Gen 22, gives us the story of Abraham, a parallel for God in this case, who is offering his son for a sacrifice - a type of the Christ. In these passages, Isaac says "Father" (as Jesus called from the cross) and Abraham says "Here I Am" (as God answers us who believe in His son.) The incident takes place on Mt. Moriah. Moriah in Hebrew translates, "The Lord Is My Teacher". This story is, no only a great lesson for Abraham, but for us.
Calvary is the highest point of Jerusalem and can be seen from where Abraham obeyed God by preparing to take the life of his only son. If we were to stand on Mt. Moriah and look north across the northern Kidron Valley we would see Calvary.
This is a great story that deepens with translation:
> V.1: This is a test. God tests all of us from time to time. God called and Abraham answered, "Here I Am". First point: This is an example of what each of us should do - answer God when He calls us to do something. Second point: Abraham is pointed out in this verse as a parallel of God by saying "I Am" - God's name given to Moses.
The word "tested" is from the Hebrew word meaning "high above". God raised Abraham (high above other men) by constantly testing him over and over. Again, Moriah means "The Lord Is My Teacher."
> V.2: God asks Abraham to sacrifice his only son, whom he loves. God loved His only son, Jesus, but was willing to sacrifice Him for His love for us. * Isaac had an older brother, Ishmael. God did not recognize Ishmael as Abraham's son at this point. Why? Because Ishmael was born from the impatient efforts of Sarah and Abraham; rather than waiting on God for the promised son, Isaac. Isaac was given by God through Sarah, Abraham's wife, whom he loved.
Mt. Moriah was the highest point in, what became, the City of David (Jerusalem). Be sure to read my next posting about this fascinating spot.
> V. 3: Shows Abraham being obedient the very first thing in the day.
* This is the first time in the Bible that the words "love" and "worship" are mentioned; they are mentioned together. Worship is love; we are to love to worship.
> V. 4: It took 3 days to get to Mt. Moriah. Interesting: Christ was dead 3 days before resurrection. There were three hours of darkness after Jesus died. Peter denied Jesus 3 times, there were 3 crosses, etc, etc. Three is a very important number as there are 3 beings in the God Head.
> V.5: Abraham had such faith in God that he told his servants, "we will come back to you". He was confident his son would be spared. Jesus was spared to return to His everlasting life when raised from the dead. Was Abraham in possession of this knowledge through foresight? Or . . did he just have faith in God to resurrect his son to fulfill the initial promise ?

> V.7: In conversation, Isaac calls Abraham, "Father" and Abraham answers, "Yes, my son". Here is conversation between the Father and the Son, a parallel reference to God and Jesus. Isaac notices there is no lamb for sacrifice. Most commentaries suggest that Isaac was not a boy but, rather, a young man. One commentary (From Oxford Church in England) speculates he could have been as old as 33. This is very interesting considering that Christ was said to be that age when he was crucified. Heb 11:17 - 19
> V.8: Abraham told Isaac, "God Himself will provide the lamb", referring to Jesus, our sacrificial lamb. We see no evidence that Isaac argued here. This shows me that Isaac had faith in similar quantity to his father, Abraham.
> V.9: Abraham following through with what God told him to do, in full confidence that God would save this young man he had promised would populate nations. He believed the original promise God made in Gen 15:5.

> V.11: Here is his reward for obedience, at the last minute. God spared Isaac.
* To Abraham, Isaac had died when God spoke in verse 2, because he decided then to obey God. Thus he received him back ‘raised’ from the dead on the 3rd day, just like Jesus!
> V.12: Abraham "feared God" - trusted, reverenced God. God LOVED the world to sacrifice His son, His only son, whom He loved.
> V.13: The ram that God provided to Abraham was perfect, without blemish, just as Jesus was perfect. The ram was caught in the bush by it's horns so there was not blemish on the animal.
> V.14: Abraham named the place, "God Will Be Seen" (original text). This is fascinating in light of the history of Mt. Moriah. (Be sure to read my next blog.) There is revelation going on with Abraham. God is allowing him a glimpse of the future. Jn 8:56 Calvary can be seen from Mt. Moriah.
> V.15 & 16: This Angel of The Lord is none other than Jesus Himself. This fact is substantiated by the act of "swearing by Himself".
> V.17 & 18: God reminds Abraham of His original blessing in Gen 15:5, that He will keep that promise for the faith, trust and obedience Abraham has shown.
As inheritors of the promises of Abraham, we, as Christians, can be just as sure of God's love and care for us.
Isn't the Bible fascinating? So much in every word. We need only to Seek and Find.
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