First, let us interpret the names in order they appear:
Adam - Man
Seth - appointed
Enosh - mortal
Cainan - sorrow
Mahalalel - blessed God
Jared - descending
Enoch - teacher
Methuselah - death will bring
Lamech - despairing
Noah - rest
Put it together:
Man was appointed mortal sorrow. The blessed God descended as teacher. His death will bring despairing rest.
Man sinned and was punished. Jesus came down as teacher. His death will bring sorrowful rest.
I cannot say that I understand the "sorrowful" rest unless it refers to the disappointment of many people who did not understand His returning. Or maybe it is sad, what has happened to the world that He is going to return.
However, there is a definite message here and it is about "the blessed God" who "came down". That is Jesus! Do you see the significance here? It is a prophecy. Jesus is coded into a message in the fifth chapter of the first book of the Bible. (By the way, the number five represents the grace of God; which Jesus brought to man kind.) Jesus is not born as a man for another 5,000 years.
How many other "hidden" meanings are there? I would guess thousands. What an amazing journey to find them ! What an amazing God to code His word for those who will seek and find. This is the "Divine Order" of God's language in the Bible.
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