STOP IT ! ! ! !
This is a wonderful time of your life. You are no longer on someone else's time schedule. You do not have to spend all your time thinking of others. Your children do not need driven to school, ball games and piano lessons. You don’t have mountains of laundry and piles of dishes. You don’t have to put supper on the table for a full family by six at night. You don’t have to get up in the middle of the night with sick children puking on the way to the bathroom. You don’t have to get up at 5:00 am to pack a lunch. You don’t have deadlines and a boss to answer to. You don’t have errands to the vet, a double batch of cupcakes for the PTA and a long grocery list. You have spare time. You have wisdom, knowledge and experience. You have paid your dues. You are free!
You have time to do so many of the things you used to wish you could do for years: Bible study, read a good book, call a friend for lunch, embroider, paint, take a pottery class, mentor at a school, learn to play an instrument, primp in front of the mirror, paint your toenails. Can’t reach them? Paint your nails - an outrageous color. Join a group playing cards, board games, cards or a pool game. How about a Yoga class? Great exercise to limber you up and release new energy. All classes allow for beginners and mature women. How about your mending? Hem a dress and feel daring. Hem for someone who can’t.
I like plants. They freshen the air. They grow. I talk to them. They require time to prune, water, clean and feed. It is rewarding to make something grow.

For those over 55, our local Vo Tech offers classes for free. Take up art, painting, learn to operate your computer or smart phone, cooking class, first aide, stain glass, upholstery - even welding or carpentry. Check into a local drama club. You can always volunteer to help if you have that need: church, schools, library or hospital.

Cooking: Single? Live alone? You can freeze in small containers for easy use later - when you have a class to go to. You can also freeze cupcakes and cookies for personal use or that Bunko game you are going to. I tell you, you can make new friends if you have a pie. Make a pot of soup, or a casserole, and freeze for winter suppers. Exchange meals with a friend. Don’t use “just me” or “only the two of us” to keep you from healthy eating.
Idea: Make a practical Bucket List and set out to fulfill it. My Bucket List includes running a zip line.
Here’s a great idea: SMILE ! It releases endorphins that are healing and stimulates pleasure sensations. Stand in front of a mirror and make faces - just for laughs. You will also find out that more people want to be around you and visit with you. You can become a one woman ambassador for Christ. Just be positive, get out, smile, go somewhere. No one likes a sour puss and a smile works wonders, especially on an older face. You are pretty when you smile.

Look up U-Tube and search “funny”. Funny: videos, animals, children, cats, and more. There are U-Tube videos for learning how to do almost anything. When I can’t get out for bad weather or have a cold or just get the “blahs”, I love to pull up some funny videos. Another good time is when hubby has a ball game on the television.
Shut in? Use the phone. Call other shut ins and encourage them - tell a joke. Learn how to operate your computer. Learn almost anything on U-Tube. Put in a patio garden in pots. Keep up with friends and family on Facebook, BUT . . . don’t make it your life.
Afraid to go out? Stop that, too. God is with you. He has taken care of you all your life. He is not going to stop now. Believing you can go and do is half the battle. Pack your pills and take your phone for an emergency. Ask a friend to join you for a movie or a picnic. Start with short trips alone and expand your distance along with your confidence. Book a cabin at a lake to sit on the porch, watch all the people and take a walk in nature. Share expenses with a friend. You might even meet some nice people.
Do silly things - just for fun. Wear a hat, or a turban. Put some funny pins on it. Dress different: bright colors, shorter hem, pants under the dress. Wear a T-shirt with jeans, red lipstick and big ear rings. Dye your hair with Jello. It is a fad with the younger kids right now. You have a large choice of colors and it gradually washes out. (My hair has purple high lights right now.) You can buy a temporary tattoo from the dollar store - just for fun. I have a couple in my vanity drawer as I write. They wash off.
Gather a couple friends for an evening of old fashion pajama party. So what if you all fall asleep by nine. Watch a funny movie and eat junk food. Have a make up party. Bring hand mirrors and make up with eye shadows, bright colored nail polish and lots of jewelry. Style each others hair. You might just find a new look that you like. Blow bubbles. The liquid kind in a bottle like the kids use or bubble gum - if your dentures are secure. Have a photo session and take pictures of each other being silly - makes a great album to laugh at. Tell funny stories about growing up.
Flirt! I love this one. For the first time in my life, I can flirt with young good looking guys and they think I am cute. Wives are not jealous and everyone takes it in stride. I love to tell them how good looking they are. Then, I add, “If I were 50 years younger, I would chase you until you caught me.” Then, smile.
Warning! Your stick-in-the-mud friends and family will think you have lost it. Your family might want you to come visit so they can check you out first hand. Your sour friends will be jealous of the fun you are having. But, you will be having fun, looking forward to getting out of bed in the morning, have more energy and your blood pressure just might drop a point or two.
Wisdom: What you believe, is what is. If you believe your life is over, it’s is. Personally, as long as I am breathing, I have life in some form.
“It’s too late” will kill you. It's never too late. God has blessed you with life.
The Bible calls life a blessing and death a curse. Appreciate it. Use it. God Himself wants to see you happy.
Sweetheart, it ain’t over ‘til it’s over.
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