Everyone has stuff. What sort of stuff do you have? What kind of stuff do you want? Is there any stuff that you have that you don't want? Is there stuff you don't have that you do want? What will you do with the stuff you don't want? What do you do with the stuff you do want?
What do you do with your stuff? Do you use your stuff? What do you use your stuff for? Do you need your stuff to survive? Do you need your stuff to be healthy? Do you need your stuff to help others who don't have stuff?
Do your kids want your stuff? Are they asking for your stuff when you are gone? Do you have an attorney to make a will to say who gets your stuff? Do they argue over who gets what of your stuff? Will they go to court to get your stuff? Will your family be torn apart over your stuff? Or, do you have stuff that no one wants?
Does your stuff make you happy? Do you enjoy having your stuff? Does it make you feel all warm and fuzzy to have your stuff? Does your stuff satisfy you or give you meaning? Does your stuff give you purpose or sustain your life?
If not, you just might need more stuff. Of course! We all know that having stuff will make us happy, so we work to get stuff. Some people cheat, lie and steal to get stuff. Sometimes they go to jail because of their stuff. When we get the stuff we want - to make us happy, we find we are not happy with the stuff we thought we wanted. What do we do? We get more stuff! The stuff we had did not make us happy so more stuff will make us happy, so we work longer and harder to get more stuff. When we get more stuff, do we find we are soon unhappy with our new stuff? Do we really need to get more stuff?
We go to resale shops, malls, yard sales, markets, dealers, sales, discounts, the internet, auctions, stores and warehouses to get more stuff. We buy other people's stuff. We trade for stuff. We look high and low for bargains in order to have more stuff. The one with the most stuff at the end, wins.
What if the stuff we buy doesn't work? There is the issue of returning stuff we decide we don't like, want or doesn't fit. Maybe the new stuff is the wrong size or color or just doesn't work like we wanted it to. We have to return our stuff and have the bill adjusted with the rebate, on our credit card, stand in line and wait, with other people who are returning stuff.
What if our stuff gets broken? We have to file a complaint, return it or ship our stuff for the company to repair our stuff. Then we wait for our stuff to be returned. Meanwhile, we rent other stuff to use while our stuff is repaired. We pay someone to repair our stuff so we can display, insure, store and inventory our stuff.

Someone else might want to take our stuff so we have to buy insurance to replace our stuff and a security system to guard our stuff. Then, we inventory our stuff so we don't forget what stuff we have. Sometimes, we even photograph our stuff.
We could have a sale to get rid of some of our stuff. (Now here is a revelation!) Then, we have to decide which stuff to get rid of. Which of our stuff do we really need and which of our stuff should we sell? Do we need the stuff we think we need or do we just want it? Is it sentiment that has us keeping our stuff? Is it the cost that has us keeping our stuff? Maybe it is the hope that someday our stuff will be worth more than what we paid for our stuff. Then we have to go to our inventory to find where we put our stuff, get our stuff, clean our stuff and decide how to sell our stuff.
If we have a yard sale, we have to clean, sort and price our stuff. If we sell to a dealer or collector, we have to prove the value of our stuff so we pay to have our stuff appraised. If we take our stuff to a resale store, we have to clean, sort and value our stuff. Then we have to keep a running inventory of our stuff. If we want to sell in a craft mall, we have to pay rent for the space to sell our stuff and spend time, and money, creating a display for our stuff. We will have to purchase more stuff to exhibit the stuff we are selling. We can create a virtual store on one of the many selling web sites created for selling stuff. Then, we have to set up the virtual store, charge tax, do shipping and pay taxes to the government on our former stuff.

You will never see a U-Haul truck behind a
A coffin is not big enough to hold all of your stuff.
More stuff will not get you any priority in heaven.
Money is the least of God's blessings
The only things we keep forever are those we GIVE AWAY.
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