What is anointing? I'm so glad you asked. Actually, whether you had asked or not, I was going to tell you anyway.

As a verb, synonyms are: consecrate, sanctify, bless, ordain, hallow.
As a noun, this is a sacrament using oil and the recitation of prayer administered [by a priest] to a person who is very ill or dying.
I object with this act being performed only by religious "authority" (such as a priest); that was a necessity before Jesus became our High Priest. It's a matter of the anointing of the spirit. Those believers in Christ Jesus are anointed by God through the spirit and we do not need anyone to act for us; we have the anointing on us. I Jn 2:27 To perform anointing has nothing to do with education or knowledge. As long as we walk according to the inner anointing of the Spirit, we will know God's will and be acquainted with God's work. Thus, we are capable of doing these works just as Jesus disciples were instructed. Mary performed the anointing of Jesus feet. Jn 12:3
The origin of anointing comes from ancient shepherds who would pour oil over the head of sheep to make it too slippery for insects (ie: lice) to get near the ears of their sheep which, untreated, could cause the pests to burrow into the head causing death. Anointing became used for protection, blessing and empowerment.
The N.T. Greek word (chrio) implicates consecration for office or religious service. Another Greek word for anoint (aleipho) signifies God's blessing or call on that person's life. Ex 29:7, 40:9, II Kings 9:6, Eccl 9:8, Jms 5:14
(The oil itself does not have any power; only God. The oil is just a symbol of what God is doing.)
Another meaning of the word is "chosen one". Jesus was anointed by God, with the Holy Spirit for His life mission. Lk 4:18&19, Acts 10:38 All the kings of Israel were anointed to their position.
After Jesus left the earth, He gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit. Now all Christians are anointed. Jn 14:16, I Jn 2:20, II Cor 1:21&22
Jesus anointing has come upon His followers, believers today. I Jn 2:27 When you call upon Jesus' name, the anointing is released on you. When spoken, His name is like ointment. Call on Jesus and watch His anointing release deliverance, provision, healing, protection and make you whole. Ro 10:13 Our anointing is increased by spending time with Him.

For Healing: Acts 10:38, Jms 15:14, Mk 6:13, Lk 10:33&34 Spiritual, physical and emotional healing through anointing.
For revelation: Ex 25:6 Take away the dark and replace it with the light of knowledge through Christ's life.
For provision: I Kgs 17:14 This widow had oil overflowing to sell, share and use.
For financial freedom: II Kgs 4:1-7 Another widow freed of debt with the blessing of oil that paid off all her bills. God's anointing oil.
For deliverance: Ps 23:1-5 David was saved time and again from his enemies.
For faith: Isa 21:5 Our shield of faith must be activated by anointing. We accept anointing through our faith which is increased by the anointing. This cycle starts with just a mustard seed of faith and is enriched by anointing.
For blessings: Ps 133 Verse 3 reveals a blessing of life forever. Today, this blessing is ours.
His promises are true. II Cor 1:20
Have an anointed day through the blessing Jesus bestowed on us through the Holy Spirit.
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