Spurgeon
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