This is not a popular practice for many of us. We can always use that tenth for another bill, shoes or car repair. Fact: It actually belongs to God in the first place..
Tithing is a 10th of what we have already been given. Nu 18:26 We receive it first, then we give part of it. A 10th is a very small part of the whole, which is everything we have: health, home, job, friends, family, clothing and food. People tend to forget that God freely gives us all these things. They are not ours to begin with. He gives us and ask that we reserve 10% of that to hand back to Him. This is what He asks us to do to acknowledge that He is provider; the one we should come to for everything. He wants to give and bless. He wants us to acknowledge Him as the source.
What the Bible says about tithing: Gen 14:20, Gen 28:22, Lev 27:32, Pro 3:9, Heb 7:2 & 4

The tithe is not only on the physical items we have but also peace, health, the air we breathe, life itself and on and on and on. We do not have any of these things if God does not first give them to us. What about our calling? We are called by God to an understanding of Him; to be His children He wants to love and care for. How do we give a tenth of these things? By showing appreciation; by serving others.

The 10th is so little. The suggested tip for a waitress today is more. It is a mere token to show God we acknowledge Him and appreciate all He has done, is doing and will do for us.
Giving to others: Giving is a wonderful thing. You cannot give a gift and tell the receiver what to do with it. I see this happen so often. You give something to a friend who gives it to her daughter. You meant the gift for your friend. She gave it away. That makes us feel our gift was unappreciated.
It is the act of giving that is our reward. We are blessed when we give. After that, we have no more connection with the gift. Anything, anytime we give, we are blessed for the act of giving. Why would you want to deny your friend that same blessing?

The blessings of giving are not always tangible just as all of God's blessings are not tangible: mercy, grace, forgiveness, righteousness, eternal life.
Discerning where to give is important. ("Do not cast your pearls before swine.") I try not to give to someone just because I like them. They may not need as much as someone I don't socially see eye to eye with. I try not to give to a person who does not make effort to help their self. Giving to that person who is making an honest effort to work and do better for their family, is discernment. The issue is: If I give to a person who is a chronic taker, the truly needy will do without my help. After all, my ability to give has a limit.
We tithe to the church (the bride of Christ). Here is a different issue: We are NOT to discern giving to the church (as long as the church teaches Jesus from the Bible). All too often people are too concerned with how the church operates and distributes it's funds. We are told to give - NOT to tell the church how to operate. The church is set up, according to Biblical instruction, on how to perform. Let's stop all the voting and have faith in our church leaders to "run the show". That's why they are there. The pastor is a pastor because God allows him to be the pastor - no matter what you think of his ability as a speaker, or the music, during worship service.

What we are giving is not ours. It is first given to us from God.
Immeasurable blessings will come to you by being grateful. God appreciates a cheerful giver. We are reminded of the rich man who would not give up what he had to gain heaven and the widow who gave the last of all she had.
May you share your blessings and reap the rich rewards from your loving Heavenly Father.
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