Looking back over my life, I can see how blessed I am. All the trials have made me who I am today. Perfect? No! But, I have learned, matured, grown spiritually, come into a personal relationship with God and am so grateful for all of it.
God did not do any of the bad things. People were given free choice from the time of Adam and Eve. My parents made choices and I made my choices in response to their actions. It is obvious that I made poor choices - one after another for many years. And, look how it just spiraled to that turning point with the loaded gun.
God does not do bad God is total, complete love. As a good father, He created us and knows what we need and want better than we do. It's not easy to trust a spiritual being when everything we relate to is physical. Faith and belief are not easy in this world. It takes a desire and a lot of practice - a lot of trial and error. Not to worry, the blood of Jesus covers the believer's mistakes. You get a "do over" - every time! Keep doing it over until you get it right. It starts with your first step. Jesus does not push; He waits. You have to take the first step in faith and practice belief. Here is another easy part: if you need faith, just ask for it. That first step is submission by getting on you knees and asking for everything you lack. The father's love makes it easy.
The enemy knows where we are most vulnerable. He knows every weak spot. He prowls the earth like a hungry lion searching for who he can devour. Constantly in our head whispering everything negative and telling us we are not worthy; prodding us to do and be everything Jesus is not.
God turns bad to good:
Because my father left, I got to know an amazing grandfather.
Because of the sexual abuse, I learned to cherish physical relationship as the ultimate expression of love within the privacy of marriage.
Because I was betrayed by a close friend, I know how to be a friend.
Because of the molestings, I am cautious and aware of my surroundings.
Because of poor choices in husbands, I learned to let God have His way.
Because of many trials, I was blessed with amazing friendships for support.
Because of a restless spirit, I have traveled all over this country, been places, seen things and met all sorts of people.
Because . . . because . . . because . . . get it?
My husband and I are not wealthy but we have everything we need; what a great blessing. Sometimes, I feel downright rich.
Note: We have learned that any time we get a financial windfall (like a bonus at work or I sell art I was not offering), to hold on to it for awhile before we spend it. Many times, a reason for the money comes shortly after we receive it. So many times, God has provided BEFORE the need. What a blessing to be able to ask our Heavenly Father for advice in every part of our daily lives. When the answer is immediate or obvious, our faith gets a boost. Fear fades and confidence grows.
As we mature in our relationship with Jesus, we have learned how to be grateful and show daily praise. We are making Him the center of our married lives. He shows us His amazing love and understanding time and again. Our lives have become miracles.
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