Thursday, October 25, 2018
Onward Christian Soldiers
Does the world see you as a Christian? A follower of Christ?
Are you selfish, thoughtless, impatient, rude, confrontational? Do you wear a cross around your neck and grumble at the sales clerk? Do you have a fish decal on your car and honk your horn at every little offense? do you say grace at home but not in restaurants? Do you gossip and cuss?
If you are going to wear the cross, display "I am a Christian" decal, hang images on the walls of your home or carry your Bible for everyone to see, you had better be walking the walk; not just talking the talk. The world is watching us.
Awhile back, I wrote in this blog about saying grace in public and got lots of praise for speaking out on this subject. I wonder how many of the people who praised me for that actually do it themselves. I seldom see people saying grace in public - even after I published that writing.
I live in a very small, rural town with a church on every corner. We have an annual day of prayer at the flag poll in the park. We have an annual prayer breakfast sponsored by our Ministerial Alliance. We pray at every Bible Study and church meal. There is prayer before and closing every Sunday school class. Our churches have prayer weeks that open their doors for people to commit to an hour of prayer. Our churches preach prayer from the pulpit. Why do I not see more public personal prayer/grace over meals? Is it just reserved for church? If we pray in church and at home, why won't we pray in public?
Are you hung up on the parable of the man who prayed openly, bragging to God with pretty words? This was an example of self righteousness - not an example of how we are to live our lives as a light to the world.
Even if you are in a place or a situation that might put you in physical jeopardy, you can always think a silent prayer of thanks to your Lord and Savior. No one can take your thoughts from you. There is no mechanical detector for mind reading. How many of you, right now, are cheering what I am saying and will go out to lunch, in a public place, and NOT say grace?
You do not have to stand up and impose it on everyone in the place. You do not have to speak it out loud. You do not have to use glorious, poetic words. Even a group of you can bow your heads in silent prayer as an example - let the world know there are Christians among them. You are not expected to make a spectacle of yourself. God will make your actions known to those whom He wants to notice. You speak volumes with quiet humility. Christians are non aggressive warriors. Our actions, appearance and public behavior are our weapons.
Beyond grace in public, what else are you doing for the world to see you as set apart? Take a test: Stand in front of a mirror. Are you clean or unkempt? Do your cheeks show under your hem line? Does your neckline expose your naval? Is your tee shirt dirty and full of holes or satanic images? Are your clothes so tight that your cellulite is visible underneath? For goodness sake! A Christian is supposed to stand out - not blend into the world. The Bible tells us we are set apart. Everywhere you go, you are a representative of heaven and the glorious world to come.
Now, don't get your panties in a wad. I am not against tattoos, piercings or jeans in church. Jesus accepts you as you are. Everyone is growing at a different pace. The Spirit deals with each of us as we are ready. There are many churches and individuals out there doing great work reaching those people who are uncomfortable in the traditional church setting. Jesus went into places to commune with people that society and the pharisees looked down on. People will never be reached if we look at the book by it's cover. In church, we are preaching to the choir. The need is outside the church and you have to reach people on their own turf.
I am saying: m o d e s t y. Most of us come to the point of our spiritual growth where we want to present ourselves as clean and neat in appearance. We represent the kingdom of God. We are the bride of Jesus Christ Himself. What sort of example do we set when we smoke, drink and wear short shorts? When I went into the Native American community, I dressed down so as not to offend BUT I maintained a certain standard as an example. Paul said: "I am all things to all people".
Story: Years ago, I was at a Christian celebration for the day. We were in skirts and heels with the men in suits. We broke for lunch and a group of us went to a fast food restaurant. It was noon and it was busy. There was a long line waiting to place their order. When we walked in, all eyes turned to us. We did look a little out of place among the tee shirts and sandals. We took our place at the end of the lines and the waters parted. I promise you, people stood aside to let us order ahead of them. I have never witnessed anything like it. I have never forgotten that. People in that restaurant assumed, from our appearance, that we were special in some way.
We cannot be respected unless we first show respect to ourselves. Plain and simple, our appearance is a matter of self respect. There looks to be so little today. A lot of people do not look like they respect themselves so it is easy to discount them. This should not be. I truly believe that Jesus did not go around in sack cloth. He was given expensive gifts when he was an infant (gold, frankincense and myrrh). Many believe he owned his own house in Cappernaum. Why would the Roman soldiers, at the cross, gamble for his robe if it was not of quality? There is a verse that says it was made of one unbroken thread. He was a Hebrew teacher who wore his prayer shawl - what the woman with the issue of blood touched. Jesus was not a slob.
Do you offer everyone a smile or a scowl? This earth is a battle ground. Satan goes to and fro seeking who he may devour. He is the enemy. What are we doing to fight him and his tyranny? I am not talking about taking a gun and making a public statement. Violence is not of our Lord Jesus. I am talking about the quiet personal strength that God supplies when we do His work. Being a helpful, joyful, determined ambassador for heaven is doing the work of your Lord.
Are you aware of your surroundings? Are you open to helping a stranger?: the woman struggling with loading groceries, returning a shopping cart for someone, moving a cart away from the path of traffic, picking up a piece of trash or hundreds of other little gestures. Are you patient waiting in line? Are you a patient listener? Do you encourage where there is negativity? Are you actively seeking opportunities to show yourself to the world as an example of something (or some place) better?
God wants others to want what He has given us. How can they if we show how rude, grouchy and unhappy we are with all our complaining?
The end of the age is closer all the time. We are Christian soldiers in this world today; the salt of the earth that makes life taste better. More of us should be quietly and humbly fighting this battle. Let's show the world the good side of Christianity. Let's show others our joy so they will want what we have. Bring your inner peace out of you as a testament to the world. Let's be fishers of men in our own little corner of life. Let's show others that we have a life they need and make them want it by being the "nice people".
Monday, October 22, 2018
The Book, Part 2
Names and numbers in the Bible have meaning. Most often, these meanings explain a deeper understanding of the writing. As mentioned in the first part of this writing in an the previous blog, it all points to Jesus.
The number "1" relates to God/unity
No. 5: represents the grace of God
No. 10: represents law/ordinance
No. 12: government
No. 40: testing, trial, the end of bondage
Sarai = Domineering / Sarah = Princess
Abram = Father of Altitude / Abraham = Father of Multitudes
Interesting facts:
The book of Esther does not mention God
Longest book = Psalms
Shortest book = II John
Longest chapter = Ps.119
Shortest chapter = Ps.117
Longest verse = Esther 8:9
Shortest verse = Jn.11:35
Oldest man = Methuselah - 969 years
Two men never died - Enoch & Elijah
Psalm 22 (from the Old Testament) refers to the death of Jesus. Written hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus, this is further proof of inspiration through the Holy Spirit.
The God's Eye constellation |
The word "gospel" in Greek means "Good News". There are four synoptic (agreeing) gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They document the life, teaching, healing and death of Jesus life.
The Old Testament is about the "law" (commonly referred to as the 10 Commandments) where man is required to do, do, do. The New Testament is about the grace that Jesus brought through grace where we rest emotionally and spiritually and God does all the work.
An unnamed "servant" usually refers to the Holy Spirit.
People who are named are Christian believers. Those mentioned and their name not given are usually unbelievers (or Gentiles).
The phrase "fear not/don't fear" appears 365 times and is the most often stated phrase uttered by the God head. The second most stated phrase, "Oh ye of little faith".
Psalm 117 = shortest chapter
Psalm 119 = longest chapter
Psalm 118 = middle chapter of the Bible
594 chapter before Psalm 118
+594 chapters after Psalm 118
1188 = Ps. 118:8 Read this verse !
*(This has to be divine order)
The book of Psalms is called "heart of the Bible"
David, the author, is called "A man after God's heart"
The Psalms are written as songs to God
The word Psalm means "Song/hymn"
The Book, Part 1
The entire book is about Jesus, cover to cover. The Old Testament points to Him, His coming, His life, His message and His death. The New Testament tells all about Jesus along with His resurrection and second coming. Jesus is concealed in the Old Testament and revealed in the New.
The Bible is the "manufacturer's handbook". God himself inspired all the writings by His spirit working through people. It tells us how to live so we might be healthy and prosper with friends, family, spouse, children, parents, neighbors, work, play and worship. It tells us how to handle finances, relate to people, deal with problems and just about anything else we need to know in order to create for ourselves a happy, peaceful life.
Dt.8:3, Heb.4:12, Pro.1:7
You cannot believe anything from the Bible if you do not believe that it is God speaking to us. Some find it difficult to read and understand. I hope to help you with some of these difficulties. This is the most fascinating book ever AND . . given a chance, will prove itself. We do not need the pamphlets and booklets of other writers.
II Pet.20 & 21,
Stats: There are 66 books; 39 in the OT (Old Testament) and 27 in the NT (New Testament) contributed by 40 writers over a period of 7,000 plus years; 5,000 years before the birth of Christ (BC) and 2,000 after the death (AD) of Christ.
The one book of Genesis spans 2,200 years of time (of the total 7,000), records 10 generations from Adam to Noah and ten generations from Noah to Abraham. The first eleven chapters of Genesis alone span 1/2 the time span of the entire Bible.
There are 1189 chapters (the middle chapter: Ps.117) and approx. 774,000 words - depending on your translation.
Testament means covenant or contract. God made two contracts/testaments: one with the Israelites and one with Christian believers.
In the Old Testament, the most recent/newest book is Malachi and the oldest book is Job. In the New Testament, the newest book (last one written for the Bible) is Revelation and the oldest is James.
Moses wrote the most books of the Old Testament - 5, called the Foundation of the Bible; commonly referred to as "The Law". Paul wrote most of the books in the New Testament (14); over half.
The Bible was first accepted as being inspired by God in 375 AD and the first English translation was accomplished in 1382 AD.
The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew. This is what Moses wrote and all the prophets and poets of the Old Testament. That is the language the first translation was taken from. So Hebrew should be studied to get the clearest meaning. It also helps to understand society, customs, geography and life style of the time.
The New Testament was penned in the Greek language, one of the three main languages of the day; the others being Hebrew and Aramaic, with Roman a large influence. Yes, Jesus probably spoke Aramaic. He would also speak Hebrew in the temple. He also spoke Greek in His travels and sermons to the public. (Let's face it, the son of God could speak any language.) My point is that the writers of the New Testament penned the original text in Greek and Greek should be used for translation.
The New Testament is hidden in the Old Testament (a truly exciting study) and the Old Testament is revealed in the New. The entire book is about the son of God come to earth in physical form and His mission.
Ghost writers are: shepherds, fishermen, priests, kings, philosophers, farmers, tent maker, tax collector, warriors (and others), all via God by way of his Holy Spirit inspiring them.
The Bible is cohesive, uniform and fits together like a beautiful quilt of names, numbers, "begats" and parables.
Next writing, I will compare several verses to explain some of the Bible codes. This is why it is written you must "seek" to find.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Seals of Hezekiah and Isaiah
There is not enough room here to tell you everything I learned but I will say, I got a big education about a part of the Bible that I had not yet studied. In this report, I will attempt brevity.
These two seals were among other relics and interactive exhibits that incorporated historical, archeological and Biblical facts and brought them together to reinforce all the facts. I was so moved at one point, I could barely contain myself through goose bumps and tears.
These tiny seals, smaller than a dime, belonged to King Hezekiah and the Prophet Isaiah. Small but mighty, I used a magnifying glass to look at the inscriptions. They were each 2700 years old (27 centuries). God has kept them buried in Jerusalem all this time to be discovered at this point in our history and revealed as proof of our Christian teachings through His Holy Word, the Bible.
Hezekiah's seal is confirmed with his name and title. Isaiah's seal is broken and displays his name and the word "prophet", which is not confirmed to be either a title or the last name of a citizen of Jerusalem. Since it is highly unlikely there was a man with the last name of Prophet, the experts are 95% sure this is the seal of the prophet himself. It was also found just 3 meters on the exact level as the seal of King Hezekiah.
These seals are only two of seven ever found and the only ones belonging to a king and a prophet. This is the first time these seals have been displayed. They were not even displayed in Jerusalem. Since the Philadelphia Church that owns the Armstrong Cultural Center, helped fund the digs where they were discovered, they have them displayed first - in the center of the country so everyone in America has the opportunity to visit.
2Kings Chapts: 18 - 20
Hezekiah was from a long line of bad kings, over Israel, who allowed idol worship among other atrocities. He put an end to tribute paid to Assyria which enraged the Assyrian king, Sennacherib. It is amazing to think with such a background and family influence this king, Hezekiah, would actually be a follower of the one true God. When he took office, he did away with all idols and reinstated the 7 Hebrew Holy Days.
Isaiah was older and the prophet during King Hezekiah's reign. A couple generations back in their family tree and tradition has them related through King Joash. It is believed that Hezekiah was married to the only daughter of Isaiah. They had a close relationship.
Assyria was on a mission to conquer all of Israel and Judah after having conquered much of the known world. The Assyrians were butchers and proud of it. They created murals in relief that showed slaves and their murderess escapades, showing how they skinned alive their captives, even throwing to the lions. They boasted of conquests on small clay records that were copied and distributed for all to see. They told of blood running ankle deep in streets.
The Assyrian king, Sennacherib, sent word to Hezekiah that basically mocked God - big time. Hezekiah went to the temple and laid the scroll before God and prayed for deliverance. 2Kings 19:17-19
God answered through Isaiah. I love His answer in 2Kings 19:32-34 The city will not be entered, not even by an arrow. Long story short, 185,000 Assyrian trained soldiers that surrounded Jerusalem were found dead in the morning. The Angel of The Lord slayed every single soldier BEFORE any siege could take place.
Then Hezekiah became sick and was told he would die. (This is also a longer story shortened.) He asked God for 15 more years of life and the prayer was granted. As proof of this, God set the sun 15 degrees in reverse. It is reassuring that historical science bares this out. Several middle and far eastern countries record, in their ancient history, such a happening. This is the only time in history this has ever occurred. Even NASA, at one point, could not calculate a formula for space travel until they returned in history and included the 10 degrees of retrograde. I LOVE THIS: DIVINE ORDER !
God will not be mocked.
Note: In the Bible, when there is reference made to "The Angel of The Lord", this is reference to the pre incarnate Christ. It was Jesus Himself that killed the Assyrian army. Jdgs 2:1, 13:18
Note: The capital of Assyria was Nineveh. (Well known because of Jonah's reluctance to warn the people.) Modern day Nineveh is known as Iraq.
Note: King Hezekiah is well known for the underground canal that he had dug to provide water to all of Jerusalem and water the Kidron Valley. The length, size, shape and fact that it was begun at both ends to meed in the middle was a huge undertaking for that day without the help of sonar or GPS. This was incorporated into the tour at the Armstrong Cultural Center.
*This display continues through January 27, 2019.
Saturday, October 13, 2018
The Divine Order of 3
This is NOT numerology, it is Divine order:
3 is the number of the God Head; God's personal number of completeness
There are 3 parts of a man: spirit, body and soul
God allowed Gideon 300 men to fight the Midianite army
Jesus was 3 days in the grave
There were 3 hours of darkness when He hung on the cross - Lk 23:44
Three virgins in Jesus life: mother Mary, virgin donkey He rode into Jerusalem and the virgin tomb where He was laid.
3 women came to the tomb
Peter denied Christ 3 times
3 times Jesus told Peter to feed His flock
There were 3 disciples at the Mt. of Configuration: Peter, James, John
There were 3 figures on the Mt. of Configuration: Moses, Jesus, Elijah
There were 3 crosses
When Jesus was arrested, He answered "I Am" 3 times
Jesus took 3 disciples from the group near to His place of prayer in Gethsemane - Mt 26:37
There was a daily temple sacrifice at 3 pm every day
There are 3 woes to Babylon in Rev. 18
There are 3 "hallelujahs over Babylon's fall - Rev 19
There are 3 angels in Rev 14
There are 3 parts of the earth: sea, earth and sky
Noah had 3 sons
There were 3 wise men
There were 3 shepherds
There were 3 in the Holy family in Bethlehem
Christ had 3 temptations
He raised 3 people from the dead
He had 3 friends: Mary, Martha and Lazarus
He was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver
Jesus ministry lasted 3 years
There were 3 men thrown into the fiery furnace
Jonah was 3 days in the belly of the fish
Jesus had 3 nail holes
Jesus gave up the ghost at 3 pm
In a dream, Peter saw unclean food 3 times
There were 3 beings sent to Abraham before the fall of Sodom
There were 3 items placed in the arc of the covenant
Abraham's journey to Mt Moriah, with Isaac, was 3 days
3 sacraments: wine, bread, oil
Sarah prepared 3 measures of meal for Abraham
3 patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
3 categories of Jews: Kohen, Levi, Yisrael
Woman at the well called Jesus 3 different titles (Jew, Sir, Prophet) before He proclaimed He was the "I Am"
The number 3 appears 457 times in the Bible
The precision with which the Bible numbers all fall into their places cannot be accounted for except by the supernatural power and wisdom of a God Who is infinite.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
A Father's Love Letter
My Child,
You may not know me, but I know everything about you. (Ps 139:1) I know every time you sit down and get up. (Ps 139:2) I know your personality. (Ps 139:3) I know how many hairs you have on your head. (Mt 10:29-31) You were made in my image. (Gen 1:27) You have your life through me. (Acts 17:28) You are my offspring. (Acts 17:28) I picked you out when I planned all of creation. (Eph 1:11-12) I knew you before you were conceived. (Jer 1:4-5) I created you in your mother's womb (Ps 139:13), and called you out the moment of your birth. (Ps 71:6) I deliberately made you just as you are. (Ps 139:15-16) I know what will happen in your life before it happens. (Ps 139:15-16) I determined the exact time of your birth and where you would live. (Acts 17:26) You are wonderful. (Ps 139:14)
I have been misrepresented by those who don't know me. (Jn 8:41-44) I am very near and the complete expression of love toward you. (1Jn 4:16) I want to lavish my love on you (1Jn 3:1), just because you are my child and I am you Father. (1Jn 3:1) I offer you more than any earthly father ever could. (Mt 7:11) I am the perfect Father. (Mt 5:48) Every good gift that you receive, comes from me. (Jms 1:17) I provide for you all your needs. (Mt 6:31-33)
I have great hope for your future (Jer 29:11), because my love for you is forever. (Jer 31:3) I am constantly thinking of you. (Ps 139:17-18) You make me want to sing. (Zeph 3:17) I will never stop doing good for you. (Jer 32:40) You are my treasured possession. (Ex 19:5) With all my heart and soul, I want to see you secure. (Jer 32:41) I want to show you miracles. (Jer 33:3)
I am the Father who comforts you when you are in trouble. (2Cor 1:3-4) When your heart is broken, I am close. (Ps 34:18) I carry you close to my heart, like a shepherd with a lamb. (Isa 40:11) I will wipe away all your tears and you will never know sorrow again. (Rev 21:3-4) I will not let you remember any of the pain you suffered in this life. (Rev 21:4)
I am your Father and I love you as mush as my first born son, Jesus. (Jn 17:23) I showed my love for you through Jesus. (Jn 17:26) He is just like me. (Heb 1:3) He came to show I am always for you and never against you (Ro 8:31), and to tell you that I do not know anything you do wrong. (2Cor 5:18-19) Jesus died so that you and I could come to understanding. (2Cor 5:18-19) I sent Him to die for you as my ultimate expression of love for you. (1Jn 4:10) I gave what I loved so I might gain your love. (Ro 8:32)
To find me, just look for me. (Deut 4:29) Be happy with me and I will give you everything you want. (Ps 37:4) I gave you those desires. (Phpns 2:13) I am capable of doing more for you than you can imagine. (Eph 3:20) I encourage you more than anyone else. (2Thes 2:16-17)
If you receive the gift of Jesus, you receive me (!Jn 2:23), and nothing will ever separate you from my love again. (Ro 8:38-39)
Come home and I will throw the biggest party heaven has ever seen. (Lk 15:7) I have always been Father and will always be Father. (Eph 3:14-15)
I am waiting for you. (Lk 15:11-32)
Your Dad
Monday, October 8, 2018
The Red Thread
Hebrew color for royalty is the color red.
In Hebrew the name "Adam", meaning man, is directly related to the Hebrew word "adama", meaning earth, and "dam" meaning blood - which is red. The three words (Adam, adama and dam) sound almost identical except for the addition of the "ah" sound at the end of the word "adama" and the omission of the "ah" at the beginning of "dam".
The color red lends to the story of the creation and it's key word "adam" comes by the word "adom", meaning red. The close connection between the physical elements becomes closer: red, (adom), is the color of dam (blood).
The Hebrew language tells us that tears are the "blood of the eyes". The emission of blood and tears from the body is referred to "shedding". While shedding blood usually indicates an injury of the body, shedding tears depicts injury of the soul.
Adam comes by the name "Edom" - (Edom). The connection is the color red (adom), that connects to blood (dam), which connects to "adam" (man or mankind).
In Gen 25:30, we find Esau asking his brother to feed him with red pottage; thus his name was called "Edom". Thus, Esau is the father of Edom. Also see reference to his birth in Gen 25:25, relating red to his name, Esau. Esau was a hunter, associating his life style to blood by killing. And, his father, Isaac, blessed him with blood when he said, "by your sword shall you live".
On the priests' breastplate the ruby (red gem) stood for the tribe of Reuben, sixth born son of Israel. The number six represents man. Adam (man) was created on the sixth day. Refer to first paragraph of this writing.
Hebrew word "chakliyl" literally means "dark" or a person stimulated by wine (suph) which means "a reed" and is used to refer to the Red Sea.
The Greek word "purrhos" (used to write the original text of the New Testament) references to the color of fire or flame (red).
Symbolically, in scripture, the color refers to sin & suffering in Isa 1:18; Godly vengeance against sinners in Ps 75:18 and Isa 63:2; bloodshed and war in 2Kings 3:22, Nahum 2:3, Zech 1:8, 6:2, Rev 6:4, 12:3; and temptation to sin in Pro 23:31.
Wine, which is red, is frequently mentioned in Old and New Testaments: Wine for communion. Jesus turned water to wine, wine for drink, wine for medicinal use in Proverbs.
The Israelites built the temple in the desert using scarlet, blue and purple fabric.
Every mention of a birth is a reference to blood; blood of the mother is shed to give life.
The first plague of Moses in Exodus was turning water to blood (red). The first miracle of Jesus was turning water to wine (red). The first trumpet in Revelation will bring hail mixed and fire mixed with blood (red).
Rubies (red gems) are also used on the priests' breastplate, in the temple in the desert and the foundations of the New Jerusalem.
The Greek word "Petra" refers to a red rock city in Jordan, 120 miles south of Jerusalem that is invisible from the air and impenetrable from the ground. (More on this later).
God made the first kill; shedding red blood - Gen 3:21
Nile river turned to blood - Ex 7:17
scarlet was used to weave the breastplate of the priests - Ex 28:15
red heifer offering - Nu 19:3 - 6
sin is scarlet (red) - Isa 1:18
red horses - Zech 1:8
Christ sweat blood in Gethsemane - Lk 22:44
blood of Jesus - 1 Jn 1:7
red horse - Rev. 6
red dragon - Rev 12
wine of God's wrath - Rev 14:10
Between the words red and scarlet, can you see the red thread that runs from Genesis through Revelation? What does it mean? Many things. It certainly is a special color that shows us more of God's divine order.
Monday, October 1, 2018
We Are His Children
I don't know who created this image but I dearly love it. (I hope there is no copyright penalty for using it. If I knew the artist, I would give them full credit. It was on the inter net so I assume it is for public use.)
As someone who was an abused child, I give great meaning to this scene. Let's consider this image together.
The child has a most content look on his/her face. We don't know if this is a boy or a girl so we understand anyone can relate. I see "child" in this little person: the shy, the playful, the innocent. He/she is very comfortable. There is no fear. They are happy to have all the attention placed solely on them at this moment; reveling in the company.
I believe this is how our loving Heavenly Father intends for us to feel: safe, secure, trusting, confident, doted on - loved. He wants us to accept His Son as our atonement, the sacrifice paid for us. We can feel clean and free to allow Him in anytime.
Then, there is Jesus. His hands folded and space between him and the child. No threat here. He is not invading the child's space. He is not even reaching out to the child. There is genuine interest in His expression. He is totally in the moment: there is only Him and this little child. He makes no pretense to be anything other than the simple and humble person that He is. His figure towers over the child but is not overwhelming - does not threaten but, rather, seems protective.
This is my Savior. He is not pushy. He does not come in to me unless I ask Him to. He never forces Himself. He respects my space and my choices; right or wrong. I am free to make those choices with confidence He will be available if I need Him for advice, shelter or forgiveness. He dotes on me and wants only to help, to see me safe, happy and healthy doing His will.
They are sitting on solid rock, surrounded by rock; symbolic of the strength of Jesus as the cornerstone of life; our security for eternal life.
Notice the light that surrounds the head of Jesus. Halo? Light of the world? Light in the darkness? All of the above.
Notice also the vine around the stalk. Jesus is the vine. He is the stalk and we are the branches.
There was a lot of thought and planning put into the structure of this image. God put a lot of planning into His master plan for us. Jesus is the central part of that plan.
Now, take a look at this scene:
The child has consented to sit on the lap of Jesus, in his hands and we see from his/her posture there is no fear. The child is relaxed, at ease, content, feeling safe and happy.
Jesus is smiling, happy to have us secure within his hands. He is offering happiness and safety. This is a confident man. No one would dare confront Him to take us away now that we have consented to accept Him. We are His and He is ours.