Notes on The Crucifiction
A very blessed day to you. Take this day to ask God for a reanointing of your life.
There are so many details in the story of the crucifixion that is recorded in all four gospels. Rather than trying to cover the entire crucifixion in one blog, let's just explore a few interesting points.
Our Lord Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey that had never been ridden before - a "virgin" donkey. He was laid to rest in a tomb that had never been used - "virgin". (In those days, tombs were purchased for family and/or reused) Also, born of a virgin. Have not found the meaning of this - yet. Three times "virgin"; three represents the God head trinity.
"Calvary" is a transliteration of the Latin word calvaria. It has the same meaning as the Greek word kranion, namely that of skull, hence our English word "cranium". Further, this has interest in Gen. 22:2 where we see that God told Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, in the region of Moriah. Calvary is the highest point of Moriah. Hello? Don't you find this interesting? The Old Testament gives us a story of the sacrifice of a son in the same place that God's only son would be sacrificed. This is beautiful! Godly order in the Bible. Praise the glory of God!
"Golgatha" is Hebrew and means Place of The Skull. You will remember that David beheaded Goliath. In 1Sam 17:51 & 54, we find that David took the head to Jerusalem to bury it. I think about 18 miles. Eighteen is the number of bondage (also 6+6+6). I've read that he buried it just outside to the north of the city. Now, let's imagine the blood dripping from Jesus feet onto the head of Goliath (the Nephilim giant of the Philistines that God saw as a fallen angel polluting His creation). We see parallel of Jesus blood covering (defeating) our giants of today. The Bible is an amazing puzzle.
Note: There is opinion that Jerusalem was the original site of the Garden of Eden. This presents an interesting point: Jesus, the "Second Adam" fulfilled what the First Adam did not and has restored the first Eden that He will claim upon His return. Yes !
David prophesied Jesus' mocking in Ps 22:12 & 13
He was literally skinned alive so we might be whole and healthy. 1Pet 2:24
He was dead; the sac around His heart was pierced and water ran out. Jn 19:34 In any medical report, this means you are dead. When He was laid in the tomb, He was dead.
In Mk 15:37, it states He gave a loud cry. Those who have studied and understand crucifixion will tell you that this is impossible. The body is stretched and strained at a point where this cannot be done. The one thing that all victims of crucifixion have done is reach so hard for that last breath that the break their own necks. There is no mention or evidence that Christ broke His neck reaching for air. On the contrary, He hung His head. This leads me to the next point:
His life was not taken. He gave it up. Jn 19:30 Lk 23:46 He also gave Himself to the soldiers that came for Him in the garden of Gethsemane. He stood up boldly and proclaimed, "I Am" Ex 3:6
He was the perfect Son of God come to fulfill a destiny and He went to the finish line. He is our Savior - The Lord Jesus Christ
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