Monday, March 16, 2020

What's In a Name?

Good morning!
It's is a beautiful day to be a light in a dark world.  This will be a very bright year for believers.  More and more people are seeking me out for prayer, communion and anointing.  All to the glory of God.

I really enjoy the study of names in the Bible, through the Hebrew language.  It is a rich language with lots of nuances and details that only enrich the meanings.  This, in turn, deepens my faith and allows me more shalom peace.  (Shalom: complete spiritual peace.)

Just the other day, as I was going through the definition of a few names, I explored the name "Eve".  I have always heard this name meant "life".  As usual, this is a simplification of a deeper and richer meaning.  First of all, "Eve" is not a proper name. 

I'm glad you asked:  To be exact, "Eve" translates, "Mother of ALL Life".  This brings up an immediate question.  Since Eve was created after animals, vegetation and Adam, how can she be the mother of ALL life? 

She was the first mother - of Cain and Abel.  However, the translation is not "first mother", it is "all life".  Through the richness of this amazing language (Hebrew) we find out that the word "all", in this case, refers to organisms.  Our body is made up of organs, made up of one cell organisms.  Eve is the mother of all life down to one cell organisms.  Really, kinda beautiful when you think about it.

Let's explain a little further.  (I want to be rational, practical and responsible of giving the correct translation.)  I want you to understand in order to see the beauty in this.  As stated above, Adam and all life came before Eve.  BUT . . . she was the first woman; women bear children/ give life.  See?  Only women can be called "mothers". 

Thus, Eve is the mother of all life, down to the single cell organism.  This gives us understanding on another level.

It turns out that "Adam" is over simplification.  "Adam" does not merely mean "man".  Adam translates, Human created from the earth to live on the earth for ever.

Thanks be to God, the Father, for all wisdom and understanding.

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Book "Evidence of God" available on Amazon

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