I have some good news this morning.
(In Greek, the language of the New Testament, Gospel means "Good News".)
Psalm 22 tells of the crucifixion. This surely is good news that Christ took all our suffering, pain and sin on Him so we might live beyond this physical life. This psalm was written 2,000 years before His birth - David was quite a profit, among his many other talents.
Mt 2:17 confirms that Jesus is the son of God Himself. Reference Ps 2:7

Mt 12:50 is good news. Here, we are told that to follow the example of Jesus makes us brothers and sisters to Him; children of God.
Mt 19:2 tells of the massive amount of healings Jesus performed. Good news: He wants us to be healthy.
Mt 19:29 says if we have to sacrifice anything to follow Him, it will be given back to us - multiplied; and . . . we also get eternal life.
Mt 28:18 Jesus assures us He has the right to do anything He wants - just as God Himself has the power. Hey, this is the guy I want for a brother.

Jn 1:34 has John The Baptist testifying that Jesus is chosen by God to be our savior to eternal life.
Jn 1:45 has one apostle telling another that he has found the person written about in the Old Testament by Moses and all the profits.
Ex 3:14 God tells Moses "I Am". Throughout the gospels, Jesus makes the statement "I AM" over and over again. This is why the Pharises were so angry with Him; they new every word of the Old Testament and God, the "I Am". (They call God "Yahweh" and I have done a fascinating study on this name. I will share it some time.)
Jn 15:7 Jesus promises the prayers of a believer will be answered. Now that's good news!
Jn 16:27 Just to love Jesus brings the love of the Almighty God.
Jn 17:6-19 Read this prayer Jesus asked of God for His disciples. WE (believers) are disciples today.
Jn 20:19 & 20 Here is the scene where Jesus shows His disciples (us) proof of His resurrection from death.
Jn 20:29 Jesus blesses those who were not present to know Him or see His nail prints - that is us today. We are blessed by the Son of God. Definitely good news.
Jn 20:30 & 31 Here, we get good news of our faith giving us good health.
Jn 21:23 Jesus is coming back - He Himself, the one with the Father, said so.
Jn 21:25 John's personal statement, as a witness, of what he witnessed walking with Jesus.
If all this good news does not brighten your day, read Psalms 88 and 89. Psalm 88 gives us all the woes of this human life and Psalm 89 tells of the blessings and good news of the days we have to look forward to.
Have a wonderful day !!
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