MESSAGE for Friday of Easter week; "The Agony"
> The crucifixion starts with the scourging that literally skinned Jesus alive. This was not common with a crucifixion but I feel Pilot thought it would invoke pity from the crowd so they would release Jesus. During this physical ordeal, He was struck, mocked and spit on by a company of Roman soldiers. Mt. 27:26 and Mk. 15:16 - 19.
Shame is a big element of eastern cultures. It was shameful to be crucified naked in public; to one’s self, family and community, Jn. 19:23.
> There appears to be some conflict about who carried the cross and when. Reading the accounts in the first three gospels closely, Mt. 27:32 & 33, Mk. 15:20 & 21, and Lk. 23:26, we conclude the weakened Jesus carried the crossbar as far as the city gate, where they ran into Simon, the Cyrene, who was on his way into the city.
On the cross, Jesus was offered wine twice. The first time, was standard to crucifixion. Wine was mixed with “gall” (1 grain of frankincense) to numb the senses. He refused this wine mixture, Mt. 27:34. He was supposed to suffer in our stead.
> The second was after He stated He was thirsty. This was wine vinegar and He drank from the sponge on the stalk of hyssop. {Looking at Heb. 9:19, a cleansing ceremony was performed by Moses using the blood of a sacrifice (wine on the cross) with a red woolen cloth and hyssop to confirm the covenant between Israel and God. You can find this in Ex. 24:8. Jesus, the sacrifice, was redeeming that covenant.
> Jesus died at the time of day (3:00 pm) that the last sacrifice of the day was made in the temple. The last animal sacrifice of the day; Jesus the one true sacrifice for mankind.
1. “Father forgive them, they know not what they do”, Lk 23:34. Our glorious Savior was asking forgiveness for unrepentant people. In the language of the Bible, the number one represents the head of the house; the leader. Jesus is speaking, in His number one statement, to the head of our house, Father God.
2. “Today you will be with me in paradise”, Lk. 23:43. The number two, His second statement, represents a house. Jesus was assuring the repentant sinner that he has an eternal home with his Savior.
3. “Woman here is your son. . . Here is your mother”, Jn. 19:26 & 27. This perfect man was thinking of others as He hangs naked and stripped of His very skin, Ps. 22:17. The number three means to lift up in pride. The mother He was proud of and the apostle He was proud of were being lifted up to care for each other.
4. “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?”, Mt. 27:45. This is a reference to Psalm 22. This is the only time Jesus refers to the Father as “My God”. He is a man taking the sins of the world for all time upon Himself; He was speaking for sinful man. For a brief heart wrenching moment, the Father became God in judgement of men. They were not speaking as the perfect son to a loving father; it was ultimate sinner, under judgement, to God. The number four references the earth. Jesus was man of the earth with the sins of the world upon Him.
5. “I thirst”, Jn. 19:28. Jesus thirsts for us to be with Him. How much do we thirst for Him? The number five is the number for grace. Jesus is the ultimate grace of God to us through His sacrifice.
6. “It is finished”, Jn. 19:30. The number six refers to mankind. Jesus work on this earth, as man, was over. He made His stand and finished what He was born for. Just as He created the universe in six days, His six statements summarize the reason for His life on earth. It is time to rest.
7. “Father into your hands I commit my spirit”, Lk. 23:46. The number seven means completion. His human life is now complete, cut off from this physical earth. Here is the power of our Lord Jesus. Then, He hung His head and GAVE up His spirit.
> Through archeological findings, we know that everyone who died on a cross died with their back or neck broken because they threw their head back so violently reaching for that last breath of air. Jesus was in complete control when He BOWED His head and He gave up His spirit. No one took His life. He died exactly the moment He was supposed to, under His own power; fully in control of the situation.
This is our Lord
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