Friday, July 14, 2023

The Disobedience of Moses

Do you remember Moses disobeying the Lord out of anger and striking the rock when he was told to speak to it - ? This was discussed in class yesterday and there were many insights:
> "Kadesh" translates from Hebrew into "Sacred" in English. This took place in a sacred place.
> The people were blaming Moses for bringing them into the wilderness. They had forgotten about the Lord and all the miracles He had done to save them from slavery, early death, torture and long hours of work in desert sun.
> They forgot the Lord parting the Red Sea, providing shade during the day, heat at night, the food of angels to eat, clothes that did not wear out and more.
> As always, the Lord was merciful about the complaining of His people and told Moses what to do to give them water. Speak to "THE Rock" in this sacred place.
> Moses could not control his anger toward the people enough to obey the Lord who told him to SPEAK to the rock. His anger is evident in verse 20:10 of Numbers when he calls the people "rebels".
> In Ex. 17, a similar situation occurred. That is when Moses was told to STRIKE the rock and he obeyed.
> Here, he is told to SPEAK through faith in the Lord as opposed to DOING something; just as we are to work through faith in Jesus rather than by our own works/actions.
> Nu. 20:12 notes that Moses did not trust enough to honor the Lord as holy to the Israelites, God's chosen people. The LORD, being Jesus pre-incarnate, was not being honored in the eyes of His People; the rebellious people He will lay down His life for.
** Let's look at this on a deeper level: Jesus is our ROCK (the foundation of the church; the corner STONE), the Holy Spirit is frequently referenced with water.
> In Ex. 17 Moses STRUCK the rock ONE time - just as Jesus has been struck down ONCE and water poured forth, as the Holy Spirit was given on the Day of Pentacost, documented in the book of Acts.
> Here in Numbers 20, Moses is told to SPEAK to this rock as we are to converse in prayer with our Lord Jesus who works through the pouring out of the Holy Spirit (water) upon us to work in and through us on the Lord's behalf.
> When Moses disobeyed and STRUCK the rock the situation is as though Jesus were struck down more than once. NOT SO! He was struck down once as our sacrifice and will not be struck down again! He is returning as the defeating warrior King! Not only was this disobedience, but a great lack of respect for all Jesus will do.
** I put to you that Moses was aware of the pre-incarnate Savior and God's eternal plan of salvation. (This revelation for another time.)

> Moses actually HIT the rock TWICE, out of uncontrolled anger, symbolizing Jesus struck down three times.
> This was insult on two levels: disobedience to the Lord and a lie about our Savior, Jesus, our Rock.
> This was such a rebellious act that it kept Moses from entering the Promised Land after a lifetime of serving the Lord.
** Will any of us be kept from Paradise because we slander the sacrifice of Jesus by our daily actions - our obedience? Do we know what it is to be obedient? How do we find out what it is to be obedient to God's word?
> We should never underestimate the gratitude of God for the unwavering sacrifice of His Son to save us, His family.


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