Friday, May 4, 2018


This is becoming a darker world all the time - chose one or the other: You can complain, be sick and angry or, happy, energetic, honest.

Take a stand - stop being lukewarm.  The world is trying to suck in Christians with compromise.  Jesus did not compromise.  He had the principles of heaven and stood His ground against the priests of the temple - the most powerful men of that day.  He spoke out against oppressive government.  He spoke up for the poor and sick.

Be a light in the dark:  If you have blue hair, dress in grunge or goth, show off piercings and are a believer, STOP IT !  Stop trying to be noticed by being unusual.  The unusual of this world is becoming the usual.  As the world changes, you will look as though you are part of it.  How can you take a stand for Jesus if you look like everyone else? 

Jesus is our example.  He was not a slob.  God is order.  You are not being different, you are conforming to today's world.  What is going to stand out as an example for Jesus is the happy, well spoken, clean, healthy looking, neat, self respecting and thoughtful person who stands firm in Biblical principles.  No compromise.

Society has a cancer called sin.  Stop looking like you are sick.

Get off the fence!  Make your choice.  Buck up!  Take a stand.  Walk your talk.  Can you drink of the cup?  Jesus did not compromise; everyone knew He was not like them.  Freedom from God is not to do what you want but the right to do what you should.

Don't buy into the worldly theory that Jesus was poor, walking around in sack cloth.  He was given great treasures when He was born (gold, frankincense and myrrh), He had a trade that He got paid for (carpentry), He owned a house (in Capernaum).  Do you think crowds would have followed Him around and clamored to hear Him speak if He was dirty in shabby clothing?  The soldiers gambled for his robe.  Surely not, if it were shabby.  The Son of God had self respect and walked with His head up. 

Do you think God would let His first born walk around in sack cloth?  He was provided for.  Over the ages, Jesus has been incorrectly associated with Nazarites, a sect that did not bathe or cut their hair and shunned worldly goods.  He was a Nazarene; not Nazarite.  There is a difference.  Don't listen to speculation - read the Bible for the facts.  He was young, strong, happy and a warrior for truth.

I will admit that I am of an older generation.  I grew up listening to, "A lady does this; a lady doesn't do that."  We had to wash our face and comb our hair to go to the corner grocery.  We had to wear a dress to church and hang it up when we got home.  Oh yeah, there were "Sunday" shoes that were kept for special occasions.  We were taught that everything we have comes from God and we presented our best in front of the alter at church to acknowledge His generosity and show our gratitude.  That's not a bad rule to follow.

Don't think I am making a judgement on anyone.  I can accept you however you dress, smoke, tattoo, pierce, cuss or what color your hair is.  It's the way the world sees us as Ambassadors of Heaven, Children of God, Followers of Jesus, Heirs with Christ that is important.  The Bible calls us believers.  This world judges a book by it's cover.  People will not listen or learn from you if you appear to be on the same level.  Who do you think better of?: a well groomed man in a clean shirt and shined shoes or a guy with blue hair, dirty T-shirt and torn jeans.  Be  honest.

Smile!  Too many Christians believe they must be somber and serious all the time.  Jesus smiled, even laughed, enjoyed good food and had lots of friends.  We have the blessings of heaven.  We are saved, chosen, called, special, children of God Himself.  We have read to the end of The Book and know the outcome.  Hallelujah !

Time is short and the universal rule of evens is still in place:  For every dark, there is a light; for sour, there is sweet; for up, there is down; for in, there is out; and . . . . you get the idea.  The darker this world gets, the more Christians will shine.  Join the light. 


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