MESSAGE for Easter: "He Lives"
From virgin womb to virgin tomb, Jn. 19:41.
“Who will roll the stone away?” was the question in Mark 16:3.
> Often, these stones weighed in excess of a ton. The three Marys were willing to commit a great crime, to prep the body of Jesus, as subjects in the Roman empire with a government guarded grave.
Let me point out right here and now that the stone was not rolled away to let Jesus out. The Son of God, in flesh or spirit, had no need of help to leave the cave of His entombment. He was gone BEFORE the stone was moved by an angel that created an earth quake so all might see Him gone.
> This happened early on the first day of the week. By Hebrew calendars, that is Sunday, Mt. 28:1, Mk. 16:1 & 2, Lk. 24:1. The angel was sitting on the stone, waiting for them. “Come and see”, he said. “Tell his disciples”. I put to you that all believers today are His disciples; you and me. Come and see. His life and crucifixion are not disputed in history.
> Common sense: Crucifixion is the most horrific type of torture and execution ever devised by the human race. In previous writings, I established that He was dead when removed from the cross. It is recorded that over 500 people saw, spoke to and/or heard Him after his crucifixion. How could a man who suffered such torture and endured hanging on a cross, for six hours in the sun, walk across the room? let alone TRAVEL to visit with over 500 people in different locations?????
> The priests of the temple had bribed the soldiers to say Jesus' disciples took His body, Mt. 28:12-15. This rumor continues to this very day. Those of us blessed to accept Him and have the Holy Spirit, that He gives to us dwelling in our body, know the truth. The truth has set us free.
> The angels instructed the women to tell His disciples, "AND PETER", in particular, Mk.16:7. First Corinthians 15:5 tells us He appeared to Peter first. This is a conversation only mentioned in Paul’s account. Nothing is mentioned of what was said; it was highly private and personal, just like our own relationship with our Savior. Jesus was very concerned about Peter and the burden of guilt he was carrying, Jn. 21:15-17. We all carry burdens of guilt. Just as we are all called to a purpose, with the gifts He gives us, Peter was chosen for His part in the life of Jesus and the teaching of the good news, of the beautiful grace of God.
> When the disciples heard, Peter and John ran to the tomb, Jn. 20:1-10. John reached the tomb first but hesitated at the door. Peter charged past him into the tomb and saw the burial wrappings. Then, John went in. The gospel tells that “He saw and believed.” In those four words, we are informed that John understood everything at that moment. Peter only saw Jesus gone, Lk. 24:12; John SAW AND BELIEVED.
> When you see the account of the Passover, death and resurrection, do you see or do you believe? - truly, in your heart. Do you know beyond physical evidence?
> After they left, Mary Magdalene stood outside the tomb crying, Jn. 20:11-12. When she stooped to look into the tomb, she saw TWO angels sitting where Jesus body had lain. This image reminds me of the Ark of the Covenant.
> The Ark was made with two angels on top, one at each end, guarding the Mercy Seat, where the annual sacrifice for sin was made every year in the Holy of Holies. This seat was where the innocent blood of a perfect lamb was shed that covered the sins of Israel (man), represented by the three items inside the ark. The Ark represents Jesus and His blood covering the sins of mankind.
These two angels were seated in the tomb, on the platform and the image is like the two angels seated on the top of the Ark of the Covenant. We are being told, the one who paid our sin debt is risen from death, under His own power, so we are free to live and walk with the Lord in peace, without fear of anything in this life. Since He is the "first born of many", we are sure to rise with Him in the near future to our promised place in the New Jerusalem.
Even so, come Lord Jesus.
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