Wednesday, June 27, 2018

My Story

Privacy is something I value highly.  When we relocate, I will pack personal things so movers don't come in and pack the contents of my underwear drawer or see my toiletries.  I never could share a bathroom with a husband and have only two friends I will share a motel room with.  If I don't get "alone time", you can't stand to have me around.  Anyone out there understand what I am saying?

That said, when it comes to my past, I am an open book.  Like everyone else, I have had trials, temptations, failures and embarrassments.  I don't believe in regret.  I made bad choices (for whatever reason) and they were my choices.  I like to think that I have learned from them.  After all, I did do a full turn around at one point in my life.  There were times of great sorrow, fear, worthlessness and loneliness.  I have felt "lonely" but never "alone".

When I say that I did a full turnaround and repented of a life style, I don't mean all of a sudden I realized there was a loving being out there that created everything and His son came to save me to eternal life by paying the debt for everything I did wrong; although, all of that is true.  The thing is, I cannot remember a time in my life when I was not aware of God and His presence.   And, I can remember back to the time I was still sleeping in a crib. 

It amazes me that people do discover God in there teen years or even later in life.  They have great epiphany, a moment of awareness - that "aha moment".  I have a bit of jealousy for that.  It's like I missed out on all the excitement.  On the other hand, friends have told me that they envy the fact that I have always had this awareness just like many others - I am not unique.  Neither am I different.  We have trouble seeing our own life as valuable.

Okay, all this being said, let's get back to my story.   I once offered to give my testimony in church.  My pastor, at the time, had me jot down some highlights for review.  He called me into his study and denied my request on the grounds that "no one will believe it"  -  ?  Huh?  

I know that I have had an active life of varied interests, jobs, a career and, as stated before, great changes.  I am also far passed retirement age, so it has been a rather lengthy life.  The longer your life, the more stuff happens!  To keep this writing within some boundaries, I am using key words in summary form so you can get the idea without a lot of lengthy (and boring) script.    This also keeps my private side happy because I do not have to disclose all the embarrassing details.

As first born, Mother dedicated me at birth and sent me to church from the time I could step onto the bus. Things were pretty middle-income-normal until I was eight years old.
Parents divorced  
grandfather moved in
no financial support from my father  
first experience with rejection from a man
father never answered any correspondence
moved to a less expensive neighbor hood = inner city (big city)
dislexic before there was dislexia = thought I was stupid
step father = sexual abuse (me and my sister)
teenage baptism
molested by three teens on way to work
pregnant at 17 = gave up art scholarship
high school graduation = stopped going to church 
lost two children at birth
married and moved to Boston - moved to Long Island
betrayal by closest friend; changed the course of my life
husband cheated = another rejection and divorce
attacked by man in parking lot
married an alcoholic
various menial jobs
socialized in dive bars = all sorts of people
major auto accident - 44 stitches to face
grandfather died - my only earthly father
partial hysterectomy 
husband cheated = another rejection and divorce
found a roommate
single girl for awhile = dating
out of body experience
traveled = selling my art work
married a businessman = he traveled
he had two daughters = I was a step mother
moved to Alabama = nice home, pool, country club
continued traveling and selling art
husband turned out to be an embezzler
he cheated = another divorce and rejection
single scene again
still traveling with art work
met a portrait artist and became her apprentice = hired agents
continued travel 
complete hysterectomy 
married a country boy from Alabama = step mom, again
different life style in the "back woods"
he had a country band = I ran sound system
opened small town business = framing and portrait studio
he dealt in drugs = I went back to church
he cheated =  devastating divorce
considered suicide - had loaded gun in hand
got baptized and took it serious  
* No wonder the pastor said, "No one would believe it".

The out of body experience opened my eyes to my life style but I am a stubborn person and it was years later before I made major changes.  There were  highlights along the wrong path: travel, people and I never lost that feeling of God's presence.

I took that baptism 35 years ago serious and, like the prodigal son, my (heavenly) Father welcomed me back with open arms and all the blessings of my heritage that were just waiting for me.   Imagine that!  All I had to do was "come home".  (I am reminded of the Proverb: Raise a child up in the way He should go and he will not depart from it.)  My marriage, of 26 years, is to a great Christian man who is "the wind beneath my wings".  My business became successful.  Fear and anger no longer rule over me.

It did not happen over night.  There were trials and many errors along the way: health issues, decisions and major adjustments.  During this time, I learned to let God have control and it has made all the difference.

Lately, I have been reminded that we all have a story and as Christians, we need to share it with others.  It can take us out of our comfort zone but it is our story of how God, our Father, molds us to become what He calls us to.  Just maybe your story can help someone else.  If we just plant the seed, God will make it grow somewhere.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Ruth vs Orpa / David vs Goliath

Seek & find; I love this - so fascinating.  This morning, I was prepared to delve into an entirely different topic when I stumbled on more underlying details in the book of Ruth.  I have studied Ruth (I thought) in depth but not blogged about it - yet.  I cannot wait to share this  part.  I am just listing some interesting tid bits as a prelude to writing about the love story of Ruth, sometime in the future.

Orpa, translates:  "Back of The Neck" - which she showed to Naomi as she left to return to "her people and her gods"  Ruth 1:15 
>  She was the other daughter-in-law of Naomi
>  She took 40 steps with Naomi and Ruth before turning back to Moab.
>  The number 40 (in the Bible) represents the period of testing.  It only took her 40 steps to make her decision to return to idol worship and moral degradation.  Christ spent 40 days in the wilderness where the devil tried to temp Him; He did not give in.
>  The daughter-in-law of Naomi who was married to Naomi's son, Kilion. 
>  Kilion, translates:  "Wasting Away" - he must have been sick all his life.
>  She was full blooded sister to Ruth and they are listed as "Moab Princesses" ie: Rabbah

The Talmud tells us : As soon as Orpah left Naomi and Ruth, the Talmuc (Sotah 42b) explains what happened next:  Upon leaving Naomi, Orpah ran into a battalion of 100 soldiers.  She willingly submitted herself to all of them.  From this encounter, she became pregnant and bore the giant Goliath, that David would later meet in battle.  No one can say who was Goliath's father.
* All this information about Orpa was gathered from Rabbinical literature, Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud.

Whoa!  This does not fit with the lineage in Matt 1: there are four generations between Ruth and David.  I am going to accept that Goliath was three or four generations away from this encounter but Orpa was truly an ancestor of Goliath.  I am also going to accept this as a bit of an exaggeration because it is highly unlikely she took on 100 men and survived.  (What a gal!)  Of course, it does not say over what time period or, if this number is even accurate.  It could have even happened after she was back in Moab, if at all.  There is just too much written about her being Goliath's ancestor to dismiss.  Hollywood would love this on the big screen. 

Goliath, in Assyro-Babylonian language means: "Ravaging Spirit"
>  Goliath had three brothers: Lahmi, Tan & Wayiggash (via Jewish Encyclopedia)
>  Goliath wore a helmet of bronze that came down over his forehead
>  coat of mail - a jacket covered with or composed of metal rings or plates, serving as armor.
>  brass on his legs - I imagine shin guards
>  gorget of brass between shoulders - a single piece of plate armor hanging from the neck and covering the throat and chest
>  spear like weaver's beam - the top wooden beam/bar that spans a large weaving loom.
>  heigth: 6 cubits + a span:  cubit = measure from elbow to finger tip, span = measure from heel to toe (or, spread hand and measure from thumb tip to tip of small finger).  But, who's?  If you measure by a petite woman vs a large man, you are getting two very different measurements.  We know he was a "giant".

Now, let's get into the "meat".  Orpa and Ruth are listed in historical literature as blood sisters.  True or not, there is still a fascinating parallel in this story.  There were daughters-in-law to Naomi.  The book of Ruth is clear on this.

Orpa, a Moabite woman returned to her people and her gods (idols) who "reviled God".  Thus, we see a woman choosing a life style that is not in keeping with God's instruction.  A stand many take today.  A lifestyle that she had left to marry a Hebrew man.  It took her only 40 paces to make her choice to return to her life away from God.

Whereas, Ruth, also a Gentile, former idol worshipping Moabite, chooses to follow a path of the living God by returning to Bethlehem in Judah.  She proclaims her choice, Ruth 1:16 & 17 in a beautiful proclamation that surely set her name in the lineage of Jesus.

Orpa represents those who chose the familiar, comfortable life of the world while Ruth represent those who choose the narrow path of what is right.  Rather than a mother of spiritual giants, Orpa became a mother of physical giants.  (Giants representing the things of the world that we need to overcome.)

Another parallel is found between David and Goliath as good triumphs over evil.  (They could have been distant relatives - ew!  About four generations distant.  No blood between them because Ruth chose to follow God, He sees her without blemish.)
Yet, a third parallel is hidden in the world (Orpa, Goliath) turning away from  followers (Ruth, David) of the one true God.

I love to seek because I am rewarded with the "finds" - all the little underlying meanings.

I pray for you today to have a fresh anointing on all you do and everyone you meet.  Praise God!


Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Woman At The Well

Who, in the Bible do you identify with?  Peter?  David?  Esther?  Martha?
I can identify with many characters but, if I'm being honest, it is the woman at the well.  She had several husbands and a "live in".  A situation like this is commonly the result of abuse, rejection or the lack of a father figure when growing up.  When she repented, she never looked back.

Jn 7:28 is commonly sited as the first time in John that Jesus states "I Am".  In Jn 4:26 (three chapters prior to chapt. 7) Jesus says, "I Am" to the Samaritan woman at the well. (Samaritans were idol worshipers who intermarried with the Jewish people and counted themselves as Jews.  For the most part, Jewish people despised them.)  Jesus had many dealings with women and always we find Him understanding and gentle.

Jesus went looking for her to specifically save her from herself.  Jn 4:4 says He "had to go through Samaria".  No He didn't; not physically.  It was actually out of the way.  He had to go because He knew this woman would be at this well at this time of day.  In v. 8 we see His disciples had gone for food.   He was "tired and sat down".  I am assuming He sent them for food so He could visit with the Samaritan woman alone.  Let's also notice that He "sat down".  I am reminded of the phrase, "Let go and let God".  When we struggle for control, He "sits down"; let's us work at our problems alone.  If we "sit down" and let him have the wheel, He gets up and goes to work on our problems.  He was sitting in this scene because He was waiting for a woman who had been trying to work out her life by herself.

In v. 6, we find out it was about noon - in the desert - lots of sun - few trees - it was the heat of the day.  People do not go out to get water in the heat of the day.  They would go early morning and evening when it was cooler.  Why did this woman come in the heat of the day?  She was shunned, gossiped about and scorned for her life choices.  The people knew who she was in this small town.  I have lived in a small town.  Believe me, they knew all about her.  

Verse 7 calls her "a Samaritan woman".  Commonly, when the Bible refers to a person without giving their name, they are a non believer.  This, and being Samaritan gives us evidence that she is not a believer.  Samaritans were people intermarried with the Jews and separate.   Some knew the God of Moses, some were even idol worshipers.

In v. 9 He asks her for a drink.  He initiates the conversation.  So many times in the Bible, Jesus approaches those He knows are in need.  He got her attention.  She comments on Him, as a Jew, speaking to her as a Samaritan.  Keep in mind, she was also aware of her status among her people.

In v. 10, He states the "gift of God . . . . would have given you living water."  He is revealing Himself to her; something He seldom did directly.  Jesus revealed Himself to women many times.  He was being intimate and sharing a special moment. I believe it is so much easier for women to relate to and understand Him than it is for men.  We see by church attendance that there are more Christian women than there are men.  Interesting, when you think of how Eve was fooled.  

Of course, the living water He spoke of was the Holy Spirit, as He explains in v. 13 and 14.  (Jer. 2:13)   In v. 15, she is still not clear on what He is saying.  He continues to gently guide her into the truth.  She is making progress; she wants what He has to give.  Then, He tests her in v. 16 and she comes through with the truth about herself in v. 17 where Jesus compliments her for her honesty.  

  Through v. 18 he tells her about herself, pointing out her sin WITHOUT any condemnation.  What a beautiful Savior!  Now, she is catching on; in v. 19 she has upgraded him to the status of "prophet".  She has had revelation:  In v. 9 she called him a "Jew".  In v. 11, she addresses Him as "Sir".  Now, in v. 19, she sees Him as a "prophet".  (Three is the number of the God head.)  She has increased in understanding with each step of their encounter.

Their conversation continues through v. 24 while He tells her of a time, that is coming, when WHERE people worship will not be an issue.  All will worship God through the Holy Spirit, wherever they are.  Our worship of God will come from within and through the spirit.  God, who is spirit, can only be worshiped through spirit.  (I see a hidden reference here to grace over the law.)

The Samaritan woman reveals her faith in v. 25.  Now that this is out in the open, Jesus reveals His true self to her in v. 26 with the declaration, "I Am".  (See my blog titled, "I Am".  Every Jew and certainly most,if not all, Samaritans knew the name of God, "I Am As I Am".)   First comes your faith, then comes Jesus.  You take the first step and He is waiting.  This is the first "I Am" declaration to a Gentile woman.  It may be the only one - I would have to research that.  

Now, the disciples return and here is their Rabbi talking with a Samaritan and a woman on top of that.  Verse 27 says they did not ask any question.  They presumed it was alright because they presumed she was married.  They didn't know anything about her. 

Verse 28 is interesting because she left her water jar.  She came to the well, in the heat of the day to get this water that she surely needed.  Why did she leave without it?  SHE NO LONGER NEEDED IT.  She now had the living water; the Holy Spirit or a temporary facsimile.  (The Spirit was not sent permanently to all until Pentecost, recorded in Acts.)  We can assume this because of what follows in the next couple verses.  She no longer cared what people had to say about her or to her.  She had the spirit and she was going to talk about Jesus.  She was excited.  She was not shy or hesitant.  This woman was "on fire".   

As she spoke with Jesus, you can see her revelation of what He was saying and who He was.  She accepted without doubt or question and became an instant evangelist to people who despised her - much like Jesus himself.   She never  questioned Him or anything He was telling her as He brought her gently along to the understanding of who He was and the gift of The Spirit.  

Now comes one of my favorite parts of the story.   The disciples urge Jesus to eat and He tells them He is no longer hungry.  He is talkative and refreshed.  Why?  Because this wonderful woman took what He was giving.  She had a need and He has so much to give.  Just a step out in belief and He gives freely, without condemnation.  This is what He does; He is our Savior, Jesus, the Christ.  He is here for us; the Shepard taking care of the sheep.  Believe on Him and He will give to you because it replenishes Him to give more.

He proceeds to tell his disciples of the many people who are anxiously waiting for just such a message - "the fields are ripe for harvest".  This woman continued harvesting and brought many believers who invited Him to stay with them and teach more.  The people were grateful to her for pointing Him out to them.

Note:  Nowhere in this passage, did Jesus tell her "Go and sin no more".  Why?  It is stated that he needed to go to Samaria to this well to talk with this woman.  We know that Jesus knows each of us intimately; no secrets here.  I believe he didn't tell her that because He knew she went  home and kicked out that guy she was living with.  I believe she repented and continued being the first Gentile woman evangelist. 

My you come to the understanding of the gentle, loving heart of Jesus and how He is waiting on you for that first step in faith.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

"I Am"

The great "I Am Who I Am" statement in Ex.3:6 shortened to "I Am" throughout the Old Testament, is continued in the New Testament with all the "I Am" quotes of Jesus.  (via the Hebrew language, this statement can also be rendered "I Shall Be As I Shall Be" referring to the coming of Jesus and again in the second coming.)

In essence, Jesus was continuing to state that He was/is God (in flesh).  This explains why the priests and Jewish leaders were so consumed with jealousy and venomous hatred.  He kept saying, "I Am".  This was the name of God in their books of Moses.  Jesus kept stating that He was God.  Absolute blasphemy for a man who was a mere carpenter from little ol' no nothing Nazareth.  They were waiting for the glowing son of God, in great majesty to descend from the clouds with a righteous flaming sword to slay all the enemies of Israel.  Am I clear here?

Take a look at the New Testament and circle every time Jesus said "I Am" in the gospel of John, who saw Jesus as the Son of God.  Amazing how many times He told people who He was and very few actually "got it".  The pharisees  understood what He was saying but were enraged with vile jealousy over such a statement. After all, they, as religious leaders, would certainly know the son of God if he were standing in front of them.

I Am:  The bread of life - Jn 6:35  I am reminded of communion and the broken  bread (His body) that heals us.
           The light of the world - Jn 8:12   I am reminded of the healing of the blind to bring them into the light of His truth and out of the darkness of lies and confusion.  I was blind, bur now I see.
           The Good Shepard - Jn 10:11  Jesus left the 100 to find the one lost.  Something unheard of among shepherds.
           The gate for the sheep - Jn 10:7   He said, "My sheep know me."  He brings us through that narrow gate that is a difficult journey to follow Him along the path to everlasting life.
           The resurrection and the life - Jn 11:25  Through His death and resurrection, we are now inheritors of eternal life.
           The way and the truth and the life - Jn 14:6  Belief in Him and what He did on that tree is the truth that leads us to life after death.
           The true vine - Jn 15:1  Jesus is the vine, believers are the branches that are to produce fruit/good in our lives.  Apart from the vine, we cannot function; we would die.
In Jn 7 people wanted to seize Jesus because He said, "I am".
* Each of these statements also refers to a side of God Himself.

I have heard it stated that Jn 7, at the Feast, is counted as the first time Jesus said, "I Am". Actually, In Jn 4:26 (three chapters prior to chapt. 7) Jesus says, "I Am He" to the Samaritan woman at the well.

You will find it very interesting to take the time to circle every time Jesus says "I am" in the gospel of John.

Let's go back to Ex 3:6 and 3:14  
Here the "I am" translates from the Hebrew "Yahweh" which translates into English as "I Shall Be As I Shall Be".  "Shall Be" as future tense here is a reference to Jesus coming.  ("Yahweh" actually translates more correctly, in other places of the bible, as "I Was, I Am, I Shall Be", which tells us a lot more about the plurality of God.  I will go into this another time.)

Note:  In Jn 1:21, John the Baptist stated, "I Am NOT" stating he was not the "I Am".  The Baptist had great anointed knowledge from the Holy Spirit.

In Revelation (NIV), I have counted ten "I am" statements with two places where I believe are mistranslated to leave out "I am" statements.  Considering this book is prophesy, the number 10 represents the law and the number 12 represents government, this is a very interesting issue.

Rev 4:8 concludes with the phrase, "who was, and is, and is to come."  This representing the Hebrew word "Yahweh".

Anyway, this study could be continued much deeper, if the reader is so disposed at this  time.  I am moving on.

May you be blessed anew today with a fresh anointing that will bless you with God's grace, health, patience and wisdom.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Believers Are Free

Well, it's Monday again and I had coffee in front of my favorite tel-evangelists on TBN.

When the coffee is gone and the programs are over, I have a little talk with my Heavenly Father.  This morning, I say "thank you" which is usually reserved for bedtime.  (Like counting sheep, only better.)  I was raised to pray for others in the morning and thank God at night.  This seems to help with too much self indulgence.  Although,  my Father in heaven is a generous father and I know I can ask for anything anytime. 

After four half hour sermons, from four different speakers, I am feeling particularly good about my freedom as a Christian.  (This is a pretty good way to start the week.)  To be the righteousness of God, as a gift, through the sacrifice of Christ is so much more than we realize; so much more than we deserve.  We do not have to work for anything.  We just accept by believing of, and in Jesus and His resurrected life.  That's it!  I don't think about this as much as I should.  It makes me very much at peace, with a lot less stress.

Christians are free from worry and fear.  We will be saved through the rapture before the worst of the end times.  We do not have to please God by working to do right.  We do not have to feel guilt - it's been taken away.  You can't change it.  It's already happened.  Whether you believe it or understand it.  We are saved from this world now.

When God looks at a believer, He sees His Son, Jesus.  In God's eyes we are as pure as our Savior Himself.  His shed blood covers over all sin and God can only see Jesus'  holiness.  Yes, we are holy.  We are ambassadors of heaven.  We are apostles.  We are brothers and sisters with Christ.  We can lay all problems at the feet of our savior and he will plead our case for us.  We can go directly to God, the Father and commune.  And. . . He will answer us.

When a believer dies, he sleeps.  He knows nothing.  In a twinkling of an eye he wakes to the rapture with all other believers throughout history.  This is an amazing thing to understand.  Talk about reducing fear.  

As Jesus is in heaven, so are we.  We, as believers, can heal and be healed, teach and be taught, anoint and be anointed, give and take communion and receive the same standing as Christ Himself.  Understand, we achieve this through what He did and the blood He shed - not by anything we could ever do.  We are sinners; have been, are and will be until we are changed to that new life.  Our sins no longer count against us.  Even as we sin today, it is already forgiven - because we believe that is why Jesus died and rose.

Some time ago, I left a Bible study because the leader was teaching that a believer can lose their salvation.  I guess, by committing a sin.  At first, I thought we might just agree to disagree, as brother and sister in Christ.  That does not work.  For one thing, both of us stand firm in our belief.  

Let me plead my case here:  Did Jesus die for nothing?  Is he saying that Christ needs to be nailed to that tree again so he can be saved every time he slips?  I say,  "NO".  It is once and for all - like Paul said.  Once died for all!  It is done!  We are saved.  We are free!  True believers WANT to do what pleases our Father because we know the love involved and the sacrifice from Him and The Son.

Let us be humble and take a few times today to reflect on all this.  Let's go through our Monday being happy for the amazing blessings God has freely given to us through His most beloved son, that He is so proud of. 

Friday, June 8, 2018

That Dirty Word


This is not a popular practice for many of us.  We can always use that tenth for another bill, shoes or car repair.  Fact: It actually belongs to God in the first place..

Tithing is a 10th of what we have already been given. Nu 18:26  We receive it first, then we give part of it.  A 10th is a very small part of the whole, which is everything we have: health, home, job, friends, family, clothing and food.  People tend to forget that God freely gives us all these things.  They are not ours to begin with.  He gives us and ask that we reserve 10% of that to hand back to Him.  This is what He asks us to do to acknowledge that He is provider; the one we should come to for everything.  He wants to give and bless.  He wants us to acknowledge Him as the source.

What the Bible says about tithing:  Gen 14:20, Gen 28:22, Lev 27:32, Pro 3:9, Heb 7:2 & 4

Our children are a blessing from Him.  How do we give a tenth of our children?  Caring for them as though we will give them back - like the parable of the talents; or, Samuel's mother, Hannah. 

The tithe is not only on the physical items we have but also peace, health, the air we breathe, life itself and on and on and on.  We do not have any of these things if God does not first give them to us.  What about our calling?  We are called by God to an understanding of Him; to be His children He wants to love and care for.  How do we give a tenth of these things?  By showing appreciation; by serving others.

Another gift from God is Jesus; our greatest blessing.  How do we give a tenth of that ! ?   Ans:  Jms 1:27

The 10th is so little.  The suggested tip for a waitress today is more.  It is a mere token to show God we acknowledge Him and appreciate all He has done, is doing and will do for us.

Giving to others:  Giving is a wonderful thing.  You cannot give a gift and tell the receiver what to do with it.  I see this happen so often.  You give something to a friend who gives it to her daughter.  You meant the gift for your friend.  She gave it away.  That makes us feel our gift was unappreciated. 

It is the act of giving that is our reward.  We are blessed when we give.  After that, we have no more connection with the gift.  Anything, anytime we give, we are blessed for the act of giving.  Why would you want to deny your friend that same blessing?

God never lets us do without.  If I give food to a food drive or take half my supper to a sick neighbor, I never notice a bare spot in my pantry.  I have never done without because I gave.  As matter of fact, I have more because I give.  This makes it easier to give more food.  The more I give, the more I have to give.  God works this way to allow us to share His blessings.  Mal 3:10

The blessings of giving are not always tangible just as all of God's blessings are not tangible: mercy, grace, forgiveness, righteousness, eternal life.

Discerning where to give is important.  ("Do not cast your pearls before swine.")  I try not to give to someone just because I like them.  They may not need as much as someone I don't socially see eye to eye with.  I try not to give to a person who does not make effort to help their self.  Giving to that person who is making an honest effort to work and do better for their family, is discernment.  The issue is:  If I give to a person who is a chronic taker, the truly needy will do without my help.  After all, my ability to give has a limit.

We tithe to the church (the bride of Christ).  Here is a different issue:  We are NOT to discern giving to the church (as long as the church teaches Jesus from the Bible).  All too often people are too concerned with how the church operates and distributes it's funds.  We are told to give - NOT to tell the church how to operate.  The church is set up, according to Biblical instruction, on how to perform.  Let's stop all the voting and have faith in our church leaders to "run the show".  That's why they are there.  The pastor is a pastor because God allows him to be the pastor - no matter what you think of his ability as a speaker, or the music, during worship service.


What we are giving is not ours.  It is first given to us from God. 
Immeasurable blessings will come to you by being grateful.  God appreciates a cheerful giver.  We are reminded of the rich man who would not give up what he had to gain heaven and the widow who gave the last of all she had.

May you share your blessings and reap the rich rewards from your loving Heavenly Father.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Anointing - A Study Of

Asking for a fresh anointing from God every day can be a blessing to you.  Anointing for healing, wisdom, provision, free from debt, safety, increased faith and blessings.  Anointing to just get through the day.  Hallelujah !

What is anointing?  I'm so glad you asked.  Actually, whether you had asked or not, I was going to tell you anyway.

Anointing is the ritual act of pouring aromatic oil over a person's head or entire body.  The term is also used to relate to acts of sprinkling or smearing a person or object with a perfumed oil, milk, butter or other fat.  (I favor olive oil and a "cross" mark made with my thumb on the forehead of any person I am anointing.)  Sharing these oils is commonly an act of hospitality.  They are used to introduce a divine influence to rid persons and things of dangerous spirits and demons believed to cause disease.  This has been recorded from early times.

As a verb, synonyms are:  consecrate, sanctify, bless, ordain, hallow.

As a noun, this is a sacrament using oil and the recitation of prayer administered [by a priest] to a person who is very ill or dying.

I object with this act being performed only by religious "authority" (such as a priest); that was a necessity before Jesus became our High Priest.  It's a matter of the anointing of the spirit.  Those believers in Christ Jesus are anointed by God through the spirit and we do not need anyone to act for us; we have the anointing on us.  I Jn 2:27  To perform anointing has nothing to do with education or knowledge.  As long as we walk according to the inner anointing of the Spirit, we will know God's will and be acquainted with God's work.  Thus, we are capable of doing these works just as Jesus disciples were instructed.  Mary performed the anointing of Jesus feet.  Jn 12:3

The origin of anointing comes from ancient shepherds who would pour oil over the head of sheep to make it too slippery for insects (ie: lice) to get near the ears of their sheep which, untreated, could cause the pests to burrow into the head causing death.  Anointing became used for protection, blessing and empowerment.

The N.T. Greek word (chrio) implicates consecration for office or religious service.  Another Greek word for anoint (aleipho) signifies God's blessing or call on that person's life.  Ex 29:7, 40:9, II Kings 9:6, Eccl 9:8, Jms 5:14 

(The oil itself does not have any power; only God.  The oil is just a symbol of what God is doing.)

Another meaning of the word is "chosen one".  Jesus was anointed by God, with the Holy Spirit for His life mission.  Lk 4:18&19, Acts 10:38   All the kings of Israel were anointed to their position.

After Jesus left the earth, He gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Now all Christians are anointed.  Jn 14:16, I Jn 2:20, II Cor 1:21&22
Jesus anointing has come upon His followers, believers today.  I Jn 2:27  When you call upon Jesus' name, the anointing is released on you.  When spoken, His name is like ointment.  Call on Jesus and watch His anointing release deliverance, provision, healing, protection and make you whole.  Ro 10:13  Our anointing is increased by spending time with Him.

Note:  Grain offerings were to have olive oil poured onto the fine flour and frankincense added.  Oil commonly refers to the Holy Spirit.  (I am reminded that, shortly after His birth, Jesus was presented with gold, frankincense and myrrh.  Frankincense is an oil used to relieve stress, anxiety and pain.  Myrrh is an aromatic resin or gum used as an incense.  We all know what gold is; Jesus is more precious than gold./Wisdom is more precious than gold.)  The grain offering speaks of Jesus sacrifice and oil speaks of anointing of the Holy Spirit.  The grain offering of fine flour (Jesus is the Bread of Life) which had oil poured on it, is Jesus' as man being anointed by the Holy Spirit - which is a sweet fragrance to God, His Father.

For Healing:  Acts 10:38, Jms 15:14, Mk 6:13, Lk 10:33&34  Spiritual, physical and emotional healing through anointing.

For revelation:  Ex 25:6  Take away the dark and replace it with the light of knowledge through Christ's life.

For provision:  I Kgs 17:14  This widow had oil overflowing to sell, share and use.

For financial freedom:  II Kgs 4:1-7  Another widow freed of debt with the blessing of oil that paid off all her bills.  God's anointing oil.

For deliverance:  Ps 23:1-5  David was saved time and again from his enemies.

For faith:  Isa 21:5  Our shield of faith must be activated by anointing.  We accept anointing through our faith which is increased by the anointing.  This cycle starts with just a mustard seed of faith and is enriched by anointing.

For blessings:  Ps 133  Verse 3 reveals a blessing of life forever.  Today, this blessing is ours. 

His promises are true.  II Cor 1:20

Have an anointed day through the blessing Jesus bestowed on us through the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

None Doubted

Good morning! 
It's a bit cloudy where I am today.  But, that is keeping the hot summer temperatures down.  There is always something good to be found - even on a cloudy day.

Have you ever noticed that no one that Jesus healed doubted his healing?  None questioned or hesitated when Jesus said, "take up your bed and walk", "Lazarus, come forth", "go, your faith has made you whole", "get up", "go, and sin no more". 

He commanded the storms to stop and they did.  He commanded demons to depart - they did.  He commanded water to turn to wine - it did.  He commanded fish to jump into Peter's net - they did.  He prayed five fish into enough to feed 5,000 people with a lot left over.  So much more words He spoke and "it was so".

He told the men He called to "follow me" and they did.  They just got up and went with Him.  There was no question, no hesitation.

I like to think about the commanding presence He had.  In Song of Songs, the writer tells us He was like the cedars of Lebanon; stout and straight. 

As the King of Kings, Lord of Lords and Son of the Almighty God of the Universe, He was royalty of royalty.  I can imagine His regal demeanor.  We are told there was nothing unusual about His appearance; he looked like every other 30 year old Hebrew man of the day.  After all, He was able to disappear into the crowd when He needed to.  Neither His clothes or His looks were different.  But, oh the manner in which He spoke!

Why can't we see Him this way?  Why do we make Him weak and "pretty" in our eyes?  even blonde with blue eyes?  (I am sure He had intense eyes.  After all, He can see into your very soul.) 

Crowds of people flocked to Him - by the hundreds.  Many were captivated and became the foundation of the greatest religious movement ever known.  Christianity swept the globe and has maintained it's will-not-die presence to this day.  Because of the man from heaven that was not doubted by those who experienced Him.

May you ask Him for your healing and may He open your eyes to see Him more and more every day.

Jesus Loves YOU

Sometimes we just need to hear it.
We definitely need to know it.

Are you depressed?  Sad?  Confused?  Lost?  Lonely?  Lost control?
Talk to God. 
I know, it sounds too simple.  It is a cliche'.  Maybe it's a cliché because it works.  He loves you as an individual.  He knew you in your mother's womb.  He knows every thought you have and loves you anyway.  He cannot not love you.  He is the total capsulation of love. 

You don't have to go to a great cathedral and use fancy words.  Talk to Him while you work.  Sit down with a cup of tea and talk to Him.  Worried coworkers will think you crazy?  Just project your thoughts His way.  He can read your mind.  He knows the secrets in your heart and mind that you have buried.  He understands what you feel.  Of course He will hear you.  We so often underestimate Him.

Read His word.  Don't know where to start?  John is a great book.  Try the Palms or Proverbs.  You can find reassurance and answers there.  What day of the month is it?  Pick that number and read that Psalm or that chapter of Proverbs.  He will speak to you.

Think of how much He loves you.  A mighty spiritual being that lives outside of time and space made Himself a minute speck of flesh and blood to become acquainted with what it feels like to be human.  He left His place of serene paradise to come to this earth of pain and suffering to know you; to spend time with people; and, He enjoyed life.

Then, He made the ultimate sacrifice to be tortured beyond recognition and die in agony so we might have a chance to know that serenity in paradise with Him forever.

Think on the calm, quiet, still, order and health He offers you.  Just sit and think about it.

What do you need?  Ask Him for it.  Nothing fancy here, either.  All you need to do is think what you need and direct those thoughts toward Him.  He already knows but just wants enough faith from you for you to ask.  Your Father wants to give you your hearts desires; to see you happy and well.

Then, thank Him.  Thank Him and go on with your day believing that this Man/God loves you so much that your slightest want or need is His absolute joy to give you. 
Jesus loves YOU

What a beautiful God we have.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Perfect Number

Three, the perfect number.

In Hebrew, the number three is represented by the third letter of that alphabet: gimel, which loosely resembles a backward "L".  This letter is represented by a camel and means to lift up, pride and/or benefit.

There is so much about this number and so many mentions of this number in the Bible that I am going to single out and list, in summary form, just a few:

3 days Moses traveled with the arc of the covenant, Nu 10:33
3 cities of refuge, Nu 35:14
3 days Joshua camped before crossing into Jordan
3 times Samson lied to Delilah, Jgs 16:15
3 times each year Solomon made sacrifice to the Lord at the alter he had built for the lord, I Kings 9:25

David's choice in I Chron 21:12 involves 3 options;
Two riddles are given in Prbs 30:15 and 18, using the number 3
3 times a day Daniel prayed, Dan 6:10
3 days Jesus was missing before being found in the temple
3 is the number of the God Head

There were 3 women at the well
Jesus was 3 days in the grave
After He died, there were 3 hours of darkness
3 women came to the tomb
3 times Peter denied Christ

3 times Jesus told Peter, "Feed/shepherd my lambs/sheep"
There were 3 disciples at the Mt. of Configuration
There were 3 crosses
There were 3 nails used to hang Jesus
At 3 pm each day was the temple sacrifice

At 3 pm Jesus gave up His spirit
3 parts of man: spirit, body and soul
3 parts of the planet: sky, earth and sea
Noah had 3 sons to replenish the earth
3 young men were thrown into the fiery furnace

Jonah was 3 days in the big fish
And there are many, many more uses.  A concordance is an interesting tool for further research.

Themes of the first 3 chapters of Genesis are reflected in the last 3 chapters of Revelation.

The third section of Psalm 119, v.17-24, represents the pride of the writer as he brags of his accomplishments.

The book of Revelation is dominated with the number seven, but you can find several references to thee number 3:
3 woes to Babylon
3 hallelujahs to Babylon's fall
3 angels
3 measures of barley
3 unclean spirits
. . . and more.
Do you see any connection with any of the numbers in situations I have listed?  I won't tell you of any in this posting.

It is a fascinating journey any time you want to study a number in the Bible. God's word, imparted by the Holy Spirit to human hands to write in divine order.
