Revelation 1:4 - 8
(Third in a series)
In verse four, John is describing Jesus as "Him who is, and who was, and who is to come,".
> In Hebrew teachings the "Is, Was and Is To Come" is "Yahweh". In Hebrew language, vowels are not present so it would be "YHWH", pre incarnate Jesus of the Old Testament. The four letters translate: The HAND of GRACE, NAILED in GRACE.
> The seven spirits referenced, in the Greek, refers to "the seven-fold Holy Spirit". Isa. 11:2
> Verse 5 talks of Jesus Christ of the New Testament, faithful witness = martyred for our sins; first born from the dead = we follow Him to everlasting life after death; ruler of the kings of the earth = He is over all those in authority, as He will be over us as kings and priests now and in the kingdom yet to come. Ps. 89:27
> The verse goes on to remind us of His love for us; Grk: "To Him Who EVER loves us and has once [for all] loosed freed us from our sins by His own blood,"
> Verse 6: All believers are priests (Gentiles are inheritors of all the promises made to Israel through Abraham). Ex. 19:6, Isa. 61:6
> Verse 7: He is coming in the clouds, every eye will see Him, all people will mourn. Zech. 12:10-14, Jn. 19:37 ALL PEOPLE: Whatever race, color or religious choice, those who do not accept Jesus as Son of God will mourn for not accepting Him as Savior.
> For Verse 7, the Greek reads: "Lo, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth shall gaze upon Him beat their breasts mourn lament over Him. Even so. Amen - so be it." Dan. 7:13
> In Verse 8, John quotes Jesus as being the Alpha and Omega. These are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. The first letters of the Hebrew (God's language given to Adam) alphabet are Aleph and Tav. Aleph references the first, the head, the great sacrifice; tav refers to a sealed covenant. Rev. 22:13
> This verse goes on to quote the Lord God who Is, Was and Is to Come. Lord - Jesus, God - of the Father; Jesus will rule this earth as God. Is. 9:6 Greek text adds, "- the Ruler of all." Messianic text adds, "God of heaven's armies." Isa. 9:6
So Be It!
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