Thursday, June 13, 2019

God Speaks To Us

Sitting in a mid week church service,  the speaker was talking about how to distinguish and hear the voice of God.  

At one point, he stated, "If anyone in here has heard His voice audibly, I want to know about it."  It sounded like a smug dare.  As if he were saying that no has heard the voice of God.  He, himself is giving a message about how to hear God and saying, in the same breath, he doesn't believe it happens.

I have heard the voice of God.  I know it.  I knew it was God at the time.  No question.  No hesitation.   "My sheep hear my voice"  Jn 10:27
When I related my story to a Bible study group, a friend asked, "Why does God talk to you and not to me?".  My answer, "Are you listening?"

The issue is not whether or not God speaks to us but rather, do we hear Him.  I do not remember a time in my life when I did not talk to God.  I have not thought much about it.  He is God and I am little ol' me.  Of course, I understand He hears me and does or does not act upon my conversation; His choice.  He is God and I am little ol' me.  He did choose, one time, to speak to me.

Let me relate my story so you may better understand my point:

It had been pointed out to me that 10 Native American families, living in a state of poverty, would be without Christmas gifts and meals for their children.  In this Native community that is an average of about 50 children - all without food and gifts at the most celebrated holiday in Christianity.  

During evening prayer, I related the issue to my Heavenly Father and asked Him to help.  I went to sleep with little further thought.  Around 2:00 in the morning, there was a physical tap on my shoulder and an audible voice within me saying, "Do something".  I immediately knew who was talking and what He was talking about.  Right now, I cannot believe how I did not question who or what, as I woke from a sound sleep.  There was no time to think about it, I just knew; even though, I had never heard an audible voice before and, I was around 63 years of age.

However, I did argue with Him.  Here again, I cannot believe myself and the boldness I had to argue with almighty God Himself.  "How can I help 50 Indian children?"  The voice spoke again, "Do something".  Again, without question of who or what,  I continued, "My husband and I are not rich.  We cannot provide Christmas for these children along with the traditional  meal".  "Do something"  "I can't.  I don't know where to start."  "Do something"  "What can I do?"  

After a few minutes of this, the voice said, "I will help you".  That was it!  He was done speaking and I was done arguing.  He offered to help and I  believed Him.  I went back to sleep.

To shorten what could be a long story, by the end of the next day, I had the traditional meal and gifts for all 50 children.  It did not cost me or my husband a single cent.  Everything was donated by a total stranger and my Bible study group.  And. . . I did not even have to ask them to do it.

Had I not listened to the voice of God, and recognized it, this story could not be told.

I wonder how many times in my life, He might have spoken to me in other ways and I did not hear or recognize His voice.  He does not always speak so boldly to people.  Many times, He gives us answers or comments through other people, media, His written word or a feeling that stirs and grows inside prodding us to action.  He knows I am stubborn and not good at subtleties.  So I figure He had to be bold enough that night, to get my attention.

My point:  God speaks to each of His children; any believer.  We have to be ready to hear and know Him well enough to recognize His voice over the enemy.
Over the years, I have experienced His answers to prayers in subtle ways.  He has not spoken to me, audibly,  since that night but I am more aware of how He can and does communicate.

This amazing God of ours is with any believer, waiting for you to just listen to what He has to say.  Start the conversation, expect an answer and see how He will communicate with you.

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