(Fourth in a series)
> This vision of John's takes place on the Jewish Sabbath (Shabot), which is Friday from sundown to Saturday sundown. John explains he was "in the Spirit" which is to say a state of meditation or study.
> Patmos in Greek means, "Stepped On".
> The Greek New Testament (Septuegent) states he was to write down the vision he is about to be shown in a book, which then would have been a scroll. This is to be sent to the seven churches listed in chapters two and three as a warning.
> Jesus fulfills the roles of prophet, priest and king. In His life, He is a prophet; in heaven He is our High Priest and future king (the "Is, Was and Is Coming).
> Lampstands are menorahs with the seven lamps. The menorah references Jesus and the first seven words of Gen. 1:1 which translate from Hebrew "In - beginning - God - Jesus - created - heavens - earth" and reference the "Berisheet Prophecy", which connects the seven days of creation as a foretelling of the six millenium of man and the second coming (seventh) of Christ. Seven is the number of completion.
> V. 13 shows Jesus as a priest in a robe and sash. His white hair defines maturity, wisdom and authority. Bronze references judgement.
> V. 14 references Daniel 7:9 & 10.
> The right hand is mentioned in verse 16 which refers to protection and authority. The stars reference pastors. Just as stars can reference angels, the angels of the seven churches also reference the pastors. The double edged sword is the word of God.
> V. 17 shows us the awe of John in the presence of such a powerful being. Throughout the Bible, worship is a common reaction to His glory. The right hand of Jesus placed on John's head is mindful of the patriarchs of the Old Testament giving blessings to their first born sons. John is of Jesus right hand of favor.
> I like the way the Greek reads for verse eighteen: "And the Ever-living One - I am, living in the eternity of the eternities. I died, but see, I am alive for evermore; and I possess the keys of Death and Hades." Here, again, is reference to the I Am, I Was, I Am Coming, definition of Jesus.
> In verse 20, Jesus explains the stars as the angels of the seven churches and the lampstands as the churches holding the knowledge of the mystery of Gen. 1:1.
> In Greek, verse twenty reads, "As to the hidden meaning the mystery of the seven stars which you saw on My right hand and the seven lampstands of gold, the seven stars are the seven angels messengers of the seven churches assemblies and the seven lampstands are the seven churches." If seven is the number of completion, the seven churches most likely represent the ages of the Christian church through history.
* To be continued . . . . .
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