Seek & find; I love this - so fascinating. This morning, I was prepared to delve into an entirely different topic when I stumbled on more underlying details in the book of Ruth. I have studied Ruth (I thought) in depth but not blogged about it - yet. I cannot wait to share this part. I am just listing some interesting tid bits as a prelude to writing about the love story of Ruth, sometime in the future.
Orpa, translates: "Back of The Neck" - which she showed to Naomi as she left to return to "her people and her gods" Ruth 1:15
> She was the other daughter-in-law of Naomi
> She took 40 steps with Naomi and Ruth before turning back to Moab.
> The number 40 (in the Bible) represents the period of testing. It only took her 40 steps to make her decision to return to idol worship and moral degradation. Christ spent 40 days in the wilderness where the devil tried to temp Him; He did not give in.
> The daughter-in-law of Naomi who was married to Naomi's son, Kilion.
> Kilion, translates: "Wasting Away" - he must have been sick all his life.
> She was full blooded sister to Ruth and they are listed as "Moab Princesses" ie: Rabbah
The Talmud tells us : As soon as Orpah left
Naomi and Ruth, the Talmuc (Sotah 42b) explains what happened next: Upon leaving Naomi,
Orpah ran into a battalion of 100 soldiers. She willingly submitted
herself to all of them. From this encounter, she became pregnant and bore
the giant Goliath, that David would later meet in battle. No one can say who was Goliath's father.
* All this information about Orpa was gathered from Rabbinical literature, Babylonian Talmud and the Jerusalem Talmud.
Whoa! This does not fit with the lineage in Matt 1: there are four generations between Ruth and David. I am going to accept that Goliath was three or four generations away from this encounter but Orpa was truly an ancestor of Goliath. I am also going to accept this as a bit of an exaggeration because it is highly unlikely she took on 100 men and survived. (What a gal!) Of course, it does not say over what time period or, if this number is even accurate. It could have even happened after she was back in Moab, if at all. There is just too much written about her being Goliath's ancestor to dismiss. Hollywood would love this on the big screen.
Goliath, in Assyro-Babylonian language means: "Ravaging Spirit"
> Goliath had three brothers: Lahmi, Tan & Wayiggash (via Jewish Encyclopedia)
> Goliath wore a helmet of bronze that came down over his forehead
> coat of mail - a jacket covered with or composed of metal rings or plates, serving as armor.
> brass on his legs - I imagine shin guards
> gorget of brass between shoulders - a single piece of plate armor hanging from the neck and covering the throat and chest
> spear like weaver's beam - the top wooden beam/bar that spans a large weaving loom.
> heigth: 6 cubits + a span: cubit = measure from elbow to finger tip, span = measure from heel to toe (or, spread hand and measure from thumb tip to tip of small finger). But, who's? If you measure by a petite woman vs a large man, you are getting two very different measurements. We know he was a "giant".
Now, let's get into the "meat". Orpa and Ruth are listed in historical literature as blood sisters. True or not, there is still a fascinating parallel in this story. There were daughters-in-law to Naomi. The book of Ruth is clear on this.
Orpa, a Moabite woman returned to her people and her gods (idols) who "reviled God". Thus, we see a woman choosing a life style that is not in keeping with God's instruction. A stand many take today. A lifestyle that she had left to marry a Hebrew man. It took her only 40 paces to make her choice to return to her life away from God.
Whereas, Ruth, also a Gentile, former idol worshipping Moabite, chooses to follow a path of the living God by returning to Bethlehem in Judah. She proclaims her choice, Ruth 1:16 & 17 in a beautiful proclamation that surely set her name in the lineage of Jesus.
Orpa represents those who chose the familiar, comfortable life of the world while Ruth represent those who choose the narrow path of what is right. Rather than a mother of spiritual giants, Orpa became a mother of physical giants. (Giants representing the things of the world that we need to overcome.)
Another parallel is found between David and Goliath as good triumphs over evil. (They could have been distant relatives - ew! About four generations distant. No blood between them because Ruth chose to follow God, He sees her without blemish.)
Yet, a third parallel is hidden in the world (Orpa, Goliath) turning away from followers (Ruth, David) of the one true God.
I love to seek because I am rewarded with the "finds" - all the little underlying meanings.
I pray for you today to have a fresh anointing on all you do and everyone you meet. Praise God!
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