God has spoken to me.
He told me to "shape up". Like a spoiled child who wants something they cannot have RIGHT NOW, I have been anxious for our relocation. My husband's job is over and he will be relocated to another across the state.
We are unsettled, living in a state of limbo. There are boxes sitting around with seasonal items packed. I am trying to close a non profit organization which is dragging out with a couple outstanding checks in the account stopping me from getting final reports to my accountant. This goes on and on with our lives being on hold, trying to close one door and reaching for the next.
I am anxious to get settled in our retirement home; the one where we can finally put down roots and treat it like ours instead of always considering what the next buyer will want. I day dream about landscaping and wall murals; organizing a new kitchen and setting up my studio.
Last night, my husband told me of yet another delay. I wanted to cry out of frustration. Patience is not one of my virtues. This threw me into a bad mood for a time. The dog sensed it and he was a real "pill" all evening. I was my old self snapping at my husband all through supper. (I thought I had put that gal behind me.)
By the end of the evening, I thought I had a hold on things. The apostle Paul said he was content in whatever situation he found himself - and he was in many situations worse than what I am. (I am not in jail or being stoned.) If he can do it, so can I. All through the night, my dreams were full of bad scenes about everything that has delayed this transition and more of what can go wrong in the near future - all the issues we face with a major relocation. The enemy was really working on me. Just before waking this morning, I remember saying, "I rebuke you, Satan, in the name of Jesus". Truly, I tell you, this was a major battle that waged most of the night.

Time has been a precious commodity for several years. I have wanted more of it for gardening, cooking and painting in my studio. Now that I have that time, I am complaining. Have you ever done that? So, today, I make a new resolution to get back into my studio, take more time for personal grooming and time with friends I will have to say "goodbye" to and blow the dust off of a cook book. There are going to be moments when I let all the delays get to me. After all, the enemy never stops. But, I have turned a corner and will stop and remember to take advantage of this time God is providing for me - because He is involved in my personal life - just like he is involved in your life.
Everything in God's good time.
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