Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Revelation 2

The second chapter corresponds with the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The letter "bet" references a house, entering a house or the family inside. Chapter two addresses four churches (houses of God with His children inside) down through the ages. John is told to write, to the Pastors, what Jesus is saying. 
> The first church is in Ephesus, which translates as "Place At The Back". In Acts 20:30, Paul warned this church about following false teachers. Here we read this church has forgotten the excitement they felt when they first believed. They are told to repent or lose their light to the world of outreach and growth; the church will die. They need to regain the feeling of first love. If they repent, find their first zeal, they will be rewarded with eternal life. Gen. 3:22
> Smyrna means "Myrrh". The the Pastor of this poor church, rich in faith, John warns of coming persecution and reminds them of rewards of remaining faithful. They had an issue of some Gentiles getting circumcised thinking this was condoned by God and not understanding circumcision was of the Old Covenant. They did not understand the New Covenant no longer required this work under grace of and faith in Jesus resurrection. Their trial is to remain faithful through persecution to attain life forever.
> The church in Pergamum (means "First Class Courage"), withstood 200 years of persecution, remaining faithful to God. Now, in this place of pagan rituals, idolatrous feasts and sexual sin, they were following idolatrous teachings of Balaam. The "Balak Theory" (enticing) teaches: if you can't condem them, corrupt them. They also were clinging to teachings of other corrupters of the people. They are told to repent or come against the Word of God (Jesus), which is more to fear than the sword of Rome. 
> Then, John writes to the leader in Thyatira (means "Sacrifice of Labor"), commending their great works that have even increased in recent days. However, they are tolerating a false prophetess and being led away into sexual vice and idolatrous practices. I Kings 16:31. She is going to be punished along with those who continue to follow chants, spells and the zodiac. A reward of authority over nations will be given to those who do the will of the Lord to the end.
To be Continued . . . . .

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