To prove a point, I went to Strong's Concordance and looked up the word "give". There are five pages of verses with the word "give" quoted. That does not even include "giver", "given" or "giving". Of course, there are more verses about what God gives to us than those commanding us to give. However, if God can give us so much, shouldn't we pass along to others?
Here are a few of those verses:
Gen 14:20- Then Abraham GAVE Melchizedek a tenth of everything
Pro 25:21 - If your enemy is hungry, give him food
Mt 10:8 - freely you have received, freely give
Mk 6:37 - Give them something to eat
Mk 10:21 - Give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven
Mk 12:17 - Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's
Lk 6:30 - Give to everyone who asks of you
Lk 11:9 - Ask and it will be given you
Acts 3:6 - Peter offered all he had
Ro 12:20 - If your enemy is thirsty, give him something to drink
Jms 2:16 - Help with physical needs
Jms 1:27 (My personal favorite) Pure religion is caring for widows and orphans

With some American Indian blood running through my veins, I am reminded of a teaching from my youth that says: When you have a successful hunt, you are to share with anyone who asks. During the days when I was returning from a successful art show, I remember many times there were people with signs, asking for help. In Iowa, I was approached in a parking garage for food for a hungry family. Stopping for gas on I-70, I was asked for a donation for cleaning my windshield. I laughed to myself as I drove off with a windshield dirtier than when the man started.
In Ohio, I was looking for a place to have breakfast and called to a man, on the corner, with a sign to join me. It was a fascinating meal, listening to him talk about high school and his family. The waitresses all knew him. It seems he frequented this particular corner. He ate breakfast and ordered lunch to go.
Times when I was not asked: There was the faces of three boys in a dollar store who were short some change to pay for a couple trinkets, when I made up the difference. Or the Indian boys, in Oklahoma, who had only pennies for ice cream that cost more than a dollar. They were amazed to get help for the sweet treat.
I remember a woman in a diner in South Dakota trying to get attention to be seated and being ignored. She was not dirty, just an old Indian woman, with a couple dollars for pie and coffee. I sat her down with me and demanded a menu for her. It was enlightening to listen to her talk about her life on the reservation and where she lived now. She had ordered a four course meal with lots of coffee, boxed up everything she could not finish, along with desert, and asked for quarters to do her laundry. I wrote her name in my Bible so to never forget and still pray for that poor unfortunate.
This text is not written to brag but to show an example, ITim 4:12. Many, many people do so much more than my occasional small treats. My point is that we do not have to give huge amounts to impact someone. And, I was rewarded by being so well entertained. People have stories we are not aware of. It takes our mind off ourselves for a few minutes and reminds us that others also suffer and so often more than we do. I need to help others to keep myself humble.
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