Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Crown of Thorns

Exodus 12 speaks of Passover. Among Jewish peoples Passover is considered the New Year for Kings. This is when kings were crowned.

In 1Kings 6:1 we learn Solomon began to build the Temple in the second month, Ziv, of his reign of four years. We can calculate that Solomon was crowned in the first month of the Hebrew calendar, Nisan.  Nisan is the month of Passover, the month of Redemption, the month of Salvation, the month of the Crucifixion and the month of the crowning of the Kings of Israel. 

Jesus came by the words of John the Baptist (the prophesied Ezekiel) who alerted people about the PRESENCE of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus was not publicly crowned, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is AT HAND!”, Mt. 3:2.
Jesus came to prove His right to His thrown on this earth by sacrificing Himself for His bride, the church (all believing Jews and Gentiles). He will return to claim both, soon.  Coming to prove Himself for His kingdom as the God-man, He would not leave unless crowned as King.  Therefore, He was crowned!

Judges 8:26 tells us that the kings of Midian wore purple robes; a royal color. AND, the color of cloth God instructed to cover the altar in the ‘Holy of Holies’, in the Tent of Meeting was to be purple, Nu. 4:13. The crucifixion was where God received the most important offering ever sacrificed.

The ignorant Roman soldiers did not understand their crowning was a REAL crowning, performed according to the ancient traditions of Israel.  They crowned Jesus on the day of the day of the crowning of Kings of Israel, with crown and purple robe.  God used these ignorant Roman soldiers to crown Jesus, the King Messiah - at the exact time appointed by Him for this purpose.

Note: The curse of the earth, “ cursed is the ground for your sake; . . . Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to you . . ,” Gen. 3:17 & 18.  The thorns in Jesus crown also removed the curse from off the earth.

Never doubt God is in control for the best possible outcome of any situation. Praise God and thank you, Jesus.

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