Three, the perfect number.
In Hebrew, the number three is represented by the third letter of that alphabet: gimel, which loosely resembles a backward "L". This letter is represented by a camel and means to lift up, pride and/or benefit.
There is so much about this number and so many mentions of this number in the Bible that I am going to single out and list, in summary form, just a few:
3 days Moses traveled with the arc of the covenant, Nu 10:33
3 cities of refuge, Nu 35:14
3 days Joshua camped before crossing into Jordan
3 times Samson lied to Delilah, Jgs 16:15
3 times each year Solomon made sacrifice to the Lord at the alter he had built for the lord, I Kings 9:25
David's choice in I Chron 21:12 involves 3 options;
Two riddles are given in Prbs 30:15 and 18, using the number 3
3 times a day Daniel prayed, Dan 6:10
3 days Jesus was missing before being found in the temple
3 is the number of the God Head
There were 3 women at the well
Jesus was 3 days in the grave
After He died, there were 3 hours of darkness
3 women came to the tomb
3 times Peter denied Christ
3 times Jesus told Peter, "Feed/shepherd my lambs/sheep"
There were 3 disciples at the Mt. of Configuration
There were 3 crosses
There were 3 nails used to hang Jesus
At 3 pm each day was the temple sacrifice
At 3 pm Jesus gave up His spirit
3 parts of man: spirit, body and soul
3 parts of the planet: sky, earth and sea
Noah had 3 sons to replenish the earth
3 young men were thrown into the fiery furnace
Jonah was 3 days in the big fish
And there are many, many more uses. A concordance is an interesting tool for further research.
Themes of the first 3 chapters of Genesis are reflected in the last 3 chapters of Revelation.
The third section of Psalm 119, v.17-24, represents the pride of the writer as he brags of his accomplishments.
The book of Revelation is dominated with the number seven, but you can find several references to thee number 3:
3 woes to Babylon
3 hallelujahs to Babylon's fall
3 angels
3 measures of barley
3 unclean spirits
. . . and more.
Do you see any connection with any of the numbers in situations I have listed? I won't tell you of any in this posting.
It is a fascinating journey any time you want to study a number in the Bible. God's word, imparted by the Holy Spirit to human hands to write in divine order.
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