Thursday, April 21, 2022

Passover Week

Easter Week: Palm Sunday celebrates the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem as king. Until then, it had been David's city. Jesus entry did not turn out the way people wanted or expected. It was better.
> So like people; we never think as well or as great as God.
> This was the first day of Passover week. The city was teeming with people from all over. It was great joy to celebrate the Exodus. "Passover" refers to how God had the death angel pass over the homes of the Israelite slaves, when the angel came for all the first born of Egypt. An amazing miracle to the people and a very scarey time.
> The angel knew to pass over any home that had lamb's blood framing the door posts. A fore sign of the blood of our lamb, Jesus, that saves us to eternal life. Whoever was under the blood of the lamb was saved/ whoever is under the blood of the lamb, Jesus, will be saved to eternal life with Him.
> The people were set free from Egypt. "Egypt" in Hebrew translates "stress". The people were set free from their stress of slavery, just as belief in Jesus sets us free from worry and fear. We are free to choose and we are free to live eternally with Him and no one can take that from us. Our relationship with Him is spiritual.
> Moses (Heb: "Moshe") was the instrument the Lord used to set the people free from Egypt ("stress"). His name means "drawn out" (from the water). In Egyptian, the name "Mouses" means "born by water". I think it amazing his name in either language is so similar. God had a plan.
> Take the name Moses and read Isaiah 63:11 - 16. Moses was the instrument by which the Lord parted the Red Sea and let the people through - a type of baptism. Moses name relates to water; the Holy Spirit is related to water more than any other element. When we are baptized, we receive the Holy Spirit (the living water) by which we are helped through our lives as believers. God works in us through the water (Holy Spirit). The Lord worked out a huge problem for the Israelites so they could pass through the water - to safety on the other side and a new life in a promised land. AND he closed the way behind so the threat was gone - by using the water (Holy Spirit). The Lord did this by using the one who was drawn from the water for this purpose. 
> Isn't God wonderful !? So far above us in thought and compassion. And, His word (The Bible) is so complete and proves itself over and over, front to back, time to time and inside out.
> Back to the ride into Jerusalem: Our Savior, born of a virgin, made His triumphant ride into His city on a virgin donkey; from a virgin womb, riding a virgin donkey to a virgin tomb. So pure.
> The people shouted "Hozannah!", Heb: "Save us, please!" Little did they know how He came to answer that plea. We were saved and are now free.
Praise God!


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